The US media host Glenn Beck drew attention to the song on his Fox show, describing it as “evil” and “pure propaganda”. Referring to the song’s lyrics, he said: “Before you know it, ‘Israeli occupation’ will be standard fare. Everyone will just see it as they’re just occupying that land. That is a lie.”

Judge for yourself after you watch the song at the end of this post…
Palestine campaign song generates controversy ahead of release
By Harriet Sherwood

A campaign song, to be released early next month, called Freedom For Palestine, is already kicking up a row.

It’s a compilation number, along the lines of Feed The World or Free Nelson Mandela, and its artists include Dave Randall of Faithless, Maxi Jazz and the Durban Gospel Choir. Images from the West Bank and Gaza, along with the separation barrier, are featured in the video.

Its lyrics refer to catastrophes, refugees, crimes against humanity, prison camps, occupation, human rights and justice. “We are the people and this is our time, stand up, sing out for Palestine,” goes the refrain.

Coldplay initially linked to the video from the band’s Facebook page, prompting around 7,000 responses, both for and against. Earlier this week, the band removed the link (see update below).

The US media host Glenn Beck drew attention to the song on his Fox show, describing it as “evil” and “pure propaganda”. Referring to the song’s lyrics, he said: “Before you know it, ‘Israeli occupation’ will be standard fare. Everyone will just see it as they’re just occupying that land. That is a lie.”

If the song makes it into the UK charts, it is likely to cause a dilemma for the BBC. The corporation ran into controversy last month for masking out the words “free Palestine” from a number recorded by Mic Righteous. It did it in order “to ensure impartiality was maintained”, it said. On another recent occasion, the word “Palestine” was excised from a BBC script.

I have no idea whether this campaign song will sink or soar. But the controversy building around it even before release is an indication of what could be yet to come.


Written FOR


1.42pm update: I’ve just had an email from Frank Barat at OneWorld who tells me: “Coldplay did not remove link from its Facebook page. Facebook removed the link because thousands of people (and computer generated posts) reported it as abusive.”


  1. Derek said,

    June 12, 2011 at 13:17

    OMG he looks evil and is definitely a liar. Hypocrite much. Good song have pre-ordered it!

  2. Redpossum said,

    June 12, 2011 at 17:07

    The idea is wonderful, and I support it 100%. By all means, let more of this sort of thing be done.

    But on a purely musical level, (and I’M SORRY, OKAY?), but this is painfully bad. I shut it down at the 0:36 mark because I just couldn’t stand any more.

    Given all of the huge musical talent available in the Middle East, and the rest of the Muslim world, why on earth is this the best we can do?

    Politically, on a propaganda level, yes yes yes, go go go, more more more!

    But Musically, oh GOD, my poor EARS!

  3. Tom Dee said,

    June 12, 2011 at 18:46

    Beck is an idiot. I was impressed how he could produce real tears on demand. That is very difficult for real actors much less a snake oil saleman like beck. No wonder these moron settlers can act the way they do knowing the liars like Beck will claim it is all about destroying Israel. Mr. Beck is is all about the lack of a Palestine state and Israel is a major military force which could take on the USA and probably pulled to a draw. There is no effect to actually destroy Israel even among those that hate Israel. I can see why beck has been kicked off most shows because he clearly is a clown with no real reason for his tears. He is a monkey on a string but instead of collecting silver coins is shames people into buying his over priced coins.

  4. gnuyocir said,

    June 12, 2011 at 19:48

    GB you are a Douche-bag Milkshake, and I am being VERY kind in that statement, wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings and see him cry!

  5. maasanova said,

    June 12, 2011 at 21:55

    Glenn Beck is America’s Voice of Israel. Is he an Israeli citizen by any chance?

  6. Harry said,

    June 12, 2011 at 22:31

    Is Glenn Beck from planet Earth, or, better yet, is he the product of a genetic modification experiment gone wrong?

  7. Titus Sviatoslav said,

    June 12, 2011 at 23:25

    Glen Beck is now in major Xian-zionist suck-up mode, after the zio-bankers spanked him for interviewing G. Edward Griffin on his now canceled TV show.

    Glenn needs to do some extra toe licking to show he’s a loyal shabbos goy!

  8. gnuyocir said,

    June 13, 2011 at 00:17

    Oh and BTW, I personally liked the song, and I don’t usually like that type of music, I’m a Zeppelin, Sabbath, Floyd kinda guy. 😀

  9. zeez said,

    June 13, 2011 at 03:03

    At the end, he spoke about acting as a ‘shield’ to protect israel. Hopefully this means he is offering himself to be used by the israeli oppressor force (aka: IDF) as a human shield substitute for the Palestinian children used commonly by IDF cowards as they invade Palestinian towns.

  10. June 13, 2011 at 04:54

    He sucks. May he perish/

  11. Carol Rae Bradford said,

    June 13, 2011 at 11:31

    It’s Fox News, and should they smarten up and oust Beck, they’ll only get another Fox to kill us chickens!!

  12. Ann McCoy said,

    June 13, 2011 at 14:29

    FACEBOOK fans saying it was abusive???? Do you mean the thousands of Israeli internet stooges in rooms trying to fill the blogs and comment sections in Israel’s favor. Do you mean the Israeli crew trying to rewrite Wikipedia?

    Get real. The world is waking up to the plight of the Palestinians. Israel can not buy favor forever, besides they will all have to grab that second passport when Palestinians return to their own land.

  13. June 15, 2011 at 02:37

    Beck is doing what he is paid to do…. with a paycheck that many of us will likely never make in a lifetime. I pity this man but I fully denounce his hypocrisy and bigotry.
    FYI, Mr. Beck… I highly doubt the Israeli lobby has any problems with people “standing up” for them, including the poor deluded souls who actually believe that one race (even though Jews are not a “race”) is superior to all others and are “enticed” to send millions of dollars annually to a country which is quite wealthy to begin with, thanks in part to the generous taxpayers in the US..
    On a positive note, it brought a tear to my eye to hear that this song’s composure was done in conjunction with churches. That is VERY positive!
    It may seem bleak and dark and the atrocities only continue to mount but I really believe we are in the early stages of something quite incredible – and I definitely will be adding my energy, efforts and prayers to that.
    Thanks for keeping us informed dp. Hope all is well with you, my friend.