The very foundations of zionism are being challenged this week by International Solidarity Activists attempting to break the siege on Gaza. Israel is desperately responding on many fronts, apparently in an attempt to avoid another incident of piracy at sea, by stopping the boats before they set sail.
Threats of imprisonment, deportations, of confiscation of equipment haven’t seemed to work, so sabotaging the boats is the latest tactic. As of this writing, two boats have been damaged, one earlier in the week, another last night. Both incidents received worldwide press coverage, but Israel presses ahead with their reign of terror hoping to show the world that the activists are the threat, not them.
To date, the Irish government is the only European Union member state to back the Flotilla, all other nations seem to care little about the lives of their citizens being put to risk by the Israelis.
Derry Friends of Palestine posted the following in regard to last night’s incident;

Terrorists Attack Irish Boat

Clr Gerry MacLochlainn, John Mallon and Charlie McMenamin sailing on the MV Saoirse just minutes before deadly sabotage was discovered. Photo by Phil McCullough

On Monday the ships 3 crew members along with Clr Gerry MacLochlainn, Charlie McMenamin (both from Derry) with John Mallon and Phil McCullough (both from Belfast) set sail on the MV Saoirse for re-fueling.

On the way back from the re-fueling location the ship’s engineer Pat Fitzgerald noticed that something was very wrong with the boat. Upon returning to the dock the first inspections began, it was then we realised that sabotage had been done to Ireland’s boat.

Pat and the crew then hired experts to dive down and inspect the damage closer, upon their return to land it was noted that the boat has very serious damage done and that a piece was missing from one of the propeller shafts. The boat was then removed from the water and inspected on dry land (videos below) where the deep cuts inflicted onto the propeller shaft could be clearly seen and photos taken for evidence, the shaft was also very bent. These things together create a very dangerous life threatening situation for those who had just been sailing on the ship. The sabotage was intended to endanger and/or inflict injury or death on Irish citizens as the went abou their lawful right to sail on the high seas.

Clearly terrorists divers had come up under the boat and intentionally cut out pieces of the propeller shaft, thus weakening it so that it would shear off and sink the boat or kill people onboard. As the boat’s engine placed stress on the shaft it would have given way and the propeller would have come up through the bottom of the boat, causing flooding in the engine room and the boat to sink. Moreover, any Irish passengers standing nearby when the propeller came through the deck could have been killed immediately, or seriously injured.

The passengers form Derry and Belfast who were onboard the ship travelling to the re-fueling point were a bit un-nerved when told the possibilities of what could have happened on that short journey they had just returned from.

The terrorists have now struck twice, in two different countries! This same type of sabotage was done to another vessel in Greece only days ago. We have the videos below of both the ship in Greece and the Irish Ship which was located in Turkey. Followed by a short video of Pat Fitzgerald the ship’s engineer after inspecting some of the damage.

This was a vicious attack on Irish property by terrorists against a boat flying the Irish flag. The ship is so damaged it will now be unable to take part in the Flotilla. However arrangements are being made to find seats on other ships for as many Irish passengers as possible including members of Derry Friends of Palestine. We will continue to keep you updated on this website regarding the Irish passengers who will be travelling now on other ships.








Ships engineer Pat Fitzgerald inspects the damage, note that the damage was meant to sink the boat and would have cost Irish lives



With all of the above goings on, the US State Department had nothing better to do than issue  THIS travel warning…
THIS link will take you to the many press releases published by the US Boat To Gaza
The attempt to ‘Con The World’ (see supposedly removed video HERE) as Israel did a year ago is not working … the Flotilla WILL leave this week for Gaza. The eyes of the world are on those boats this time, Israel is very well aware of that fact. Not only will the siege eventually be broken, but International waters will once again become exactly that, NOT ISRAELI WATERS. Again, stressing the fact that the very foundations of zionism are being threatened this week.
Gideon Levy has a brilliant post in today’s HaAretz;

Israel has become a society of force and violence

What will Israelis think about when they are spoon-fed scary stories about the flotilla, if not about the use of force? Those activists want to kill IDF soldiers? We’ll arise and kill them first.

It’s definitely worth reading and can be found HERE.
Even the zionist press, which usually ignores such incidents, is giving coverage to the latest acts of Israeli terrorism….
From the Jerusalem Post

‘Damaged ship won’t join flotilla after sabotage’


From Ynet

Flotilla activist: Israel wanted Irish ship to sink at sea


From The Jewish Chronicle

Irish flotilla activists accuse Israel of sabotage


  1. nostraden said,

    June 30, 2011 at 11:58

    They think they own the WHOLE WORLD…They don’t own SH-T

  2. thecook said,

    June 30, 2011 at 23:22

    just for a change israel is making a huge fool of itself on this.these attacks are being done to soveriegn nations,do we assume these are acts of war? i know i would.israel needs to realise the world is watching this time and who else has a motive for these attacks but israel.they think the whole world is stupid,the only people who believe these cowards are certain governments.at the end of the day,the emperor has no clothes.