Death to Arabs scrawled on headstones
Racism in Israel has hit a new low over the weekend as Muslim and Christian graves were desecrated in cemeteries in the Tel Aviv vicinity. During the Ten Days of Awe when Jews should be repenting, this is what we get instead….
Jaffa: Arab cemeteries vandalized 

‘Price tag operation’ in heart of Israel? Tombstones shattered in Jaffa cemeteries belonging to Muslims, Christians; hateful messages sprayed on graves. Police investigating, Arabs plan protest


Some 25 tombstones were vandalized at two Jaffa cemeteries belonging to Muslims and Christians. The messages “Death to Arabs” and “Price tag” were spray painted on the graves.



Police forces arrived at the site and launched an investigation into the incident, but no suspects had been arrested for the time being.


The acts of vandalism were discovered over the weekend; it is not clear when the tombstones were defaced. Local residents were furious and said there is a direct link between the incident and the recent torching of a mosque in northern Israel.



At least 22 tombstones were shattered or spray painted at the Muslim cemetery and another four were damaged at the Christian cemetery. Hundreds of Jaffa residents who arrived at the site expressed their anger over the police’s helplessness.


Full report can be read HERE


  1. thecook said,

    October 9, 2011 at 03:30

    it is a disgrace to see this kind of sick mind,what bothers me more is the fact that if the muslims or christians done the same thing the worlds msm would be all over it.these people along with the msm need to be bought into line palistine.

  2. Big Fish said,

    October 9, 2011 at 03:37

    Yep, the new nazis.

  3. Geltmeister said,

    October 9, 2011 at 07:49

    Isn’t it weird how we are supposed to believe that Jewish graves are regularly desecrated with swastikas in the West, and yet in Israel we see Jews doing the exact same thing to graves.

    Isn’t it weird how Israel invented the car-bomb and now every car-bomb that explodes in the world is a Moslem terrorist bomb.

    Isn’t it weird that Jews claim to be the victims of ethnic cleansing when all we see is them imprisoning and torturing Palestinians so they can steal their land.

    Are the Israelis the biggest hypocrites on the planet or just plain old fashioned liars?

  4. Anthony smallman said,

    October 9, 2011 at 10:06

    Shocking and truly sick but what els e can you expect from uneducated land grabbing thieves long live the Palestine nation