There are scores of sites on the Web that ‘police’ pro Palestinian Blogs and periodicals searching desperately for any criticism or condemnations of zionism. Instead of looking into the matters at hand, they merely label all such sites as anti-Semitic. If they were truly interested in the survival of Israel they would do their utmost to correct the wrongs that are taking place there.
But no, it’s much easier to condemn
Three score and five years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. That was just the beginning of the myth of the century. This has definitely NOT been the case. It has NOT been dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, not even if they are Jews. It has survived all these years by perpetuating the myth that this is a land given by a higher Body to the ‘Chosen People’. For all those years it has collected a whole deck of victim cards that it pulls out one by one to garner world sympathy and yet more support.
That has been the answer to the criticisms and condemnations of the evils taking place.
Today we see a situation of the ‘reawakening’ of the so-called Peace Process, brought to light with the help of the US State Department. A ‘reawakening’ that could be the end of the Palestinian nightmare. But NO ….. that would create even more problems for Israel. Peace could mean the end of the 30 Billion Dollar a year handout from US Taxpayers’ pockets. Israel finds itself today with a threat more deadly than war itself, PEACE.
So what to do?
Sabotage the process before it even starts.
Build more settlements.
Expand the existing ones.
Arrest more innocent Palestinian children.
ANYTHING to maintain the status quo.
And, if what I say is construed as anti-Semitism by zion, SO BE IT!


  1. August 12, 2013 at 10:22

    […] * There are scores of sites on the Web that 'police' pro Palestinian Blogs and periodicals searching desperately for any criticism or condemnations of zionism. Instead of looking into the matters a…  […]

  2. cuthulan said,

    August 12, 2013 at 11:00

    Zionism is just modern Nazism.
    Chosen Ones of god ,aka,a divine master race
    Apparently they need living space

    A Conversation With A Zionist

    Zionism is ideological nonsense built on myths ,just like Nazi ideology

    Zionism modern Nazism

    Israel the Fourth Reich

    Alan Hart wrote a good article on Zionisms propaganda success
    The real root of this problem is
    ABRAHAMIC MONOTHEISM(Judaism ,Christianity and Islam)
    its just original fascism , one god ,one empire ,one emperor
    Re-written paganism for the purpose of controlling hearts and minds.
    It was imposed by the sword and is still working its evil magic today.
    It is ALL easily provable nonsense ,using DNA ,archeology and first hand accounts , all things that would damn you in a court of law ,even if you denied the charges!!
    Abrahamic Monotheism Part 1 – The Invention of Judaism

    The Invention of Judaism

    Abrahamic Monotheism Part 2 – The Invention of Christianity

    The Invention of Christianity

    Abrahamic Monotheism Part 3 – The Invention of Islam

    The Invention of Islam

    While people cling to this nonsense ,they believe absurdaties and then commit atrocities and blame some imagined sky god that hates all the same people they do!!
    if we can forget about the ancient primitive barbaric sky gods that do real estate deals and collect foreskins ,we can forget about Israel and zionism.
    We can forget about the END OF DAYS
    We can also forget about Islamic terrorism and Vatican paedophlie rings.
    There is a big difference between knealing down and bending over!

  3. hp said,

    August 12, 2013 at 18:11

    They aren’t really afraid of truth, they are completely unfamiliar with truth.

    Their collective psychosis has matured into, well, THEM.

    (it ain’t a lie if you believe it)

  4. mikael said,

    August 12, 2013 at 20:17

    Splendid isolation.

    Do you realy understand this, not to the article I fully agree, truth is the ultimate enemy of Zionism.

    I judge you by the way you treat your wife.
    The way you treat your children.
    You animals, witch I have great symapthy with.
    In the maners of the way your treat you property.
    The way you handle and maintain You self.’
    Do you have the self awearnes to be selfconfident and enegetic.

    Are you posetiv to life and its opertuneties, or downfalls, I have had everything and lost it, and now back on track, but muuuutch wiser.
    I hope.

    Where in this long list of perseptions and influx from an different person you meet, is the mention of spesific about Religion.
    Or Race, Collor or Cred.
    I never ask about that, or demand this from anyone, I am happy to conversate, I love that, but to impose anything, anything at others, is below me, and I dont even think is this pattern or have any kind of intress in converting anyone.
    Ask for adwice And I will happily aply, but stresses as always, the respouncebilitys WE have over our OWN lifes.
    Never forgett that.
    Love life and life will loves you back.
    Thats it, whats the f…. problem.


  5. Kit Holz said,

    August 12, 2013 at 22:47

    Truth are facts and the facts speak out against the Zionist/J*ws.

    Murder, fraud, theft, ambush, torture…

  6. August 13, 2013 at 01:00


  7. August 13, 2013 at 23:15


  8. annebeck58 said,

    August 14, 2013 at 06:32

    I think the land-thieves are terrified of losing their stolen land, as well as theyr flabby behinds, were the world to know what they are all about: CRIME.
    If they were not constantly thinking about how to get one over on the next guy (even the next Jew), they could spend that time and energy for good.

    But, of course, they would never do that!

  9. August 14, 2013 at 08:56

    […] The following report from HaAretz could be considered Part 2 of my post from yesterday … * The PMO is looking to invest close to NIS 3 million to recruit, organize and fund the […]

  10. August 14, 2013 at 13:58

    […] following report from HaAretz could be considered Part 2 of my post from yesterday … * The PMO is looking to invest close to NIS 3 million to recruit, organize and fund the […]