By Abu al-Sous (Salah Mansour)
Chicago – USA

General view of al-Maliha (Jerusalem) taken soon after Nakba, and in the foreground Israeli Jews looting Palestinian properties.

While living my childhood in occupied Palestine, I witnessed unexplainable negative emotions (often in the forms hatred and anger) from Israelis, many of whom were young soldiers humiliating Palestinians daily whenever they can. I always knew there is more to it than just the normal hatred or anger between enemies. However, I could not understand what’s the source of this abnormal hatred and anger? Frankly, I thought that we Palestinians should be angrier, not the Israelis, after all Israelis are the ones who dispossessed and thrown us out of our homeland; not the other way around. Years passed, I immigrated to the United States, and I was in touch with more Zionists (Jews and non-Jews alike). Overtime, I developed a theory for this unprecedented negative emotions, which I like to share with you in this small article.

Briefly, I believe the source of this negative emotions is deeply irrational, and its core is very emotional. The more I researched the Zionists movement (especially from its founders), the more I found that the vast majority of Jews (especially before WWII) were not Zionists and many thought it will be dangerous to Jews, which explains why over 99% of the emigrating European Jews preferred America over the “Jewish state” to be in British occupied Palestine! However, the Holocaust was a deeply traumatic experience which shocked the Western Jews who survived the genocide. As a result, the extreme and the fringe in Jewish politics became the mainstream, and the “Never Again” slogan was born. For the average Westerner, this slogan may not sound harsh; after all European Jews suffered European anti-Semitism for centuries. On the other hand, to us, the Palestinian people, this slogan implies “Never Again” regardless of the price; “Never Again” even if others become the victim, “Never Again” period.

This slogan carries behind it deep negative emotions, which is rarely analyzed or debated; it is a taboo to discuss. Many Western Jews felt betrayed by their respective nations who persecuted them for centuries, and many of these nations openly collaborated with Nazi Germany, who often handed their Jewish citizens to the SS. This was deeply a traumatic and a very humiliating experience not only to European Jews, but also to the European nations (no exception) who witnessed the genocide and at minimum turned their heads the other way. Those who survived the Holocaust found in the Zionist ideology their salvation. Zionism gave them the feeling of empowerment where Jews and Jews alone (no gentile or Goyim) must be the masters of their own future, and they promised themselves never to be the victim again. Consequently, I believe this is the moment when the Spartan Jew was born and the “Never Again” slogan became its moral facade.

When Israelis strikes at Palestinians; they are not only sending messages to Palestinians, they are not only retaliating against Palestinian violence, they’re also sending messages to their deprived self-esteem (for lack of a better term) and to the rest of the world that the Jew will not be the victim again. From my experience, rarely you rationally can discuss the conflict with neither a Jew nor a Westerner without the memories of the Holocaust being so close behind; I always felt those memories even when not a word of the Holocaust was mentioned; simply it is there, simply it cannot be discussed. That is the primary reason why discussing this conflict with many Jews and Westerners is very frustrating; you want to discuss the real issues (dispossession, ethnic cleansing, & colonization), but you can’t. Sadly, the emotional barriers are so great to overcome, especially when those emotional barriers cannot be discussed. Often in such discussions, the Palestinian is painted as the anti-Semitic, and Palestinian resistance to Israeli war crimes becomes “terrorism“. Sometimes I wonder why the West is scared of confronting this emotional barrier? Could it because this barrier masks the way Westerners treated their Jewish citizens for centuries? Could it be that discussing this particular problem will open a Pandora’s Box? I don’t know if I am right or wrong, however, I am certain that this emotional barrier should be studied further; I believe this taboo contains few of the important keys that are essential to resolving this conflict.

This analysis explains why often many Israelis believe that: Arabs understand only the Language of Force; as if the Language of Force knows how to discriminate between an Arab and a non-Arab! This racist and derogatory slogan (often repeated openly by Israeli leaders) gives the Spartan Jew the moral green light to respond as he wishes to Palestinian violence, and as a result also he compensates for his deprived self-esteem. In that respect, the Spartan Jew sees no Palestinian resistance to Israeli war crimes, he sees only Palestinian “terrorism“!

Newly arrived Bulgarian Jewish colonizers living the in recently ethnically cleansed Palestinian village of al-Bassa (1950), click here to find more how the indigenous population left their homes.

Some of you may say: Palestinians also carry negative emotions (hatred and anger as well), however, in my opinion the source of these emotions isn’t the same; the source in the case of Palestinians is more rational than emotional. Palestinians have been dispossessed and ethnically cleansed of their homes, farms, and businesses so they make way for the persecuted European Jews, and now they see alien colonizers living in their looted homes, and tilting their fields which they’ve farmed for generations. From my experience, this is a deeply emotional and a very humiliating experience as well. It should be noted that Palestinians directly deal with this traumatic event by directly confronting their oppressor, and they clinch to whatever is unique in their national identity (i.e. art, food, literature, folklore, customs, dresses, history, …etc.).

Sadly, it scares me to think that we Palestinians started to look also for the Spartan amongst us; I seriously hope not. The Spartan Jews is no example. In my humble opinion, every victims has the right to defend his family and home by all possible means; this is a God given right which I extend even to the Israelis who deprived us from our homeland. However, the victimhood gives no moral grounds to become a Spartan; gives no moral ground to dehumanize the other! Once you become a Spartan, you will always live by the sword, and sadly the sword becomes the preferred communication tool.

Finally, I wish to tell every Westerner and a Jew reading this article how this conflict has little to do with religious differences; this conflict would have been the same even if other Arabs dispossessed Palestinians. We Palestinians don’t wish to become anybody’s psychological experiment; we don’t want to become a make me feel good pill, we don’t wish to become anybody’s punching bag. We Palestinians don’t wish to become anybody’s messiah, and definitely we don’t wish to be crossed for somebody else’s sins. Sincerely, I wish Palestine was a commodity that can be bought and sold; I would have sold it. I could be one of the few Palestinians who actually empathizes with Jewish suffering, however, my homeland is so dear to give, no human can do that! For us Palestinians, Palestine is not only our homeland, Palestine is our identity; Palestine is the intoxication of our memories; Palestine is the Jewel of all Jewels. My homeland, Palestine, isn’t for sale.


  1. Fiona said,

    December 31, 2008 at 16:27

    I’ve found that most Westerners, including my friends, just don’t want to know these stories. I assume this is because the West would have to take a certain amount of responsibility for them.

  2. Azu said,

    December 31, 2008 at 16:57

    It may be true that when people react with anger and hatred it is impossible for them to see the other side of the coin. Behind the anger is hurt. It isn’t necessarily that the interpretation of a hurt is more than imagination but that it is felt is enough for the faux victim. That makes it so easy to hang on to the illusion and feel great about harming ones neighbor.

    There are few saints in the interpretation of offenses business. Mostly the “hurt” are screaming bloody murder (as if they are the victim) as they kick the stuffing out of their imagined enemy. The best is to stop ones complaint to find that one is not hurt at all and thus justice and peace can reign. Easy to say, easy to do and feels so much better than the horrible alternative. Once done you can no longer be the victim of the “never give a sucker an even break” crowd whose motto is “what never was shall never be”. Fortunately “Mule School” is just around the corner. The Higher Power, our Creator will deliver the blow to the forehead of the mule that will get his attention so that he can learn from Mule School. We all get to go to Mule School at one time or another. If we get there before we have done ourselves to spiritual death we can consider ourselves amongst the fortunate.

  3. pam said,

    December 31, 2008 at 17:00

    excellent article. We need armies of psychiatrists instead of soldiers

  4. siam165 said,

    December 31, 2008 at 17:00

    In Jerusalem
    (A poem of Firasah Love and call to ALL the righteous of the world, on behalf of ALL my brothers and sisters now dispossessed, dying, and suffering in Palestine; and on behalf of the memory and honor of the great heroic writer and academic who spent his life struggling for the Palestinian cause – Edward Said, Nov 1, 1935 – Sept 25, 2003)

    i will die in Jerusalem on a day,
    neither cold nor hot,
    a day told of, long, long ago,
    before the Ark of Noah, Alaihi-Salam,
    was built to float, and rest upon the top of Mount Judi
    the place of my birth is also the place of my death,
    the origin is always in the end; ask Jesus, Alaihi-Salam,
    or our Holy Prophet Muhammad, Sall’Allahu Alaihi was Salam,
    their lives can tell you more of this than i,
    but our ending is always in our beginning,
    and our beginning is always in our end;
    all things begin and all things must end – in Jerusalem.
    i will die in the streets of Jerusalem,
    on a day of joy amidst weeping,
    wailing, and great lamentation,
    an aftermath to mad, but loving,
    and yet, joyous, poetical prophesying,
    though IAM no Prophet Alaihi-Salam, just another poet,
    walking in the footsteps of the Prophets Alaihi-Salam,
    who all went completely mad on behalf of the establishment
    of righteousness in the midst of unrighteousness, and
    justice in the midst of injustice;
    you and my brothers will see –
    because this earth and all flesh shall see it together,
    yet, IAM but ONE of TWO,
    that shall dance their MAD dance in the streets of
    Jerusalem together,
    on behalf of the
    same ONENESS,
    the ONENESS
    of their brothers’ suffering,
    the ONENESS of their brothers’ needs –
    all my brothers in the great land of Palestine,
    all my brothers and sisters who are dying in the great land of Palestine,
    all my brothers who need me and you in the great land of Palestine,
    all my brothers and sisters waiting on you and me, in the great land of Palestine;
    my brothers near the Gaza Strip,
    my brothers in Shiloh, Suba, Kakun, Jafa, and Akka,
    my brothers who had thirty-two of their houses destroyed by bulldozers in the Rafa Refugee camp,
    my brothers who are forced to walk a thin green line that leads to extermination, nullification, and more death,
    all my brothers struggling to survive all over the Western Bank,
    all my brothers in Jericho and Bethlehem,
    all my brothers incarcerated in ghettos, jails, and prisons,
    all my brothers who are being tortured daily,
    my brothers who are being missiled in their sleep,
    my brothers who are being bombed in their awake,
    my brothers who are being machine-gunned down,
    my brothers who are being run out of town,
    all my brothers toward whom the Israelis act demon possessed – and do not care for or caress,
    all my brothers who one day have a place to live – and the next day are dispossessed,
    all my brothers who have lost their wives and their children,
    all my brothers who have lost their arms and their legs,
    my brothers who have been blinded,
    my brothers who have been castrated,
    my brothers who have been beheaded,
    my brothers who are flame torched and maimed,
    all my brothers who have been denied and disclaimed,
    all my brothers who have lost their homes and their beds,
    all my brothers who are beaten, shot in the back – in the head, and often left alone for dead,
    all my brothers who are being made to fear and quake – all because of an unjust Israeli State.
    my wondrous and marvelous friend –
    Reality Call from NEW Berlin writes to me and reveals,
    that you have been Gangrened of Jewish Settlements –
    the body of your nucleus cut off and discarded forever,
    entire families with the young, elderly, and invalid,
    literally burned and buried alive beneath the weight of overturned rubble
    in brick and mortar – crying, hurting, needing, bleeding, dying,
    an atrocity multiplied to the trillionth monstrosity,
    a scientific equation of devastation that even Albert Einstein
    or Dr. Frankenstein could not, and would not speculate to calculate,
    an existential hypothesis of Salvador Dalied proportional distortion,
    of politicalized exterminational surrealism in 3-D’d amplification application,
    of alien domination, an abomination of horrified occupation,
    where hundreds of your villages have been knocked completely off the face of the earth,
    to be replaced by a distorted Jewish face and race of immanent domain and foul disgrace,
    a policy of imperialistic expansion of manifest destiny without any right
    of justice or equality for Your People’s Spirit, wrapped in sacred fragility of flesh, bone, and blood,
    your dwellings taken away in a single day or blown away in a solitary night of catastrophic fright –
    cities like Nahlal arising in the place Mahlul,
    Kibbutz Gvat arising in the place Jibta,
    Kibbutz Sarid arising in the place of Huneifis,
    and Kefar Yehushu’a arising in the place of Tal al-Shuman

    nerve gas used on demonstrators in Gaza,
    and water poisoning of those at the siege of Acre.
    but it was you my brothers, who laid foundation, and built and beautified the original land;
    you are the heart and soul of the land and without you,
    the great land of Palestine has no heart and has no soul;
    because you are the salt of this land and you are it’s gold.

    Shamir, my beloved Ustad, teaches me,
    that in your veins run the blood of ancient Aegean warriors,
    and that it was you who fought bravely on the plains of Karameh,
    that you are the poetry of Mahmud Darwish, the wisdom of Edward Said,
    and my Ustad says, there would be no Bible if there were no you,
    no Star of Ghassul, or Castles of Monfort, and Belvoir too,
    no Mount Carmel Monastery, no churches of the Holy Sepulchre and Nativity,
    no temples of Jerusalem and Mount Gerizim by necessity,
    no harbors of Ceasarea Philippi, no Mosques of Haram As-Sharif,
    and no Judas to become the biblical thief,
    and no disciple of Jesus, Alaihi ‘Salam, to wash his feet.
    you are the perfection of Palestine’s wondrous Olive Oil,
    the first disciples who helped Jesus, Alaihi ‘Salam, deliver his sermon on the Mount,
    the great warriors, who defeated Napoleon Bonaparte,
    and without you, the palaces of Jericho and Samaria today would not be art.
    yes, it was you my brothers who built and beautified the land,
    and now the world must come to help you make and take a stand,
    an Intifada call, an Intifada wall of resistance, a greater Intifada resurrection,
    of persistence – merciful, peaceful, and sincere assistance on behalf of every Palestinian woman,
    boy, girl, and man – and we can, if we will but recognize as an entire WORLD view,
    what is right, what is tight, what is just, and what is true,
    but you can forget about the support of most evangelical Christians,
    because they act as though they’ve never heard of you, let alone – loving you?!
    mine is an end time, apocalyptic call – to brothers who love righteousness ALL –
    over Palestine, Africa, and Holy Mecca – in Medina, London, and France – in Belgium, in India, Canada,
    and in the Americas North and South;
    my Rastafarian brothers who love righteousness in The West Indies,
    my brothers who love righteousness in Saint Martin, Saint Croix, and Martinique,
    my brothers who love righteousness in Barbados and Spain,
    my brothers who love righteousness in Scotland, Great Britain, and the South of Wales,
    all my brothers who love righteousness in the North – in Russia, Poland, and Afghanistan,
    all my brothers who love righteousness in Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Turkey, and Karbala,
    all brothers who love righteousness in Sultan Bahu’s Pakistan,
    all my brothers who love righteousness in Saint Jilan’s once, emerald City of Baghdad,
    my brothers who love righteousness throughout the entire Sudan,
    my brothers who love righteousness in The South – called Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam,
    my brothers who love righteousness in communist China and Japan,
    my brothers who love righteousness in Saint Touba’s Holy land,
    all my brothers who love righteousness in The Gambia and in Senegal,
    all my brothers who love righteousness in Nigeria, and Shaka Zulu’s Swaziland,
    all my brothers who love righteousness in Switzerland and in the Mountains of Tibet,
    all my brothers who love righteousness here, throughout the rest of the EARTH, and
    my brothers throughout the world, who hate injustice and unrighteousness in the great land of Palestine,
    will all flank my perimeters,
    whose base is wide,
    whose height is infinite,
    whose CapStone is –
    but it will be too late,
    because no appointment or date,
    had been made or set,
    to say good-byes before i left.
    the station and estate will have changed by then,
    and i will be flying further east,
    apart from them, never, ever to return…
    but i was there when they most needed me,
    wrapped in purple, green, and gold mantles, of faith, and sincerity,
    and yet i dreamed of no foreboding Martyrdom,
    and i did not beat the drums of Lebanon,
    or drink water at Aynou Rahmati’s Well of Mercy,
    where Simba lives, and Mammadou gives, a children’s song unselfishly,
    where the Angel’s visit i did receive, in wonder, awe, and sanctity,
    or Saint Jilan adopting me as his beloved son out of graciousness and courtesy,
    or Saint Touba’s self made shoes, i did with haste and not misuse –
    hold, lick, and taste, in the Majestic House of Darr-ul-Quddus,
    or at Serigne Saliou’s feet, a gift to me – i did advance – the miraculous mystic alchemedic sub-stance,
    or smiled at, laughed with, and Ziarra’ed – by Serigne Afia when he called me M’Backe
    and made me benediction of Shaikh – i did but tremble, and should not break, or take –
    except to now dance, and romance, in exalted tranced ecstasy,
    on behalf of my brothers being set completely free,
    to return and rebuild their homes in Palestine finally,
    without bulldozers or armored tanks,
    or gun shots fired or heard ever again on the Western Bank.
    Yes, i will die in Jerusalem city,
    not unbecoming, but a becoming – willingly;
    on a street paved in pure gold,
    among the young, the destitute, and the old,
    who still have passion for ALLAH’s COME passion;
    who have been mercified by The Mercifier of ALL,
    i will die in the City of Jerusalem,
    pouring – THROWING! buckets of my brother’s blood, sweat, and tears,
    upon The Wailing Wall, standing and smiling in front of The Dome of The Rock,
    for the whole world will recognize IAM the ticking clock,
    with Nuclear Light Rays passing through and from me,
    bursting and spreading forth everywhere endlessly,
    leaving my image indelibly etched like a photo negative,
    my life image positively reversed,
    anthologized for all time,
    on the window pains of my Palestinian brother’s street vending shops,
    that had been bombed, toppled over, disarranged, and flattened to the ground,
    as well as on the widows of houses in Ramalah, Samaria, Qumran, Janin,
    and elsewhere, like, in the thought and hearts of men forever,
    throughout the Nations, and on TeleVision Stations,
    like CNN, NBC, ABC, and, Al-Jazeera,
    who witnessed by satellite coverage, my flash, and my dash,
    infinitely long, and secured by the promise of Him
    who made all mankind to be in love and free,
    without hate, without distasteful bitterness, of corrupted bile,
    of a River Nile, rapidly running through the veins of diseased hearts,
    it’s flowing waters turned red with the blood of death, hypocrisy, and destruction,
    because they would not conform, or reform,
    to the commands of the Divine decree – to see that all men be made free
    The Poet’s Holy Lamenting Cry!
    a litany of Holiness in demise of the unjust, the evil, and the unwise,
    a litany of Holiness in song and deliverance for those who cannot sing,
    a litany of Holiness in prayer only the wretched of the earth can know and bring
    a litany of Holiness against all that is unHoliness i bleed,
    a litany of Holiness for the Holy of Holiness that all mankind deeply doth need,
    a litany of Holiness the poet shouts to the Holy mountains, the Holy heavens, the Holy earth, and its Holy seas,
    a litany of Holiness resounding, abounding, astounding echo penetrating all Holy deaf ears,
    a litany of Holiness in grief to waves of spectromatic unbelief on behalf of a billion Holy weeping tears,
    a litany of Holiness for the praise of Holiness to come for a thousand Holy of Holy years
    Holy! Holy! Holy! against all that is unHoly!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! against the purity that is impurity and unHoly!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! against the denial of the Holy!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! for the yearning of the Holy!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! for the return of the Holy!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! for those who live to make unHoly clean and Holy!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! for those who die to bring presence of the Holy!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! for the unafraid to declare and become the just and the Holy!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! for all that is perfect and righteously everlastingly Holy!
    Holy! Holy! Holy! for to be all Men, Jinn, and Angels more Holy of – THE HOLY!
    Here in the Jerusalem, the City of Peace, i die;
    i die when the Sun is once again in Sagittarius,
    and the Moon is eclipsed in the sign of Pisces,
    while finding release, and relief, of affectatious reflections,
    in the eyes of my brothers souls,
    as theirs meet mine for comfort and consolation,
    thousands of them, now, waiting for relief, across the seas,
    to give me their Salams, and other greetings of Peace.
    Yes, i will gladly die in the City of Jerusalem,
    and because of King Solomon’s, Alaihi-Salam, rewarding Song of Songs,
    IAM the song of luminous martyred choirs singing on the Western Bank,
    a Holy, Sweet Honey In The Rock, Acapella of,
    God is not through with me yet!
    because all musical instruments have been destroyed and set on fire there,
    schools blown apart and pulverized into an
    aggravated and intensified Cloud of Unknowing there,
    and all school children’s books have been burned to a crisp there,
    on heaps, too steep to climb, to put out the flames there,
    and save them while they were still clasped tight in
    the little children’s hands there,
    before they cried, and died in pain there,
    children and adult teachers who had been raped there,
    and murdered on their land a million times by the millions there,
    where a zillion tears have been shed there,
    under a cloudy sky near Megiddo, or the city of Herodium, or Bethel, or Hebron,
    when a nightmare of hell broke loose upon my brothers,
    when i died in the Holy City of Jerusalem,
    my face turned toward,
    the Resplendent Light!

    An excerpt taken from Rain of Grace, New & Selected Poems by SIAM

  5. hANOVER fIST said,

    December 31, 2008 at 17:05

    Not bad…a very cogent analysis.

  6. December 31, 2008 at 20:39

    […] How The Spartan Jew Was Born December 31, 2008 Posted by verteta in Israel, PALESTINE. trackback Full Link : HERE […]

  7. Ray O Hobe said,

    December 31, 2008 at 21:23

    ” I witnessed unexplainable negative emotions (often in the forms hatred and anger) from Israelis, many of whom were young soldiers humiliating Palestinians daily whenever they can. I always knew there is more to it than just the normal hatred or anger between enemies. However, I could not understand what’s the source of this abnormal hatred and anger? Frankly, I thought that we Palestinians should be angrier, not the Israelis, after all Israelis are the ones who dispossessed and thrown us out of our homeland; not the other way around. ”

  8. michael mazur said,

    January 1, 2009 at 13:02

    Abu al-Sous (Salah Mansour) is really up the wrong tree here, but with a beautiful command of English.

    Dr Shlomo Sand, the Israeli historian, does say that the early Palestinians were the original Jews who converted to Islam at its advent, and David Ben-Gurion knew this but it didn’t stop him killing the descendants of the original Jews.

    Just think of it, how does one live down murdering the very people one is supposed to be, but is not, and of course cannot ever be ? Solution? Kill them all, and then you are them, which is what is going on in Gaza now.

    David Ben-Gurion and his crowd of Ashkenazi Jews never had genetic roots in the Holy Land and so they all know by now that they are indeed the usurpers of another people’s ancient identity and history, and using that assumed mantle to then murder them and to steal their land.

    The Ashkenazi may lie successfully to the world and to some Palestinians but he cannot deceive himself, and this is the root of the intense abnormal hatred and anger given explosive expression to in Gaza at this moment ! How can an impostor look daily into the eyes of the very subject of his maltreated impostature and not feel an undermining accusation steadily coming back at him ?

    The Ashkenazi Jew is seething with rage at being trapped in a identity which is false and is not of his own making but that of his forebears who constructed the fiction that they were the Jews of Old Testament times, and then be commanded to go and live in those places named in that Book is finally to have come home.

    But the problem of identity for the Ashkenazi Jew, long suppressed, then erupts with violence when having to displace the very people who are really the descendants of who he is supposed to be, but is not, and of course can never be.

    Had the Ashkenazi Jew settled someplace geographically not anywhere near Palestine he would not be in the conflicted state he is in because the locals there would not have been Jews in the distant past.

    And this is why, once the Zionist enterprise fails and Israel is no more, the Ashkenazi Jew will give up being that out of shame for what he has wrought on an innocent people, at which point the history of the Ashkenazi Jew from bygone Khazaria will have come to an end.

  9. Al said,

    January 1, 2009 at 16:16

    Sit down, and LIVE AND LET LIVE!

    Give a pbit of comma of land to the Jews. This has been the problems through that area, whether from the Arab Peninsula, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya

    None will give a piece of land to the Jews.

    Settle your problems, eh?

    A LAtina

  10. mankok said,

    January 1, 2009 at 17:01

    “And this is why, once the Zionist enterprise fails and Israel is no more”
    (hope this is our lifetime)

  11. Ray O Hobe said,

    January 1, 2009 at 18:11

    AL :”None will give a piece of land to the Jews.”
    The jews have been living through out the arab world, and they still do, they live in peace with their arab neighbors, it is the zionist that want to remove arabs (christians & muslims) from their homes and land by force, so they can have a jewish only state, wher no one other than jews can live on this land.
    all the people of palestine in their millions must give up all they have and leave their homeland.
    would you do that….?

  12. danoj said,

    January 1, 2009 at 21:39

    The tie that binds Zionism is the holocaust. The holocaust is a double edged sword. On the one hand it keeps the jews in fear that if they don’t toe the zionist line they can face another holocaust-just like that. On the other hand the continous reminder of the shame, degradation and torture of the jewsih people help to sustain the anger and rage which might simmer down in a population well pampered with money they didn’t even have to work hard for.

    The fie of this anger is continously fed with stories of the holocaust and the terrorists arabs that hope to bring another holocaust on the jewish people if allowed. From birth to school to army conscription stints the hate gauge is kept up, and then when they’re finally unleashed then the world get a look at a brand new massacre.

    Zionism uses jewish children not for the freedom of jews but for its own ulterior motives. The jews got a country but they are still fighting even fifty years on

    They-the zionists are not jews but they found you vulnerable and decided to use you and a good job you have done for them. But day by day more jews are realising that Israel is not a haven for jews. Its just a source of human power for men who want to use them to do thier dirty work for them.

    I ask the Israelis does the words ‘Greater ISrael’ sound familiar? Who do you think will bring it about-empty whole countries of its original inhabitants and repopulate them with jews. Will you let your sons and daughters and several more generations of your children to become fodder for this murderous cause? Will these kids really know peace when all the arabs are vanquished? If they are vanquished

  13. Tamala said,

    January 5, 2009 at 18:02

    Did you read the poem above, In Jerusalem? I can feel the power of SIAM’s passion for these people who were not spoken of on network and cable news. The cry for the HOLY ONE to take action against the aggressors is so strong that I can’t see how that prayer could not be answered.