Herr Lieberman and his cronies organised free distribution of a recent issue of Charlie Hebdo in Israel ….


Their plans were put to rest when one of the Palestinian Members of Knesset, Ahmad Tibi, appealed this decision to the Central Elections Committee.

Lieberman’s party activists responded with “We were astounded to learn that the Central Elections Committee acceded to MK Ahmad Tibi’s request to stop the distribution of copies of Charlie Hebdo,” the petition read. “This is a serious blow to the freedom of expression. It’s capitulation to radical Islamic terrorism and its representatives in the Knesset.”


Suddenly, when their own hateful activities are at risk it is a serious blow to the freedom of expression.  


It’s OK to petition against a Palestinian Member of Knesset, Hanin Zoabi, from being allowed to run again in the upcoming election.

Fascism has no limits as can be seen in the following report. (click on link to read)

Yisrael Beytenu protests ban on Charlie Hebdo distribution in Israel


  1. lolathecur said,

    February 5, 2015 at 18:24

    Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog.

  2. Bruce Petrovics said,

    February 6, 2015 at 02:58

    ISRAEL is not a province or property of France.
    Consider reading the Israel Penal Code
    sections 170 “insult to religion” and 173
    “injury to religious sentiment”.. Most of the
    political hypocrites attending the Paris mourn-in
    were mourning; they were not advocating freedom
    of expression or freedom of the press for their countries.