Has it not been a long time since Palestine disappeared from the agenda of the international community of states which always gives so much importance to compliance with the international law? What did Kerry achieve in the end with his embittered speech? Like all its predecessors, the Obama Administration is facing the ruins of mistaken politics towards its precious favourite ally Israel.

Image by Carlos Latuff


When the Führer’s bell tolls!

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski,  English translation by Milena Rampoldi, edited by author William Hanna.
The sad reality of many of my articles over the years seems to have become a definitive, sad certainty. The mantra of the two-state-solution and the slogan “two states for two peoples” now appear to be an impossibility. Following the last speech by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the Middle-East,  Netanyahu’s distant echo from Jerusalem could be heard: “Israel does not need instructions from outside for peace.”  And the right-wing minister of education Bennet of the Settler Party said: “On 20 January Palestine will be taken off the agenda.” Trump sent his regards to the Jewish Führer who was already wishfully waiting for them. Netanyahu was even personally invited to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Trump as U.S. President in Washington. Following Trump’s election, Netanyahu work towards the the final stage of the Zionist land grab, but will he pursue Bennett’s proposal and start annexation of all the occupied West Bank?
Has it not been a long time since Palestine disappeared from the agenda of the international community of states which always gives so much importance to compliance with the international law? What did Kerry achieve in the end with his embittered speech? Like all its predecessors, the Obama Administration is facing the ruins of mistaken politics towards its precious favourite ally Israel.
In his speech, Kerry passionately advocated the two-state solution by criticising Israel heavily, but this last appeal seems more than helpless, after years of failed attempts to stop the illegal Jewish occupation in Palestine. Neither his statement that “Israel is driven by an extremist element,” nor that Israel does not want peace, but the land, is new, because Zionism’s main aim — grabbing land for “Eretz Israel” — has been known since the foundation of the state. And who made all this possible? Among others, the billions of U.S. dollars in aid have made the “Jewish State” what it is today. Kerry’s proposals for the demarcation and separation of Jerusalem are old hat, but were never accepted by Israeli governments. So this “Kerry Ketchup” speech has come too late and will ultimately remain inconsequential.
The “Jewish State” was fed to a right-wing fascist regime which presents itself as the “only Democracy in the Middle East” and Western stronghold against Muslim terrorists (the Arabic world), so that it can go on violating international law with its illegal occupation of Palestine. Time and and again we are faced with the deception of a “Jewish State” that is Jewish and democratic. A“Jewish State” based on Judaic Torah Laws, a “Great Israel” belonging to the “elected Jewish people” and having an indestructible pact with God until eternity. With such a “divine” argument, they feel they are without competitors and  immune to all political arguments.
The infamous Likud (UN) culture minister Miri Regev has already proposed that Kerry divides Washington instead of Jerusalem and stressed that “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and has been the capital of Israel for 3000 years, and it will remain so for the next 3000 years.” This is the minister who tries to bring Israeli artists to their senses by a quasi-ban on employment if they refuse to perform in illegal settlements, and carries out the kind of cultural censorship that is known only in dictatorships. Regev shows us precisely the way of this ominous politics that rushes a free Palestine into disaster. In the meantime, the Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked and the Minister for Public Security, Gilad Erdan, would like to introduce a new law to be able to delete “rabble-rousing” posts on Facebook, youtube and other social media to silence negative criticism. The implication being that it is not the illegal occupation of Palestine — which does not exist according to Israeli politicians — and the hopelessness and denigration of the Palestinian youth that is responsible for the resistance movement of the Palestinians, but the “murderous incitement” on the internet. And the Zionist world view is exactly that simple. In the end, Shaked is the expert for hate-based posts on Facebook with a recent claim to  not only kill the Palestinian “terrorists,” but also their mothers so as to prevent them having more small snakes!
And despite such a horrible statement, the German Minister of Justice Maas (of the German Socialist Party) organises a conference in a cosy agreement with Shaked on the  the subject of “Democracy and Constitutional State!”
Apart from many such racist statements, Shaked’s sentiments were shared by the settler rabbis whose spokesmen designated Kerry as the “worst” ever U.S. Secretary of State, and accused the Obama Administration of “having planted a knife into the back” of Israel, its closest ally. However, there is no need to discuss that, because it is the “Jewish dog” that bites the U.S. master’s hand. The Obama administration has again increased arms and financial support to the Jewish State!
By its ultra-religious nationalism the “Jewish State” became a “God State”: outbraving all “enemies” in the world; being always right when it says that human rights violations and the illegal occupation of Palestine do not exist;  and justifying its crimes against humanity with beliefs in being the elected people and the holocaust, which means that all divine and earthly values are on its side.
With decades of illegal occupation in Palestine, these Jewish fundamentalists have maintained the denial of a two-state solution which is already buried. Netanyahu and many of his predecessors were helped by the time-factor and the more than reticent critics of the “community of values” who were easy to cope with. They always knew that those critics were worthless because Germany has always repeated its solidarity with the Jewish State because of its “particular” relationship. So if the German Minister for Foreign Affairs Steinmeier, in agreement with Chancellor Merkel, had positively judged Kerry’s speech and criticised settlement policies, we could only shake our head in the face of such hypocrisy.
How long will Netanyahu despite of all these disputes be able to pride himself in relying upon Merkel and Berlin as the most important European partner? In fact, in Germany we have experienced the replacement of anti-Semitism by a  wave of philo-Semitism  led by Merkel and politicians of virtually all parties. United in the struggle against “Islamic terrorism” which causes a racist atmosphere never experienced before, as was witnessed in the New Year’s Eve in Cologne. This new kind of precautionary attempt to avoid crimes should make us more than concerned. Today it is the term “Nafri” used by German police officers to talk about Northern-African chronic offenders, showing a “basic aggressiveness,” tomorrow it will be the enemy of the state, like for example critics of Israel. So if Merkel in her New Year speech speaks about a new German Führung (leadership) in Europe, we will have to ask ourselves where it will lead? The orations peppered with increasing racist aggressiveness of right-wing politicians from CDU/CSU to AfD should be of serious  concern for us.
Do we want to take the leadership in military operations and in the so called war on terror and renounce our freedom to get so called security? Is this our desired result of our “Christian-Jewish guiding culture”? No, thanks! It is enough with the German reason of state for the security of Israel, it is enough with political sermons from Gauck to Merkel, among others. Yes, we will not renounce to our freedom. And it is worth fighting for this in 2017, if the bell of the Führer tolls.
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