“Palestine First” should be the new solution for the Middle East. Since the 1948 establishment of the “Jewish State,” and the contemporaneous nakba — the catastrophic displacement of the Palestinian people — illegally occupied Palestine has been crying for justice. This is more so in this year of 2017 which marks the 50th year of the injustice committed against the illegally ceased territories in 1967.   

Image by Carlos Latuff

Netanyahu, the Thief of Tel Aviv

Netanyahu, the Thief of Tel Aviv

Palestine: Right for Justice!

by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski. English Translation by Milena Rampoldi

Since then the Zionist regime has continuously maintained its Judaisation policy with illegal settlement expansion by offering all possible incentives to Jewish settlers who planted themselves like grubs in the “kosher” speck with an incredibly luxurious lifestyle with all imaginable advantages including swimming pools, separate streets for “Jews only, “ and a security system separating them from the Palestinian environment.


How hard-nosed must someone be to live on stolen Palestinian land without empathy for the impoverished indigenous population enduring the occupation hardships of minimum electricity and water. How small-minded must someone be not to be aware of the misery caused to Palestinians by illegal colonisers who believe they were “chosen” by God who promised Palestine. If there was a God, how could He have even wanted such a thing? No way. This Judaism has lost all sense humanity while languishing in the amoral swamp of Judaism’s “Judea and Samaria.”

In the meantime the West Bank is host to more than 600.000 illegal Jewish settlers have spread their tentacles over stolen Palestinian land where — in the terminology of the Old Testament — they are the 11th  plight. Meanwhile, these illegal Jewish settlers are involved in the essential decisions regarding the ethnic cleansing policies of Palestine. They literally siphon off Palestinian water; they murder innocent Palestinians with impunity; and they perpetrate the terror watched over by the Jewish “Defence Force.” Such terror is particularly brutal in Hebron where a couple of hundred hard-core settlers terrorise hundreds pf thousands of Palestinians.

According to the Israeli human rights organisation “Breaking the Silence,” extremist settler civil security leaders also legally hold positions of influence within the Jewish “Defence Force.” Thanks to this notorious collaboration between the military forces and the Jewish extremist settlers, the latter are able to assume their own responsibility for security in the illegally occupied territories. This incredulous situation enables the occupation army to facilitate the settlers‘ inconceivable terror against innocent Palestinians. Such barbaric cooperation between the military and extremist Jewish civilians has become unique in the world where its injustice  and brutality has in the meantime become the norm.

This ethnocratic “Jewish State” is not constitutional and all that can be said about it is that responsible for administrative detentions, extrajudicial killings, and continuous land expropriation through ethnic cleansing with illegal house demolitions and the destruction of infrastructure, olive trees, and harvests without regard to the norms of legality or justice.

The fifty years illegal occupation has left an indelible mark on Palestine with its nine-metre high Apartheid wall stretching for more than 750 km across stolen and occupied Palestinian land separating, and oppressing Palestinian families; restricting movement with checkpoints protected by U.S. and European security technology; and dehumanising the already demoralized Palestinians. While such barbaric policies have been condemned, the rest of the world has, however, come to accept such conduct as the Israeli undemocratic norm.

A network of paid Jewish Sayanim — the worldwide network of so called “Jewish State” helpers – along with Jewish diaspora brigades, are like a spider’s web spread over the world and the illegally occupied Palestine. This dedicated network creates mistrust and spreads Israeli hasbara propaganda where it has been painfully felt – by professors, students, and activists in universities — particularly in U.S., Germany, and Great Britain. Such organised support has served to the silence criticism of Israel for its violations with impunity. The freedom of opinion and the freedom of teaching which are a high good, and have not to be destroyed by these dangerous lobbyists. Nip things in the bud!

And if the Parliament of the “Jewish State” which violates Israeli and natural international law also enforces the law for the retroactive legalization of thousands of apartments built on private Palestinian land, then the “only Democracy’ in the Middle East with this Predation policies will perpetuate the ethnic cleansing and Judaisation of Palestine as a means of achieving an “Eretz Israel.”

In fact, the inhuman and unjust law of the prohibiting Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the blockaded Gaza Strip from accessing other territories, even within the illegally occupied Palestine, makes them an errant people without rights, breaks up their families, and makes normal family life impossible. Meanwhile the hypocritical international community despite of being aware of such violations, remains tolerant and keeps silent.

The Palestinians in the illegally occupied West Bank are without rights, but not without justice, even if the representatives of the Knesset are not allowed to vote about these occupied people. This new and severe violation against international law represents another increase of the lawlessness. If this law was adopted, it would be time to bring all perpetuators to the International Court in The Hague, and to sentence all involved politicians of the “Jewish State” as international law criminals, Gaza genociders, war criminals, and land grabbers of the worst kind.

The International Penal Court the German government puts at disposal more than 135 million Euros is an important institution Palestine should refer to. However, what does Germany and some EU states – all Nobel Peace Prize laureates do? They want by all means to prevent Palestine becoming a Member of the International Criminal Court. You can imagine the reason. Because of its “particular” relationship to the “Jewish State”? Or because the Zionist occupiers‘ regime threatens again and again to stop the non-existing peace talks? However, because the world keeps silent about this blackmailing, the “Jewish State” is encouraged to commit illegal occupation, human rights violations, and war crimes.

Now the hypocritical world community is challenged. How long will it continue to look at this situation without opposing it and even by financially supporting it? The politics of the Netanyahu regime repeatedly resorts to scaremongering and agitation against other countries such the “destroyer” Iran so as to distract from their own crimes, scandals, and attacks.

The “Jewish State” employs resentment politics and has found an engaged friend and helper in the new US president. The Zionist occupiers regime has already passed all red lines, without any consequence. How long can this continue with impunity?

In the actual constellation with US president Trump who seems to be willing to create a new world order according its daily changing inspirations without any political understanding, the perspectives of a future peace and international understanding are more than sombre. With this President, there will be no state.

Netanyahu and Trump employ the same methods of scaremongering and agitation which fall on fertile ground with populists along with the traumatized, the isolated, and the unsatisfied. It is a horrifying phenomenon while in the meantime the cost for the arms race increases without any proportion because of invented threatening, a brutal “value hypocrisy,” regime change and drone politics. If US president Trump, Merkel, Gauck, and von der Leyen, and the EU supports this aggressive expansion politics, there is danger ahead. Not just the “bad Russian,” but also the cold and perhaps even real war are ahead. It is a horrifying NATO strategy pursuing one objective connected with the “Christian-Jewish community of values”: the maintenance of power by the so called anti-terror alliance spreading terrorism by itself. However, this “terror” is always for the “good”; and all this has been pursued by the regime of the “Jewish State” with impunity since decades through its occupation, expansion, and oppression politics. Why should something change with the US-politics started under Trump and his Jewish consultants and Wall street billionaires?

Trump is a dangerous narcissist who believes he has reached his destination and has discovered the U.S. as game of his longings. All his promises are insubstantial and “his people,” almost 30% of U.S. citizens, who were taken in by him and his cheap, misogynist, racist, and islamophobic election campaign slogans and elected him, will wake up one day and have a bad surprise. To say nothing of us who saw through him from the beginning and would have never voted for him.

The right for justice for Palestine for me seems to move further and further, but exactly in belligerent Trump times this campaign for a free Palestine should be conducted always more urgently.


Originally written FOR