For justice in Palestine, we need democratic values ​​and not lying “Christian” values.

Justice for Palestine is as far away as the “Christian values” in politics

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

After Trump’s announcement of the “Fraud of the Century”, disillusionment and hopelessness returns. It is frustrating to see the hypocritical community fail to respond appropriately to the century’s one-sided fake Zionist plan. Even the affront and open racism that no Palestinian was invited to the White House and asked to do so would have required a keen response. Far from it, you could almost feel the helplessness and cowardice that you showed to this idea.

Zionist colonization along the lines of racist colonial powers

Let us not forget that the Palestinians have never been given a say in their fate; they have always been condemned to endure and to Zionist oppression. This intelligent and highly educated people tried everything possible to steal, take away and break their will. The Zionists who invaded Palestine dubbed them “dirty, lazy peasants” and, following the example of the racist colonial powers, they built their own Zionist colonization, which is still unique in the world today.

For centuries, the colonial powers have tried to secure the “supremacy of the white master race” – by all means. Let us only think of South Africa and white apartheid, where it took decades to overcome them. We Germans should not forget the British concentration camps in South Africa, since the German National Socialists were the worst imitators and builders of these concentration and extermination camps in the Third Reich.

Since the founding of the “Jewish State” Israel in 1948, which was accompanied by the Nakba, the displacement and ethnic cleansing of Palestine, this sad “model of success” of Zionist-Jewish oppression has been vehemently supported by “Christian states and their values”. Zionist apartheid is becoming ever more pronounced and powerful – also as a result of the international “Christian values” support – and enables the unrestrained final solution to Judaism.

Naksa Day: another sad day in the history of Palestine

On June 5, Naksa Day (which means “setback in Arabic”), the Palestinian people annually commemorate the displacement that accompanied Israel’s victory in the 1967 Six Day War. As a result of this war, Israel took control of the Palestinian-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, which had previously been annexed by Jordan and controlled by Egypt. Another sad day in the history of Palestine.

Since the so-called British Balfour Declaration, which brought only suffering and division to the Palestinians and has paved the way for injustices and disenfranchisement for the Palestinian people until today, nothing has changed for the better, on the contrary. The guns were immediately put on the chest of the Palestinians after the Balfour Declaration, and they had no chance of defending themselves against colonial superiority. Even then, the indigenous people of Palestine were not asked if and why they should be willing to share their country with the Zionist invaders. Why too? Colonial power saw itself as always right and had the power of the fittest.

This declaration made the Nakba possible, because it gave the Zionists the right to drive a large part of the Palestinian population out of their homeland through terror and to establish the “Jewish State” on burned Palestinian earth. Then as now, the Palestinians were not regarded as equal partners on an equal footing and to this day they have been denied their legal right to return to their home country of Palestine, which is covered by international law. The international community, which otherwise full-bodily demands human rights everywhere, including with military force, fears the Zionist ban and is silent about it.

Nakba has to become the German state reason!

While the Palestinians expelled from their country with violence and terror have to vegetate in refugee camps under the worst conditions, Jews from all over the world are granted a more than dubious “right of return” to Israel. The Holocaust has a lasting effect and grants Jews and Zionists rights that are completely legal. This fact must never be forgotten, despite the Holocaust or precisely because of it. The Nakba may and must be seen in the context of the Holocaust, and this connection, which is always negated by the “Christian-Jewish community of values”, should finally become the German rationale.

It should be painful for all of us how Trump, the US government and the European states are “ripping the Palestinians” away and how interest in their unsustainable situation is becoming less and less important. Everything was brilliantly planned by the Zionist Hasbara and its Christian Zionist helpers. The “Jewish State” has managed to portray itself not only as a US favorite, but also as a small, threatened state, which is ridiculous in view of its armed forces and its nuclear arsenal and therefore a bold lie. It is true that the security of the “Jewish state” is in no way at risk, because it is this Zionist aggression-armed state that threatens its neighbors Lebanon, Syria, Iran and world peace.

Who helped spark the Syria conflict and who is trying to win hegemony across the Middle East, which is increasingly possible thanks to US and also European and especially German support? Who, apart from Jewish people, lets refugees die in prisons or pushes them, including women and children, into their deadly homeland, regardless of their circumstances?

Disparage Erdogan but remain silent about Netanyahu?

That in this country the left and the Greens are raging against Turkey and vilifying Erdogan as a despot and “sultan” – after all, the president of the country that accepted more than 3.8 million Syrian refugees – but about Netanyahu and his state terror regime, which sees refugees as “infiltrants” , silence, I can only describe as lying.

Despite the attacks by the “young world” because of my support for Turkey and Erdogan, one of the few important statesmen and western politicians of a democratic state that is committed to Palestine and the end of the Israeli occupation, I will continue to do so with full conviction! I also see TRT-German as an important antipole to certain German news portals and media, and this left-wing daily newspaper should ask itself whether it does not contribute to the fact that Turks in Germany feel increasingly uncomfortable and undesirable in Germany. In any case, I feel empowered by this “left-wing criticism”, which only shows me that I am on the right path.

To date, nothing has changed in the fact that the Palestinians are treated as a people without rights and without the right to self-determination. For more than a hundred years, the peaceful and intelligent Palestinian people have been treated with arrogance and racist contempt. If all plans are made over their heads, they should accept that. And the Palestinian leadership is not ashamed to participate in this unsustainable situation as a willing collaborator of the Zionists. What did it bring them? Only more and more oppression, land grabbing and disenfranchisement. The attempt to criminalize their legal right to legal resistance and to link them with the “Christian struggle for values” against terror is particularly infamous. This “anti-terrorist struggle”, which is nothing more than an excuse, to take action against Muslims and Islam as the supposed “religion of terror” and to portray the “Christian-Jewish community of values” as peaceful. Warfare around the world speaks volumes! So much hypocrisy is difficult to bear and plays into the hands of Christian and Jewish racists.

“Normalize” the “special” relationship with the Jewish occupation-apartheid state!

That the “special” relationship with this Jewish occupation-apartheid state is finally “normalized”. That means: No German rationale for the security of the “Jewish state” as long as Palestine is occupied, and no “state reception” for representatives of states that violate international law and human rights. For justice in Palestine, we need democratic values ​​and not lying “Christian” values.


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