When celebrating Christmas, it would be a good idea to think about the birthplace of Jesus. What is it like in the Holy Land under occupation, injustice and racism? How does Christmas feel when the Holy Land is under siege?

1 Comment

  1. Amerikagulag said,

    December 17, 2009 at 06:09

    Well since Christianity is a sect of Judaism, and we now know that Judaism’s supposed history is all but hogwash we must ask ourselves how much of this fabulous, fairt-tale is actually true. The likely answer is that little if any of it is true, since it was written by the same people as Judaism.

    Placing the genocide of Palestine against the backdrop of the fictitious religions of Judaism and Christianity only serves to further demonstrate that the source of all this horror and terror is a group of people who have LIED from day one. I hope no one is expecting Jesus to suddenly show up and save the Palestinians – or anyone else for that matter. BUT…THAT is EXACTLY what the liars who created these religions WANT YOU TO HOPE FOR.

    The descendants of Jesus are the Palestinians. And RELIGION is what is causing all of THIS. FALSE RELIGION.