To my Muslim Family and Friends ….
Eid al Adha Mubarak!
To my Jewish Family and Friends observing the 9th of Av, Have an easy and meaningful fast.




Banksy has replaced the nativity star with a bullet hole.


Occupied Bethlehem is “a big prison” with a “hotel with the ugliest view in the world”, surrounded by the apartheid wall, and the picture with “the scar” warns at Christmas: don’t forget us 

The “Scar of Bethlehem” depicting the creche is the latest art work by Banksy, and was unveiled at his hotel in the walled city on Dec. 22, 2019. From twitter.

Jewish Christian Hypocrisy 

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

The redeeming news came shortly before Christmas. The occupying powers of the Zionist terror regime allowed 55 out of 1,000 Christian Palestinians, 600 of whom had applied to leave the country, to visit their families in Jerusalem or the occupied West Bank. Previously, the Orthodox Church in Gaza criticized the fact that fewer than a hundred Christians older than 40 were only allowed to travel to Jordan, but not to annexed Jerusalem and occupied Bethlehem. Whether the remaining inquiries are also approved is stated in the “David Stars.

Already at the past Easter celebrations, the Christian community in the Gaza Strip criticized that the “Jewish State” only allowed about 200 Palestinian Christians from the age of 50 to travel to Jordan. Shortly before Easter, hundreds of Christians were given permission to travel to East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

Among the approximately two million Palestinians in the Gaza concentration camp are thousands of Christians, all of whom have been forced to vegetate under inhumane conditions for twelve years under the tightened blockade occupation by the Zionist regime, supported by the Egyptian al-Sisi “putsch pharaoh” regime.

Following the suggestion of the Green Leader Habeck that Germany should take in “refugee children from the overcrowded Greek camps”, the EKD chairman and Bavarian Evangelical Bishop Bedford-Strohm jumped to his side and called for “humanitarian signs”.

Habeck sees “smart” settlements in Hebron

Both Habeck, who was visiting the “Jewish occupying state” and admired the “sniff” settlements in occupied Hebron that violated international law (even in unfortunate times the German Michel was very happy that the Fiihrer built a city for the Jews), as well as Bedford- Strohm, who emphasized that “Jesus himself came from a refugee family”, ignored the suffering of Palestinian refugees, like all German politicians and church leaders, in their Christian and pre-Christmas lying mercy. (1)

Jesus was the first freedom fighter against the Jewish authorities!

These are refugees who have been displaced by the Zionists for more than 70 years, either in occupied Palestine or in camps such as in Lebanon. Jesus was also a refugee, but also a freedom fighter against the Jewish authorities. Possibly the first Palestinian to pioneer Palestinian freedom. Today he would perhaps work in the BDS movement for their goals.

“Alliances of Humanity”

As Cardinal Marx, as chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, said on Sunday: “The dead in the Mediterranean are Christ”. Finally, “identify yourself with everyone who becomes a victim”. With such sayings, Marx and the leaders of the major churches in Germany expressed their solidarity with private sea rescuers who save migrants from the Mediterranean. Where was the solidarity when the Gaza fleet needed it when it was forced to turn back by Jewish “defense soldiers”? Bedford-Strohm also thinks it is right to form “alliances of humanity”, also with “non-Christians”.

“Alliances of the willing warriors”

I ask myself, does he mean the alliance with the mainly Muslims who are fleeing or with the Jewish occupiers in the “Holy Land” or the “Alliance of willing warriors” of the so-called “Western community of values”, which gradually moves the countries of the Middle East into bomb the stone age? There is also silence in the country, especially when it comes to the illegal occupation of Palestine by the regime of the “Jewish State”. Why not consider excommunicating politicians who are so shamelessly openly threatening peace?

The Olive Greens and the “Russian Threat”

No startling protest can be heard from those who always have peace in their mouths, but who openly include war in their morbid considerations. The olive-greens in particular have excelled in reviving the “Russian threat”, with which populism is being built, which the majority of Germans see through, which is why they are in favor of a good partnership with this country.

Climate of fear

In vain there was no protest against the refusal of Christians to leave Gaza. How alone must the Palestinians, whether they be Christians or Muslims, feel in the occupied Palestine-Gaza-Jerusalem? Where are the “humanitarian signs” from the German church representatives? Yes, the bishops and other representatives have also learned that if you dare to criticize the “Jewish state” or to address the real situation, you will be cold-tempered as an anti-Semite. Do you still have to wonder about the many exits from Kirchgen? In order to “protect” the occupying regime, the freedom of expression that is guaranteed in the Basic Law is slowly but surely getting under the wheel. In this climate of fear and philosemitism, the AfD and extreme right

The Hasbara propaganda machinery, which is currently in full swing and which uses anti-Semitism so brutally to distract from the Zionist crimes in the “Jewish state”, is unprecedented.

Fighting paper for the Israel lobby

The “IHRA” anti-Semitism definition is intended to put Europe on the “right” Zionist path. This definition is so vague and unspecific, and is only useful as a combat paper for the Israel lobby. The essence is not to act against alleged anti-Semitism, but only to mark criticism of Israel against the state of Israel as anti-Semitism. With the double standard of recognizing existence as the “Jewish State of Israel” one tries in the world to legalize a state, the discrimination in the form of laws based only on the Zionist ideology, and in this “State of the Jews” Palestinian Excludes citizens and refugees, but includes Jews in the state and worldwide.

How many Jews in the diaspora feel represented by this state? The Hasbara claim that the State of Israel must be viewed as a “Jewish community” reflects precisely the disregard for international law and racial discrimination that Israel has represented since its inception. In fact, like any other state, Israel is committed to protecting the human rights of all of its people, as well as the fundamental right to return and the property of Palestinian refugees and citizens.

Right to self-determination for Palestinians

Every German politician or media supporter of the “Jewish State” who is constantly insisting on the recognition of the right to exist for the “Jewish State” and who demands German rationale for the security of the “Jewish State” should be reminded that these demands are against every right violated. On the contrary, there is no international legal basis for the right of a “Jewish people” (which, as we know, does not exist!) At the expense of the basic rights of the Palestinians or the UN recognized right to self-determination, including that Palestinian people. The occupying power of Israel has no right to implement a population transfer policy to colonize and annex occupied Palestinian territories. Through this perfidious reversal of the law, any criticism of the “Jewish state” is presented as anti-Semitism, although it only demands the universal rights of the people and human rights. This opens the door to brand the supporters of the non-violent BDS movement (boycott, divestment, sanctions) as anti-Semitic, and anyone who criticizes Israeli politics or self-definition of Israel as the “state of the Jewish people”, including Jewish ones Citizens of Germany and Holocaust survivors can thus be denounced, criminalized and targeted as anti-Semitic. This infamous strategy of attempting to equate anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism has since spread across Europe, led by France (Lex Finkielkraut), Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark and lacks any democratic claim. (2)

We have to expose this “working definition” of the Zionist lobby groups of the propaganda Israeli and US think tanks, to prevent criticism of the politics of the “Jewish state” and to silence us, and to expose them for what they are: as infiltrated with Millions of euros in “experts on anti-Semitism” who are trying to incorporate this working definition into European institutions and organizations.

Chutzpah from the “Jewish Nakba”

Again and again lies with Hasbara are spreading about the Jewish refugees from Arab countries in order to distract from the legal right of return of the Palestinians and to point out, as always, the Jews’ own suffering. The chutzpah from the “Jewish Nakba” is as tasteless as it is false. Refugees in the Middle East are to be set off against each other on the argument that Jews were forced to give up material assets and leave Arab countries, similar to the Palestinians who fled or were displaced from their homes. Ergo that would be an exchange of population in the region. So if Palestinian refugees are to be compensated, then “Jewish refugees” who have been “expelled” from the Arab countries would also have to be compensated. The fact is, that most of the Jews left the Arab countries because they fell for Israeli propaganda and wanted to go to Israel, not because their home lives were in danger. In Iraq, for example, “terrorist attacks” have “helped”. (3)

The Jewish Agency tried with all means and actions to create the myth of how they “saved” Jews from the contempt and anti-Semitism of the Arabs against Jews. So they tried and managed to infect Jews and Arabs with the enemy image from the start. Everything lacks the truth, most of the Jews had just lived in peace and prosperity in the Arab countries. How many Jews save their lives in Turkey from the National Socialists. This fact cannot be mentioned often enough in times of Turkey agitation and Islam hatred. There was no hatred in Europe for Jews with the waves of persecution in Arab countries.

It was only when the state was founded, with the aftermath of the wars and the Nakba, that Arab states passed a series of anti-Zionist laws. So you shouldn’t confuse the cause with the effect if you keep trying to drive a wedge between Jews and Arab-Palestinians. Just as there is no special anti-Semitic hatred of Jews, but only a more than understandable anger at the policies of the “Jewish State” and its supporters that violate international law and violate human rights. (4)

Holocaust survivors are exploited

With the anti-Semitism hunt against critics of Israel, one tries to deliberately defame all of us, whether Jews, Muslims or Christians, as anti-Semites. With the power of the lobby, politicians, journalists (with sponsored trips to Israel), officials and organizations are committed to this propaganda. Led by the inflationary number of “anti-Semitism officers”, an atmosphere of restriction of freedom of expression and assembly is created that must be broken. Holocaust survivors are exploited and referred to their poverty. But who is responsible for this poverty? The “Claims Conference”, which has had many scandals and is today a “benefactor” or the “Jewish State”, which forgot the Holocaust survivors early on. One wonders why do so many of the last survivors prefer to live in Germany now? “Chabad sects rabbis” have taken over the Jewish sovereignty of religion. The Central Council of Jews, as well as representatives of the “Jewish State”, have meanwhile managed to get the government on the course of “love for Israel”.

Racist founding ideology

So we must never forget the bitter reality in occupied Palestine. The behavior of the “Jewish State” is driven by an anachronistic, irrational and racist ideology, which does not represent all Jews. The memory of the Holocaust is important, but must not be exploited so shamefully by the “Jewish State” and its willing helpers and at the expense of the Palestinian people under occupation. Today’s crimes against humanity cannot be justified with anything. Zionism no longer has any justification in the 21st century and has long been on the garbage heap of history. A state of privileged Jews against all other residents who are discriminated against and oppressed and who lives out Zionism by deliberately dehumanizing the Palestinians stands in the way of a humanitarian vision of equality and freedom for all people. Zionism has followed a policy of separation, massacre, destruction for generations. So anti-Zionism is a fundamental right and has nothing to do with anti-Semitism that you should never lump together. All the anti-Semitism club writers know this all too well, but do it anyway because it seems so simple and successful. An end to the Christian-Jewish mendacity that these Zionist crimes against humanity make possible. The occupied Bethlehem is “a big prison” with a “hotel with the ugliest view in the world”, surrounded by the apartheid wall, and the picture with “the scar” warns at Christmas: don’t forget us (5) (6)

I wish all readers a peaceful Christmas and a thoughtful Hanukkah Festival of Lights in dark times.

A Jew to the Zionists 
from Erich Fried

First of all, rejoice that your dead are so dead, 
otherwise they could tell you what they think of you, 
sons who have become murderers of the victims of our murderers, 
who you allied with murderers against your murder victim children

And rejoice that the murderers of our parents 
have so used the hearts of the world to murder 
that the gentlemen of half the world can watch your murders and lies 
benevolently and hardly protest to appearances

And rejoice that your own Martin Buber is already dead, 
because he said just before his death 
that you were not the disciples of old Jewish wisdom, 
no, you were only the pupils of Hitler

And also be happy that there is no more Bert Brecht 
than what he would have sung to your injustice 
that would sound 
to the world and to you for a long time, longer than your injustice lasts

But rejoice quickly, because your joy will be short-lived 
like the joys of other tyrants and murderers 
and then Palestinians and Jews will live together in peace 
and thank God that there is no longer Zionism

A Jew to 
Erich Fried’s Zionist fighters

What do you want? 
Do you really want to surpass 
those who have trodden you down in your own blood and in your own feces 
before an age ? Do you want to pass on the old tortures to the others with all the bloody dirty details and all the brutal enjoyment of the torturers like our fathers suffered at the time ? Do you really want to be the new Gestapo, the new Wehrmacht, the new SA and SS and make the Palestinians the new Jews? But then I also want because I was fifty years ago.

Even as a child of Jews was 
by your tormentors, be 
a new Jew 
with these new Jews 
whom you make the Palestinians 
And I want to help bring them back 
as free people 
to their own country Palestine 
from which you have driven them out

You swastika apprentices, 
you fools and changelings 
of world history 
or by tormenting 
them those of the Star of David 
on your flags 
are changing faster and faster 
into the cursed sign 
with the four feet that 
you do not want to see now 
but whose path you are going today!


(1) http://www.nrhz.de/flyer/beitrag.php?id=26461

(2) https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/debatten/frankreich-erkennt-antizionismus-als-antisemitismus-an-16549341.html?printPagedArticle=true#pageIndex_2

(3) https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/the-nazi-fueled-pogrom-that-triggered-iraqi-jews-flight-1.5730671

(4) https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20191223-israel-starts-to-implement-racist-jewish-nation-state-law/

(5 https://www.ard-telaviv.de/ein-grosses-gefaengnis/

(6) https://www.br.de/nachrichten/kultur/die-heilige-familie-von-banksy-mit-kriegsspuren-in-bethlehem,RlO7cme


Originally posted AT


Happy Holiday!



To all of our Muslim readers, friends and family….
Have a glorious and happy Eid al-Adha!


A sampling of the yummy Eid cookies made by my family in Palestine


 To all of my Muslim readers, Family and Friends..

Eid al-Fitr Mubarak!

The Glorious Holy Month of Ramadan will come to an end tonight at sundown … ushering in the wonderful feast days of Eid-al-Fitr. A time for joyous celebrations with families, a time to feel completely renewed and refreshed.
That’s how it’s spelled out in the books…
Unfortunately in Palestine the book is written differently… families are divided, family members are denied entry to join in the celebrations, families are mourning their loved ones killed by Israeli forces.
It’s time for all to celebrate! It’s time for all families to be together!
Damn those that won’t let this be!!
Let us hope that soon the situation will be different and we can all be together… secure in our own Homeland…. secure with a Right of Return… and THE RIGHT TO STAY!
In the meantime…. AL-EID-MUBARAK!!! Make the best of it and try to enjoy.
Never give up the dream and hope that all will be good one day...


Some thoughts for Mother’s Day in Poetry …..

First, one I wrote many years ago, dedicated to my mother. I read it at her funeral. Although she is long gone, I still honour her daily, not just on this so-called Mother’s Day.

Here’s a photo of my Mom keeping up with world events through the pages of The Daily Worker.


Nine months of discomfort and some pain,

Nine months of wondering, hoping…

Are there regrets?

Hope not.

Years of commitment,

Years of unselfishly giving,

Was there more to give?

If only you could.

So much to teach,

So much to share,

How can one be expected to do it all?

But it was done.

Out of the holocaust there came a commitment,

We shall remain and flourish,

Can it be done?

Hope so.

So much to tell the world,

So many wrongs to right,

Will there be help?

There must be strength.

Now you must rest,

Your work is done,

Are there regrets?

Hope not.

This one was written by an unknown poet …

She is the one that carried me in her womb for nine months.
She is the one that nursed me with nutrition from her own body.
She is the one that stood over me and protected me from all harm.
She is the one that loved me no matter what I did.
She was my mother, that’s what they do….
You are who you are today because of your mother, never forget that.
She loved you every day of your life, never forget that either.


A sweet and meaningful Ramadan to my Muslim family, friends and readers.


The following was written by me on 15 April, 1984. It was presented to His Holiness Pope John Paul ll  during his visit to Jerusalem in March of 2000.

The Nazarene

© Steve Amsel


The Passover is once again upon us and

We reflect on the years gone by;

Of the tribulations of the people

And the heroes of the ages.


The traditional feast, the Seder, has

Been with us for thousands of years.

For most it has always been a joyous meal,

But for one it became the Last Supper.


So cruel they were to you as they

Nailed you to the cross on the hill

Treating you like a common criminal

Rather than the great man that you were.


You felt no malice towards your betrayers,

Instead you asked your god to forgive them

For the crime they committed against you

And those who were close to you.



Two thousand years have passed since

That shameful day and each year

The crime is reenacted by those

Who usurp your name.



You taught love and tolerance

But most of that message is ignored.

Instead there have been wars in your name,

Something, I am sure you would oppose.



Where are your powers today, when they are

Needed to cleanse the earth of its hatred?

The very ones who slew you sanctified

Your name and continue to slay.


Is there no way you can show them

How to change their ways and to live

As you would have wanted them to

Instead of the way they are?



Great temples have been built in

Your honor on every continent

But the message is lacking

One of your basic teachings – Love.



Oh, great one that you were

You must show them the way

Before there are more, like Yourself,

Nailed to the cross for refusing to hate.


… Most significant considering the election results …
Jewish mothers used to go into a cleaning frenzie a week or so before the Festival of Passover. All traces of leaven (chametz) had to be removed from the home before the onset of the holiday.
Modern folk have determined that dust is not chametz, so there is less madness involved in the cleaning process, but Israel has added a new dimension to the situation; Arabs must be removed as well as the leaven.
Following this report dealing with the realities of Apartheid you will find a post from the archives that I reblog every Passover eve…
Just  one of many attempts to cleanse the land of Arabs ….
Here is how Palestinians ‘celebrate’ the holiday … it’s Bibi’s Two State Solution, with one behind locked gates.
                                                      (Click on link)

West Bank closure goes into effect for Passover 

These 'enemies' must be locked out!

These ‘enemies’ must be locked out!



My maternal grandmother was a simple Shtetel Jew. She came from a place not much different than the small town portrayed in Fiddler on The Roof.
Traditionally the womenfolk from those areas were uneducated in matters of anything other than home making and child raising, while the menfolk studied their Holy Books for hours on end. Life was simple for them, and they themselves were basically a very simple folk.
I remember my grandmother going through the frenzie of cleaning the house this time of year…. the traditional Passover cleaning. All traces of leaven had to be removed from the home before the start of the Holiday. To her, that process included the removal of any trace of dust or smears on the window panes. The house sparkled when she was finished. Most of our non Jewish neighbours were going through the same process, but simply called it ’spring cleaning’, ridding the house of all unwanted matter, including broken furniture and junk.
I remember asking my grandmother why she was going through such a frenzie…. her answer was simple and to the point…. “If a Jew eats bread during Passover he will die!” That was what she was taught, that’s what she taught us….
In Israel today, things are not much different than life in the Shtetel when it comes to Passover preparations. But today there is a growing number of non observant Jews as well as a growing number of non Jews. This is a threat to the lifestyle of the self imposed Shtetel Jew living here today.
Christian Pilgrims from abroad, as well as local Christians are denied access to their Holy Sites. Where is the uproar against this?
Where is the uproar against the Neanderthal rabbis that have recently called for the expulsion or the genocide of the Palestinians? WHERE??? As in previous years, the Palestinians living on the ‘other side’ of the great wall of apartheid will be sealed in for the duration of the Holiday (8 days), literally making the State of Israel Arabrein for that period of time. Where is the uproar against this? WHERE???
Israel does need a cleansing… a good one; not only of bread during the Holiday season but also of hatred. Both are violations of the Holy Teachings.


To all my women readers …. and men too … Have a great day!


Watch this before you ‘celebrate’. BUT, it’s a day off so enjoy your family and the yummy feast as well.

If you still feel you must celebrate, keep this in mind as well


Once again this year many schools will pause to commemorate Christopher Columbus. Given everything we know about who Columbus was and what he launched in the Americas, this needs to stop.

First landing of Columbus on the shores of the New World, at San Salvador, W.I., Oct. 12th 1492. ( Painting : Dióscoro Teófilo Puebla Tolín. Publisher : Currier and Ives)

Here’s why it’s time to abolish Columbus Day


Once again this year many schools will pause to commemorate Christopher Columbus. Given everything we know about who Columbus was and what he launched in the Americas, this needs to stop.

Columbus initiated the trans-Atlantic slave trade, in early February 1494, first sending several dozen enslaved Taínos to Spain. Columbus described those he enslaved as “well made and of very good intelligence,” and recommended to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella that taxing slave shipments could help pay for supplies needed in the Indies. A year later, Columbus intensified his efforts to enslave Indigenous people in the Caribbean. He ordered 1,600 Taínos rounded up—people whom Columbus had earlier described as “so full of love and without greed”—and had 550 of the “best males and females,” according to one witness, Michele de Cuneo, chained and sent as slaves to Spain. “Of the rest who were left,” de Cuneo writes, “the announcement went around that whoever wanted them could take as many as he pleased; and this was done.”

Taíno slavery in Spain turned out to be unprofitable, but Columbus later wrote, “Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold.”

The eminent historian of Africa, Basil Davidson, also assigns responsibility to Columbus for initiating the African slave trade to the Americas. According to Davidson, the first license granted to send enslaved Africans to the Caribbean was issued by the king and queen in 1501, during Columbus’s rule in the Indies, leading Davidson to dub Columbus the “father of the slave trade.”

From the very beginning, Columbus was not on a mission of discovery but of conquest and exploitation—he called his expedition la empresa, the enterprise. When slavery did not pay off, Columbus turned to a tribute system, forcing every Taíno, 14 or older, to fill a hawk’s bell with gold every three months. If successful, they were safe for another three months. If not, Columbus ordered that Taínos be “punished,” by having their hands chopped off, or they were chased down by attack dogs. As the Spanish priest Bartolomé de las Casas wrote, this tribute system was “impossible and intolerable.”

And Columbus deserves to be remembered as the first terrorist in the Americas. When resistance mounted to the Spaniards’ violence, Columbus sent an armed force to “spread terror among the Indians to show them how strong and powerful the Christians were,” according to the Spanish priest Bartolomé de las Casas. In his book Conquest of Paradise, Kirkpatrick Sale describes what happened when Columbus’s men encountered a force of Taínos in March of 1495 in a valley on the island of Hispañiola:

The soldiers mowed down dozens with point-blank volleys, loosed the dogs to rip open limbs and bellies, chased fleeing Indians into the bush to skewer them on sword and pike, and [according to Columbus’s biographer, his son Fernando] “with God’s aid soon gained a complete victory, killing many Indians and capturing others who were also killed.”

All this and much more has long been known and documented. As early as 1942 in his Pulitzer Prize winning biography, Admiral of the Ocean Sea, Samuel Eliot Morison wrote that Columbus’s policies in the Caribbean led to “complete genocide”—and Morison was a writer who admired Columbus.

If Indigenous peoples’ lives mattered in our society, and if Black people’s lives mattered in our society, it would be inconceivable that we would honor the father of the slave trade with a national holiday. The fact that we have this holiday legitimates a curriculum that is contemptuous of the lives of peoples of color. Elementary school libraries still feature books like Follow the Dream: The Story of Christopher Columbus, by Peter Sis, which praise Columbus and say nothing of the lives destroyed by Spanish colonialism in the Americas.

No doubt, the movement launched 25 years ago in the buildup to the Columbus Quincentenary has made huge strides in introducing a more truthful and critical history about the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. Teachers throughout the country put Columbus and the system of empire on trial, and write stories of the so-called discovery of America from the standpoint of the people who were here first.

But most textbooks still tip-toe around the truth. Houghton Mifflin’s United States History: Early Years attributes Taíno deaths to “epidemics,” and concludes its section on Columbus: “The Columbian Exchange benefited people all over the world.” The section’s only review question erases Taíno and African humanity: “How did the Columbian Exchange change the diet of Europeans?”

Too often, even in 2015, the Columbus story is still young children’s first curricular introduction to the meeting of different ethnicities, different cultures, different nationalities. In school-based literature on Columbus, they see him plant the flag, and name and claim “San Salvador” for an empire thousands of miles away; they’re taught that white people have the right to rule over peoples of color, that stronger nations can bully weaker nations, and that the only voices they need to listen to throughout history are those of powerful white guys like Columbus. Is this said explicitly? No, it doesn’t have to be. It’s the silences that speak.

For example, here’s how Peter Sis describes the encounter in his widely used book: “On October 12, 1492, just after midday, Christopher Columbus landed on a beach of white coral, claimed the land for the King and Queen of Spain, knelt and gave thanks to God…” The Taínos on the beach who greet Columbus are nameless and voiceless. What else can children conclude but that their lives don’t matter?

Enough already. Especially now, when the Black Lives Matter movement prompts us to look deeply into each nook and cranny of social life to ask whether our practices affirm the worth of every human being, it’s time to rethink Columbus, and to abandon the holiday that celebrates his crimes.

More cities—and school districts—ought to follow the example of Berkeley, Minneapolis, and Seattle, which have scrapped Columbus Day in favor of Indigenous Peoples Day—a day to commemorate the resistance and resilience of Indigenous peoples throughout the Americas, and not just in a long-ago past, but today. Or what about studying and honoring the people Columbus enslaved and terrorized: the Taínos. Columbus said that they were gentle, generous, and intelligent, but how many students today even know the name Taíno, let alone know anything of who they were and how they lived?

Last year, Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant put it well when she explained Seattle’s decision to abandon Columbus Day: “Learning about the history of Columbus and transforming this day into a celebration of Indigenous people and a celebration of social justice … allows us to make a connection between this painful history and the ongoing marginalization, discrimination, and poverty that Indigenous communities face to this day.”

We don’t have to wait for the federal government to transform Columbus Day into something more decent. Just as the climate justice movement is doing with fossil fuels, we can organize our communities and our schools to divest from Columbus. And that would be something to celebrate.


We wish all of our Jewish friends, family and readers a wonderful and happy New Year filled with good health, happiness and PEACE!

Shana Tova Metuka!!

Image may contain: food and text


Have a great day and enjoy the following



Rambling down Memory Lane…….

July 1st has always been a special day for me. Fifty one years ago today I left the United States and applied for Landed Immigrant Status in Canada. My wife and I picked this date as it was a National Holiday and we figured there would be less security at the Toronto Airport…. and less questions. It was a special day in Canada, it was the 100th anniversary of Confederation.
My suspicions proved correct…. there was only a handful of security personnel on duty and I was asked only two questions…
“How long do you plan on staying in Canada?”…. to which I responded “Forever!”
The second question was “Are you a subversive?”…. to which I responded quite naively “What does that mean?”
“Do you consider yourself a threat to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second or any one of her heirs?” (pronounced ‘hairs’ when I verbalise this story)…. to which I responded “Definitely not!”
“Welcome to Canada! Here is your Landed Immigrant Status Card!” (Let it be known that in no way did I consider the Royal Family ‘Divine’ in any way, but I did not feel I was a threat to their existence.)

Little did that Immigration Officer know, but in the United States I WAS considered a subversive…. in fact, I carried with me a ten page document of allegations against me from Army ‘Intelligence’ which ended with the words “Your entrance into any branch of the Armed Forces at any time would be detrimental to the security of our nation.” How much more of a ‘subversive’ can one hope to be?
It would be ‘safe’ to say that I owe my life to the FBI. The document I mentioned above was full of information provided by them. Their ‘planted’ informants knew the exact date and time that I joined the Communist Party of the United States. They knew every move I made during all my years of activity.
On my 18th birthday I registered with the Draft Board. We had to do that by law in those days. A few years later I received my order to report for my physical examination. I will never forget the short, burly man in charge that day…. Sgt. Randazzo. His face and voice haunts me to this day. The day I had to report was like a mini High School Reunion. Almost every male in my graduation class was present that day. We were lined up and were asked if we were interested in volunteering for the Marines. As this was a sure way to be sent to Viet Nam, there wasn’t a single volunteer. Randazzo then proceeded to pick every third person in line to serve in the Marines. But…… immediately before that an announcement was made…. “Anyone that was ever arrested, please go to Room 101.” Off I went….. which meant that poor Michael, who was standing next to me, was picked to be a Marine…. it should have been me, but I was being interrogated instead. Needless to say, Michael does not speak to me to this day.
If you move the ‘timer’ to 7:50 on the following video, you will get a pretty good idea what that interrogation was like….
A few months later I received my 4F. At first I was given ten days to deny the allegations in the document I received…. non compliance earned me my 4F. The rest is history…..
Moving on…. here we were in a new country, a country with totally different values and definitions than the one we had just left. But, I felt that we were still not ‘home free’…. our new government might discover our past and deport us, so we prepared for this by purchasing a framed photograph of Her Majesty and hanging it in the hallway of our new apartment. If the Royal Mounted Police ever came to ‘visit’ it would be the first thing they saw. We had two new statuses that we did not want to lose…. Landed Immigrant and NON Subversive!
My political activities continued throughout my years in Canada, including running in elections for both the Federal Parliament and the Province of Ontario…. on the ticket of the Communist Party of Canada. This Party was/is legal, so my status of Non Subversive did not change.
Fifty one years later there is once again hope that Canada will become the Free North Proud and Free that it once was. The Tories’ reign of terror has finally ended. Let us hope we never see a repeat of it. Never say never!
Proud to be a Canadian ….. except for this …


 To all of my Muslim readers, Family and Friends..

Eid al-Fitre Mubarak!

The Glorious Holy Month of Ramadan came to an end last night at sundown … ushering in the wonderful feast days of Eid-al-Fitr. A time for joyous celebrations with families, a time to feel completely renewed and refreshed.
That’s how it’s spelled out in the books…
Unfortunately in Palestine the book is written differently… families are divided, family members are denied entry to join in the celebrations, families are mourning their loved ones killed by Israeli forces.
It’s time for all to celebrate! It’s time for all families to be together!
Damn those that won’t let this be!!
Let us hope that soon the situation will be different and we can all be together… secure in our own Homeland…. secure with a Right of Return… and THE RIGHT TO STAY!
In the meantime…. AL-EID-MUBARAK!!! Make the best of it and try to enjoy.
Never give up the dream and hope that all will be good one day...


Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation

Visions of hope and peace surround us today from both sides of the wall in the Holy Land. Sunset will usher in the Hebrew Month of Sivan on one side whilst the Holy Month of Ramadan starts on the other.

Despite efforts of the forces of evil to increase the divisions and hatred between both of our peoples, this is the season that brings us hope that all will end well …. let us truly welcome The Age of Aquarius! Let the sun shine in!

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Oh, let it shine, c’mon
Now everybody just sing along
Let the sun shine in
Open up your heart and let it shine on in
When you are lonely, let it shine on
Got to open up your heart and let it shine on in
And when you feel like you’ve been mistreated
And your friends turn away
Just open your heart, and shine it on in
To our Muslim readers, family and friends …..
Ramadan Kareem!
And to our Jewish readers, family and friends …..
Chodesh Sivan Tov!



Jerusalem Day is an Israeli national holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War. 

Celebrating the occupation in song and dance …

And the ‘dancing in the streets …

Hundreds of people marched through the streets of Jerusalem on Saturday, to demonstrate against the planned move of the US embassy to the city. Protesters also condemned the Jerusalem Day Flag March, scheduled for Sunday, commemorating the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City.


It will rise again like the bright sun

Happy May Day!


Maya Angelou recites her poem, “And Still I Rise,” from her volume of poetry And Still I Rise, published in 1978…

A strong middle class starts with strong unions.

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