Why did it take almost a year for the crimes committed by Israel against the people of Gaza to come to light?

As can be seen in the following video, they have been documented for all to see from day one…. that is, for all that CHOSE TO SEE!



  1. hans said,

    December 28, 2009 at 11:06

    Let me ask you a question, did your boozoos in the WBank do anything to publicise this horror, no, did the famous Sunni “Arab Street” do anything, what did the “Angry Arab” really do? Well you see do not blame the West only, blame yourselves also. If you elect boozoos as leaders then you get what you vote!

  2. desertpeace said,

    December 28, 2009 at 14:24

    OK Hans….. you have had your say over and over and over…..
    If you don’t start singing a different tune your comments won’t be published.

  3. Vickie said,

    December 28, 2009 at 16:49

    The truth is (I think you know this already) is that the American Press is totally compromised. I am not sure exactly how this happened. I have my hunches and theories though.

    If you listen to the corperate Lamestream Media the picture you get is something like this. Those poor peaceful Jews, all they really want is peace – they keep stretching their hands out and those Arabs just keep killing them for no reason; finally they really do have to defend themselves.

    They never see the legal shenanigans, they never hear of the racist apartheid polices (they do not know there are really Jew only roads), they do not know how many Arabs were displaced and still are (some over here really do espouse it was all barren land and those poor persecuted Jews needed a place to go), they don’t see all the dead Arab bodies, they don’t see Israeli soldiers firing on little kids, they don’t see settlers harassing and beating the indigenous Arabs and they are not told some of those in the W. Bank and Gaza are Christians (I think our esteemed Church leaders would have a hard time explaining how Jesus would have ripped the land from his elect and given to an apostate Jew) hey we are Christians – that is why I think that one does not come up, they are not told the theology from the evangelical pulpit is corrupt – yes it is despite what the drivel I am subjected too, and if you say something about the Zionist Murder Machine you are Anti Semitic (like one has anything to do with the other) the holocaust has been politicized, they will not be told the true facts of the Goldstone Report (just a bunch of Anti Semitics (again)m I know there are good Jews over there fighting for Justice. Something very wrong has apparently happened in that culture, they are not told about the assassinations (what about a trial) how many innocent are killed, they are not told about booby trapped toys for kids, they are not told how many Palestinians are held and tortured some peace activists there is much we really are not told. They do not realize this is a border war and those Jews want it all. That is the stone cold truth dammit. The idea that the Zionsit Vision was just is never I mean never questioned. They never even question whether there should be a “Jewish” State which is inherintly racist in it’s ideology in the first place. That is the big problem – there should just be a secular state fair to everyone. How can the Palestinians have 2 states – tragically they really don’t even have enough land and all those Arabs inside Israel should not be subjected to a Jewish State. You will never I mean never hear a critical analysis of that on TV. All you will hear is the big lie mantra – the Jewish State has a right to survivie, the Jewish State has a right to survive. The concept of a Jewish State is the whole problem in the first place. You will never hear of all the displaced Arabs outside the borders that have a very legitimate right of return. You will never hear a word about that. Ever wonder why – I do.

    They also are not told of all the Israeli espionage against us, the undo influence of a foreign government in our affairs, why was Mossad caught filming and dancing after the fall of the towers, on the Brooklyn Bridge after 9-11, Mossad agents caught in acts of espionage on critical infrastructure all over the place and just sent home????, apparently rented a space in the Twin Towers and nothing except blue prints of the buildings?? Nano Thermite (a military grade) found in the dust of the Towers ect. All is true and documented there is more. All from our “good freinds” Israel and there is much more.

    The average American will never hear of the Liberty, the names the Stern and Irgun Gang (Jewish Terrorist in every sense of the word) they will never be mentioned, King David Hotel, Swiss Ambassador assassinated ect.

    Answer those questions and you will have your answer. We are systematically lied to in the USA. I know the American people really have a heart and if they knew what was really going on over there – they would be livid. They really would.

    I am not Anti Semitic – don’t go there. I am anti Tyrant. I do not care who murders and steals from who – it should not happen. If the situation were reversed and the Arabs had done to the Jews what the Jews have done to the Arabs I would be just as livid; just at the Arabs.

    We are lied too – how can you be furious if you don’t even know it is happening? American’s really are lied to very systematically – tragically.

    We are not told one simple truth – If you want Muslims to quite hating you – quite installing and supporting dictators, the uncritical support for Israel that murders Arabs (they know those are F-15 fighter jets and our helicopters ect), invading countries over resources basically stop killing them and stealing from them. Maybe then the Muslims will not hate us.

    Tragically – We never really hear that. All we here is Al Queda is coming, ect.
    (I have serious doubts about that)

    The American War Machine is a very profitable business – murder and war is very profitable. We are just never told that and many people don’t posses the savvy to figure it out and if they do, the are demonized.

    We are getting screwed too. It is our children that are dying and our money that pays for these illegal wars of aggression. We are just never told that. We really aren’t. We are now bankrupt and overstretched.

    If you can ascertain how they are keeping such a tight lid on public dialogue please call me – I would love to know.

    I just can’t believe they are actually getting away with it in this environment.

    Singing out angry and dismayed in Ohio

    Lord Anton was right – Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutly. Find out who is holding the key to the public dialogue and how it is framed and you will have your answer.

  4. December 28, 2009 at 18:49


  5. Antievil said,

    December 28, 2009 at 19:23


    What the FUCK have you done as an angry white man? The same category that for centries have invaded, murded, slaughtered, stolen and ruleed over other people and treated them less than your own shit.

    Take a close look at the history of Israel if you dare and then come screaming. Which state is built on blood of the Other sanctioned by the White European Man? Which other state has had so many “democratially” elected terrorists into the goverment? No fucking wonder that the doctrine of Israel is one of apartheid, white supremecy and violence!

    The “boozoos” of palestine are just the puppets angry white men like you in Europe and America always want and need in place to roam the world like you want. Now and then, apperently, it suits you to come and scream you hatred like it was all brand new!

    No shame attaches bodies like you.
    But history will have a place for shit like you!
    Palestine must be free and that day will be the end of the hatred that you are a part off!!

    So Little Hans, scream all you can. Facts, history and reality can no longer be twisted and whitewashed for the angry little white man and his lebensraum ambitions for Israhell! The east has past the west! And Israel will loose by it´s own circle of violence!

    Love ya!

  6. Mihail said,

    December 29, 2009 at 03:00

    I’ve never seen a President — I don’t care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would RISE UP IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.”

    Thomas H. Moorer
    (1912 – 2004)
    US Navy & Chairman,
    Joint Chiefs of Staff during interview on
    24 August 1983.

  7. December 29, 2009 at 17:22

    Truth tends to be a malleable concept when it comes to the Zionist State; people will tend to see the ‘reality’ that best suits their purposes at the time. Unfortunately this has very little to do with the reality at hand for those unfortunate individuals suffering under the brutality of the Zionists in the occupied territories. For the people living under the threat of the seemingly random attacks from the vast array of available Israeli military forces available for deployment there is no greater fear than the ‘average’ day living in the occupied territories.

    The sound of an IAF F-15 or F-16 is not going to make a child’s eyes open wide in wonder at the prospect of seeing an advanced fighter aircraft overfly their home – rather than a look of wonder there will be a look of terror – terror that is aroused from having seen the ‘steel rain’ fall upon their villages, upon the refugee camps that they have called home since birth, upon the hovels that we in the west would mistake for refuse dumps rather than a place to live, a place to raise a family. There is no wonder in the eyes of these children, only the expectant terror as they realize that these metal birds are bringing with them the fiery gifts of death, raining down from the heavens.

    Opposing the Zionist policies in the State of Israel is something that should not be defined as being either ‘Before Goldstone’ or ‘After Goldstone’, it should be defined according to what is correct, by what is humane, and by what best represents the interests of humanity: opposing Zionism is NOT Antisemitism and should not be construed to be seen as anything less than the truth that it represents. Opposing Zionism means supporting humanity; opposing Zionism means supporting the opportunity for those who have been living in a part of the world for over two thousand years to maintain their right to remain on the land of their ancestors. Opposing Zionism means supporting the fundamental human rights entrenched by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed by the United Nations.

    Anything less is unacceptable. We who are not Zionists – but who have descended from the Jewish people – should be spreading the message that opposition to Zionism is NOT Antisemitism – as eagerly as the most enthusiastic evangelicals. It is always wonderful to see the pictures taken from demonstrations with Jews showing that they are opposed to Zionism, but the question must be asked: what are they doing when not at the demonstrations? I’m not talking about posting things to blogs, but interacting with actual breathing people.

    Christians who carry the (erroneous) belief that the ‘Holy Land’ – including Jerusalem – are an integral part in the eschatological plans for the world. The study of eschatology (the ‘end times’) does not – in fact – require that there be a ‘restored’ State of Israel that excludes the Palestinian people. There is no way that anyone can justify the genocide of the Palestinians while declaring themselves to be under the New Covenant, written in the Blood of the Lamb of God. Anyone that says they can justify such an act is a liar and a murderer and, in a paraphrase of the words of our Lord, ‘does not know Him’.

    You ask the question as to why it took a year for the Goldstone report to come out – this is not the correct question if you really look at the situation. The correct question is: why did the Zionist State even ALLOW the Goldstone Commission to examine that which they did in order to come up with the Goldstone Report? Seriously: can you imagine that the Zionist State actually believed that this judge, a man with an impeccable international reputation for being fair and unbiased, would put his reputation on the line to defend the psychotic thugs associated with a mass-murder of innocent civilians? That, in a word, is the very definition of psychosis.

    Goldstone, by virtue of its existence, is a monument to the pathetic level of pride possessed by the Israeli Military Machine: the Zionists attacked the report for not addressing the issue of Palestinian terrorism, for not looking at the issue of ‘their’ war crimes. That was how they tried to discredit the report. Spread the word: Zionism is murder. It is not Antisemitism and to compare it to that is insane.

    If a Christian asks you why you don’t believe in Zionist principals answer with this: Jesus wasn’t a Zionist either.

    Wie viel ist Aufzuleiden!