On the 20th of this month Jews throughout the world will celebrate the Festival of Purim. It is probably the most favourite of all Jewish holidays. I always think of it as the Halloween of Israel. People dress up in costumes and children traditionally go ‘begging’ for coins from neighbours.

In synagogues, both on the eve and the morning of Purim, the Book of Esther is read. If you read the link carefully you will get a pretty good idea of the tale the Book conveys to the reader. The ‘Villain’ of the story is a man called Haman. When the book is read the children in attendance utilise a special noisemaker (Gragger) they have with them to drown out the sound of his name whenever it is mentioned.

The hero of the Book is Esther’s cousin, Mordechai. He is portrayed as truly a righteous man, loved by all. On the other hand, Haman is portrayed as the epitome of evil. One of the customs associated with Purim is an ‘obligation’ to get drunk. The Rabbis of the Talmud said, “A person is obligated to drink on Purim until he can no longer distinguish between cursed is Haman and blessed is Mordachai.”

The story of Purim took place in the year 369 BCE according to Biblical scholars, but it doesn’t end there…. the story was revised by Jewish settlers living illegally in Palestine.

The massacre of 29 Muslims at prayer in the city of Hebron took place on Purim day 17 years ago (on the Hebrew calendar). Here too there is a villain by the name of Baruch Goldstein. In the modern version there is not a hero…. instead there were 29 martyrs. Whether Goldstein was drunk from alcohol consumption or the poison infested via his mentor kahane’s ‘teachings’ remain to be seen. Both names will go down in history alongside those of the Hamans and hitlers of the past.

The ‘new’ Purim is celebrated at the grave of Goldstein each year to commemorate the massacre. In Progressive Israeli homes the story of the massacre is retold and the noisemakers mentioned above go into action at the mention of Goldstein’s name to drown it out, making him truly the modern day Haman.

Sad to see hatred triumph in such a way as to destroy the joy of a beautiful Festival and turn it into an annual day of mourning. The settlers have revised the Hebrew calendar but not the hopes that we have for a just and permanent Peace in the region.

The following is from Life Magazine…. the world is aware of the horrors, of the settlements, yet the BILLION$ keep pouring in to support them.

Purim Celebrated In West Bank Jewish Settlement

HEBRON, WEST BANK – MARCH 18: A Jewish settler wearing a t-shirt with the inscription: ‘Are you Jewish?, Yes = Life, No = death’ and a mock rifle takes part in Purim festivities March 18, 2003 in the West Bank town of Hebron. Purim celebrates the saving of the Jewish community of ancient Persia from the gallows 2,500 years ago just after King Achashverosh consolidated his rule over the Persian empire. All Palestinian areas around the Jewish settlements in Hebron were under curfew.

Meet one of the settler leaders, Miriam Levinger, U.S. citizen from the Bronx, New York… the mother of the Israeli colonial settlers Filmed in Tel Rumeida, Hebron, Palestine


  1. Леча said,

    March 9, 2011 at 05:13

    Your thought is very good