Remember hearing about the pogroms in Czarist Russia or other parts of Eastern Europe in the last century? Continuing the tradition, Jerusalem’s rightwing, wrong, Israelis held one of their own yesterday in the local Arab neighbourhoods…. escorted and protected by the local police….

Sculpture by Yona Vital-Rabinowitz

Jerusalem Day’s racist march, escorted by police

By Noam Sheizaf

Thousands of rightwing Israelis marched today in Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhoods, provoked local Palestinian residents and shouted racist remarks, among them “let your village burn,” “death to Mohammad” and “death to all leftists”. The event, part of the “Jerusalem Day” celebration, was organized and promoted by the municipality. Jerusalem’s police escorted the parade, and made no attempt to stop the racist calls.

you can see it all in this video:


Written FOR

And the Photo Essay …..

In photos: right-wing extremist Jerusalem Day march in Sheikh Jarrah

Silwan, Jerusalem- Israeli extremists staged a racist march in honor of Jerusalem Day today, from the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

The streets of East Jerusalem stood empty, save for the thousands of Israeli marchers, supported by Israeli troops, who chanted slogans against Arabs, Muslims and Christians. Phrases such as “death to Arabs” rung out. Right-wing extremists attacked a group of left-wing Israeli counter-protesters before Israeli police eyes, who did nothing to impede the assault. Three left-wing Israelis and one American protester were arrested by police. The American citizen remains in police custody.

Militarised East Jerusalem in support of right-wing march

Israeli forces block Palestinian traffic, giving marchers right of way

Jerusalem streets empty save for marchers and military back-up

Settlers chanting racist slogans

Thousands of marchers swamp the streets of East Jerusalem

Soldiers preparing their weapons

A settler attempts to kick a Palestinian child out of his native Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood

Extremists gather in the Sheikh Jarrah

Extremists in the streets of Jerusalem

Marchers dance, sing and shout in hatred of Arabs

Racist slogans amidst the old city

An attempt on Palestinian shops and the Palestinians

The Palestinian is guilty ?

Palestinian merchants close and barricade their shops in anticipation of the march’s destruction

Barriers exclusively for Palestinians

The march ends in front of the Wailing Wall

One of the Sheikh Jarrah homes seized by settlers


  1. June 2, 2011 at 18:33


  2. Tom said,

    June 2, 2011 at 19:06

    ye shall reap what ye shall sow

  3. Frank said,

    June 2, 2011 at 21:19

    These are the “shared values” Bibi spoke of the “American”congress. Ugly hateful people

  4. thecook said,

    June 3, 2011 at 07:17

    your time is near,your future is upon you,and ye shall cease to be.these are my own words and israel once you are no more,then shall we have peace.

  5. A.R.Momen said,

    June 3, 2011 at 17:38

    If someone is trying to study how the so called “terrorism” grows,the ways of cultivating its soil with bulldozers which destruct the homes of innocent citizens of their own country ,the ways of irrigating terrorism with the blood of protesters whether on land or on a flotilla of human aids ,the methods of deepening the feeling of being oppressed with such marches of this stiff headed extremists ,and then the overwhelming need of revenge to make a balance of humanity presence .So , you respected readers ,please remember to be just whenever some reaction happens from those who are ,every day losing the land ,the property , and the human dignity .Unfortunately ,some Israelis who do not agree with the gangs of settlers ,could be harmed , but make no mistake the Zionist have in many cases intended to make bloodshed among their Jewish community , just to persuade the world that there is TERRORISM which ought to be universally attacked. —