Now, almost every day inflationary targeted pro-Israel articles are published in different German media. They voluntarily hide the word “occupation” and Zionist crimes. Apparently, the more than 45 million US-Dollar spent by the Israeli ministries for the Hasbara propaganda are worth it. It is understandable that a right-wing regime like the Netanyahu regime makes use of these methods as there is nothing Zionists fear more than the truth.

Facts, instead of the diffusion of political fake news!

by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, English translation by Milena Rampoldi

Again these days, where the Jewish Passover celebration almost coincides with the Christian Easter, the international values hypocrites use fake news to hide their mistakes and the bombs violating international law.

In this case it is useful for politicians, churches, and media to have an enemy image they can work on together. And this enemy image is “Islam” and the “Muslims” against whom prejudices and fears are created. And all the time it is “Islam” and the Muslims who are regularly connected to “terrorism”. Who wonders if in the German/European population hatred against Muslims increases?

What the Jews were in the past, today Muslims and Islam are.

Can this kind of politics where Western values politicians whitewash the state terrorism against Muslims, masked as “defence from terrorism”, last for a long time? All is authorised, because we are the “good ones” defending “our” values, while “Islam” and Muslims murder barbarically!

What a horrible “order of values” turning all upside down what makes up real values. Since a long time German politics have abandoned peaceful values. However, these values are always indicated by politics when it is about the implementation of more than questionable objectives suggesting us that only “our” way of life is the ONLY  right one.

This kind of colonization of the “Christian-Jewish community of values” has already caused so much sorrow to mankind. It does not distinguish itself from the previous crusades but it is technically more elaborated and more efficient and adapted to the contemporary epoch.

Hypocritical “Christian” German politicians, from Merkel to von der Leyen, try to justify and legalize the US aggression against Syria violating international law. Our minister of war put herself in the frontline by supporting the US propaganda which grants itself the right to bomb another country, without research and proofs concerning the alleged poison gas attack. She supports the NATO and Trump. In the Anne Will program of last Sunday, 9th of April, the minister praised the US strikes and called this brazen violation of international law a necessary “warning” against Assad. Fortunately, the former biological weapon experts and foreign politics spokesperson of the left party Die Linke van Aken was appalled because the minister applauded this aggression against international law, even if there are no proofs that Assad committed the offence. This TV program is another example of the decline of German television culture and its presenters.

What Miss Will did on that occasion, was to oppose to ANY kind of clean journalism, when she tried to discredit Michael Lüders, one of the few competent Middle East experts, by de-qualifying him as a paid “lobbyist”. However, the “steel helmet Jew” and former Bundeswehr Professor Michael Wolffsohn, a well-known lobbyist of Israel and among others a member of the advisory board of Deutsche Bank, the former US ambassador in Germany, John Kornblum, also a lobbyist for Israel and consultant of financial economists, law offices, and banks. Politics. (1) (2)

Do we deserve such politicians and presenters who lie to us in more than controversial talk shows? If German President Steinmeier attacks the brutalization of the language on the net, he should care about the brutalization of the language of politicians of all parties telling us fake news and dismissing us as conspiracy theoretics if we do not accept them as the truth!

Of course, we still have the opportunity to go to the elections. However, also this “agony of choice” is getting more and more difficult because the parties are increasingly resembling each other. And all resembles the great coalition when also SPD foreign minister Gabriel and the defence expert Arnold speak up for the US aggression against Syria, violating international law. From the left to the right, from red to green: there is not so much the party landscape can offer. Only the brave “old Green” politician Ströbele condemns the US aggression. (3) (4)

At the moment, German politics offer very few essential contents, like the woolly statement of the “SPD Shooting Star” Schulz, who even wants to be congratulated on doing it. Even SPD Federal President Steinmeier begins to flutter by asking for more German responsibility, also in the military field. While the Green Party, from Cem Özdemir to Rebecca Harms, wallow in the anti-Erdogan and anti-Putin smear campaign, Göring-Eckardt has specialised in waste separation and the elimination of the yellow bag. (5)

Under Trump, the “father of all bombs”, for the first time in Afghanistan the “mother of all bombs” was dropped. Perhaps, the Netanyahu regime has already ordered this “mother” at the US Pentagon to quickly implement the final solution of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and its Judaization. The Minister of Education and the “Settlements King” Naftali Bennett has already threatened to commit genocide in Lebanon, and this without the so loud outcry of the Western world value community staying silent about it! (6) (7)

Trump seems to have reached  the point to be supported by official politics; now  “Kosher Nostra” guided by his daughter Ivanka, the converted wife of Jarred Kushner, the Jewish son-in-law and main consultant of Trump has taken over the White House. (8)

In this situation the Netanyahu regime can relax, and praise further US aggressions against Syria or other countries of the Arabic-Islamic world. This is the only way for the Jewish regime to further exacerbate the eternal illegal occupation of Palestine and the Syrian Golan Hills; and in addition, shortly the US embassy guided by the hard-core Zionist Friedman will reside in Jerusalem as the official “eternally undivided“ capital of the “Jewish State”.

Again, this year, which will be the fiftieth year of the illegal occupation of Palestine, the Federal Government will celebrate the Independence Day, the “Birthday of the Jewish State”, together with the officials of the Central Council of Jews and the representatives of the “Jewish State”. This proofs the repeated total failure of democracy in Germany, since up to now all German governments and politicians of all parties have only supported the legalization of internationally condemned international law violations committed by the Zionist occupiers.

72 years after the liberation of Auschwitz this is really a shame.

If the chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, Lau, misuses the holocaust to distract from his own crimes, this is a crime all survivors of the Holocaust and their descendants should oppose to, instead of defending these crimes of the “Jewish State”! As long as Jewish citizens do not take their distance from the Zionist occupation crimes, they will never been considered as trustful. We need same rights for all: what we pretend from Muslims, should apply to ALL religions! (9)

While German politicians and the group media bash Putin and Erdogan, regimes like the ones of al-Sisi, the Saudi Kingdom or Netanyahu can continue committing their crimes against humanity and putting all “our” values upside down!

The hypocrisy has taken such incredible forms, in particular for BDS activists and their supporters, that we have to ask ourselves how this will go on and end.

Philo-Semite politicians set the tone. And a special emphasis should be put on the “Philo-Semite Anti-Semite” Volker Beck, who really seems to smell Jewish hatred and as tracking dog of the Green Party opposes to all kind of Israel critics. However, this is only possible because there is no real opposition. Like in the Nazi regime, fear, moral cowardice, and limitless gutlessness dominate when it is about critics against Israeli politics!

Would it not be adequate to take Mr Beck to the court on the basis of the article 5 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany because of his unjustified attacks against the freedom of opinion?

However, in the meantime it seems to be part of the political tone to silence all honest Israel critics and to try to intimidate them by defamation.

Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, Article 5

(1)   Every person shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing and pictures, and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by means of broadcasts and films shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship. (…)
Of course this right also applies to supporters of the BDS campaign and to Israel critics!
More than six thousand Palestinian prisoners are in arbitrary and unjust detention. Many of them are in administrative detention without accusation. On Easter Monday, after a call by Marwan Barghouti, the Palestinian “Nelson Mandela”, 1300 of them started a hunger strike to struggle for better detention conditions and their liberation. This Palestinian new hope would be the right candidate for the Presidential Office in a free Palestine! However, the Jewish occupiers and the “moderate” collaborators and the PA and Abbas would like to stop him because he would question and challenge their status quo. Therefore Barghouti must remain in Judaistic detention. For Barghouti unfortunately there is no lobby and no German politicians or media engaging for him as they do it for the prisoners in Turkey … and in a particularly media-effective way for the reporter of the newspaper “Die Welt” Deniz Yücel – no wonder if we read his fervent article supporting the Israel lobby opposing to the Germans‘ right to criticize Israel, and as a consequence the right for freedom of opinion! For his work, Yücel got the Theodor Wolff Prize for Press Freedom. Remember: If you are supported by a lobby, prizes are distributed like counterfeit money. However, the numerous Palestinian journalists in Israeli detention rot down, without any award! (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

Now, almost every day inflationarily targeted pro-Israel articles are published in different German media. They voluntarily hide the word “occupation” and Zionist crimes. Apparently, the more than 45 million US-Dollar spent by the Israeli ministries for the Hasbara propaganda are worth it. It is understandable that a right-wing regime like the Netanyahu regime makes use of these methods as there is nothing Zionists fear more than the truth.

The power of images is enormous in our time. While fake images of small, probably Syrian children are diffused all around the world, the murdered Palestinian children never get a place on the cover page of our brave media. Walter Herrmann, this unforgotten Kölner Klagemauer fighter for the justice in Palestine, who wanted to remember photos of the Gaza genocide of barbarically murdered children in Gaza, was brought to justice!

Do not let us permit to substitute the power of facts with the diffusion of political fake news!

Unfortunately, all is repeated, and about this matter the poem by Erich Fried Nicaragua is everywhere says it all.

(In German)

Wo liegt Nicaragua?

by Erich Fried

Wo liegt Nicaragua?

Dort wo Reagan seine bezahlten
Mörder hinschickt
oder seine Agenten.
Es liegt also in Angola,
wo er mit seinen weißen
politisch verlässlichen südafrikanischen Freunden
die Banden der Unita
bewaffnet und unterstützt.

Wo liegt Nicaragua?

Am Horn von Afrika,

wo er zahlt für seinen Stützpunkt
in Mogadischu.

Wo liegt Nicaragua?
Es liegt in Palästina,
es liegt im Staat Israel
dem er Geld gibt und Waffen
für den Kampf
gegen die Palästinenser
und den er zu seinem Sprungbrett
im Nahen Osten gemacht hat.

Wo liegt Nicaragua?
Nicaragua liegt in Europa
das aussätzig ist
von seinen Atomraketen
und das Kriegsschauplatz sein soll
im nächsten Krieg.

Wo liegt Nicaragua?
Nicaragua liegt in England,
aus dem er Flugzeuge
aus dem er Flugzeuge aufsteigen ließ
gegen Libyen?
Wo liegt Nicaragua?
Es liegt in Libyen,
in Tripolis und Benghazi
auf die seine Bomben fielen.

Wo liegt Nicaragua?
Es liegt überall dort,
wo die Vereinigten Staaten Geheimdienstleute einschleusen
zur Verteidigung der Freiheit der freien Welt.
Und weil Nicaragua überall ist, darum muß man
endlich etwas von Nicaragua wissen:
Daß es in Nicaragua um alle Welt geht,
und dass man Nicaragua überall helfen muß
gegen Reagen und Weinberger und ihre Agenten und Söldner
und nicht vergessen soll, dass der Internationale Gerichtshof
im Haag die Vereinigten Staaten verurteilt hat
als Angreifer und als Verletzer des Völkerrechts,
als das, was man Kriegsverbrecher genannt hätte und
Friedensverbrecher, wenn die Vereinigten Staaten
etwas kleiner wären und nicht so mächtig.

Und weil Nicaragua überall ist, darum stehen die Menschen
überall, wo sie für Nicaragua stehen,
auch für sich selbst und ihre eigenen Kinder,
für ihr Leben und gegen ihren Tod.

Und wer in Deutschland am Leben bleiben will,
soll bedenken:
Nicaragua liegt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
die alle Hilfe für Nicaragua gesperrt hat,
die aber Geld schickt an die Mörderbanden der Contras.
Nicaragua liegt in Deutschland, das Asylanten
In ihrer Herkunftsländern abschiebt zu Tod und Folter
Als wären noch nicht genug Todestransporte gerollt

über deutsche Geleise
zur Erledigung jenseits der Grenzen.

Erich Fried

Zur Zeit der Verleumder

Sie nennen mich
Verräter an meinem Volk
Sie nennen mich
Jüdischer Antisemit
weil ich spreche von dem
was sie tun in Israels Namen
gegen Palästinenser
gegen Araber anderer Länder
und auch gegen Juden
die totgeschwiegen werden

Später einmal
werden Juden die übrigbleiben
wenn dieser Wahnsinn vorbei ist
zu suchen beginnen
nach Spuren von Juden
die nicht mittaten
sondern warnten

So haben Deutsche gezeigt
nach dem Untergang Hitlers
auf Deutsche die tags zuvor
noch verfolgt wurden oder getötet
Die sollten nun Zeugen sein
daß Deutsche auch anders waren

Ob dann ein Wort
noch nachlebt
von meiner Warnung
Wichtiger aber:
ob dann in Palästina noch Juden leben
entronnene jener Vernichtung
die sie selbst herbeiführen halfen
durch ihr Unrecht
zu meiner Zeit?


Originally appeared AT


  1. April 23, 2017 at 17:35

    […] Article Source […]

  2. TimeToWakeUPAmerica said,

    April 24, 2017 at 01:31

    It’s the Western “elites” (Anglo-Judaic-ZIONISTS/SUPREMACISTS) who are behind all the major memes we see, read and hear about in the MSM. They control the Western and “global” FINANCIAL system.

    How to bring down the elephant in the room

    Read the comments. Follow the links.

  3. April 24, 2017 at 18:59

    Reblogged this on diehoffnaerrin.