It is not us, the BDS supporters, who are anti-Semitic, but the supporters of the Zionist occupation of Palestine, after all, they are harming the Jewish citizens worldwide.


Selected hatred of the Jews

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


I would never have thought it possible to experience such targeted campaigns against Jews in Germany. What is currently happening in this country fatal reminiscent of bygone times. Has not there ever been the extermination of Jews in Germany by the state and the media? Existence was destroyed, all this is repeated, fortunately not physically, but only mentally. Can Jews, who are committed to the observance of international law in the “Jewish State” and the non-violent BDS movement, still feel secure in Germany? They are still not threatened with the loss of their lives, but their economic existence and their vested right to freedom of expression are threatened. How long have I been writing about the loss of freedom of expression when it comes to criticizing Israeli politics. A hypocrite than in Germany can not be a policy when it comes to the concerns of the “Jewish state”. It is not the Jews who campaign for the freedom of Palestine or BDS that should be isolated internationally, but the Jewish occupying regime.


Jews become the fair game of the rulers


While Muslims and the “wrong” Jews have now become the fair game of the rulers, the Jews, who despise international law and human rights, are courted with benevolence. By what right do the factions of the parties, from CDU / CSU, FDP, SPD, to the Greens and the Left, condemn the BDS campaign and its supporters as anti-Semitic? Doubt is appropriate that they actually know what antisemitism is! They do not count themselves, although they defame critical Jews and deny them premises for events.


Right-wing extremist cliques and parties are currently uniting Europe-wide with the “Jewish state”, and this will be tolerated. Even if the “jumping hard-core Zionist” HM Broder meets with AfD or FPÖ party members, then this is registered, but remains without consequences. Obviously Broder’s Zionism did not work so well, after all he returned to Germany from the “Jewish State”, where he is one of many and meaningless, and perfects his role as Sayan. And after St.Pauli-Nachrichten and Spiegel he landed on Springer’s “Gnadenhof”. No wonder that Broder defames the “Jewish voice” as a “gang of anti-Semites”, a very poor hate polemic of a failed porn writer.


Jewish citizens are showered with a hatred of Jews


It is unbelievable that it is already possible again in Germany to overflow a club of committed Jewish citizens with a hatred of the Jews, to whom they want to refuse a prize from the highest official. If someone has earned the “Göttingen Peace Prize”, then it is this “Jewish Voice for Just Peace in Middle East – European Jews for a Just Peace Germany”. As a co-founder and no longer a member, I would like to express my solidarity with this important “Jewish voice”! (1) If critics of Israeli occupation policy are marginalized, then it is high time to denounce these German and European selectors, who today again spread the hatred of the Jews that we once had. Was it right-wing National Socialists then,


When the President of the Central Council of Jews, Schuster, with the Mayor of Göttingen Rolf-Georg-Köhler, the chairman of the FDP parliamentary group in the Göttingen city council, Felicitas Oldenburg, and the FDP member of parliament Konstantin Kuhle against Jews join forces and ally for the award ceremony on March 9, 2019, it is anti-Semitism.


The now more than 30,000 Jewish Israelis living alone in Berlin would be well advised to wonder if it was really the right decision to live in Germany, which now celebrates a new hatred of the Jews, and Jews who favor freedom of expression and the right of Palestinians enter into self-determination, have “released”. Does that not remind you of the “Jewish state” and its dealings with critics of racist apartheid and occupation politics? What is Israeli hostile about advocating for a free Palestine?


Hostile to the Jews are the supporters of the Zionist occupation of Palestine


Especially the BDS movement, founded as a voice of the Palestinian civil society, which was based on the model of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, is a role model for us all and should be supported by all of us.More and more prominent Jews support this BDS movement. And that scares the Zionist regime and the global Israel lobby. It is not us, the BDS supporters, who are anti-Semitic, but the supporters of the Zionist occupation of Palestine, after all, they are harming the Jewish citizens worldwide.


Let’s ask why alleged “Muslim” and “left” anti-Semitism is repeatedly condemned, even though it is clearly positioned as anti-Zionism and Israel criticism. If Muslims are today’s Jews and are showered with hatred and xenophobia, that’s just a way to cover up the crimes of the “Jewish state.”


If you look at the media, for months now we have been dealing with targeted campaigns against alleged anti-Semitism that has nothing to do with reality. In progress is a propaganda wave, led by the scientifically sophisticated Hasbara the Israelization of Germany and Judaisierung Palestine operates. And with the help of “Christian-Zionist” allies. The murderous crimes during the Gaza demonstrations, the many child murders, house demolitions and the constant land grabbing do not come to the light of the German public, which in turn is duped with the constant repetition of the mantra of the actually no longer realizable “two-state solution”, a long-written illusion.


Finally “tacheles” talk!


It must finally be “tacheles” talked about the true conditions in the “Jewish state”. In addition to settlement construction, discrimination and exclusion of Muslims / Palestinians and Christians, Israel can no longer be seen as a democracy, even if in this country is repeatedly raved by a “Christian-Jewish community of values”. What are these values? Also in Germany exclusion of “false Jews” who dare to oppose the illegal occupation of Palestine? Against Muslims and Islam, who do not fit into this “community of values” and want to exclude them? Do not you have to be ashamed to belong to this “community of values”?


While the images of the enemy, Turkey and Russia, continue to be blown up, and Iran – which has not yet attacked any other country than Israel – is being lied to by US politicians and Israel lobbyists as “Holocaust planners”, it is the “German fear” that always pulls. In the meantime we should be more worried about the “german hate propaganda”.


“Yellow vests” defamed as anti-Semites


Now even the “yellow vests” in France are being defamed as anti-Semites.Because the right-wing provocateur Alain Finkielkraut was called a “dirty Zionist”? Was it not he who had warned against the consequences of mass immigration in a more controversial essay entitled “The Unfortunate Identity” published in 2013 and the inclination of the left to deny anti-Semitism in immigrant youth. He has long been known for his fervent love of Israel. Now the judiciary and France are very excited that the “Immortal of the Academie Francaise”, who had come so “by accident” into a yellow-veined demonstration, was not received there with sympathy.


There is nothing more effective than working with anti-Semitism as a battle concept! Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust are the stimulus words that use instrumentalization to silence those who are not “state-compliant”. This will soon hit critical writers, intellectuals and critics. This French development is more than worrying. Marine Le Pen, leader of the Rassemblement National, also finds the verbal attacks on Finkielkraut “shocking” and suspects an infiltration of the yellow-west demonstrations of “anti-Semitic extreme leftists”. Here again we have to deal with the right and Zionist complicity, which has a firm grip on Europe. Instead of discussing the yellow vests and the provocations of Finkielkraut, the problems should finally be on the table,


If politics consists only of enemy images and distraction maneuvers


Why do not we learn about the supplementary agreements with France that Merkel and Macron have signed in Aachen? All these distraction maneuvers are only intended to mask the problems and upgrades. If politics consists only of foes, distractions, and inequalities, then we will soon have to prepare ourselves for even rougher times, and that will be really dangerous for democracy. (4)


As long as the democratic minimum demands on the “Jewish state” are not fulfilled, one can not recognize the “existence” of this state without defined borders. Only in the 1967 borders does Israel have a right to exist.


As long as there is this selected new hatred of Jews in Germany, politicians who exercise it are by no means eligible. In addition, we have to protest again and again if we want to deny us freedom of expression, a fundamental right of the constitution. It’s not us who are on the wrong side, but those who make that selection, and you can not repeat that often enough for it to be internalized.


Not in our name!


We are not anti-Semites, but the “Jews haters and Muslim haters” of the “right” kind who support the “Jewish state” and its policies that violate human rights and international law. We say: Not in our name!







