Week after week, Israel is trying hard to fuel conflicts. Again and again they fly air strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon, then against Assad in Syria, then against Iraq. They take the right to use drones to “monitor” the residents and the foreign airspace. Everything is being attempted to prepare a war against Iran and Lebanon with this policy of provocations and pinpricks, which does not stop at human victims.

With Blessings from the ‘Chosen One’

Territorial integrity for all states!

Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


What about the term “territorial integrity”? If the Netanyahu regime continues to violate them and invoke threats and “self-defense”? Will territorial integrity be tacitly suspended if Zionists violate it? It seems so in the face of Israel’s constant attacks on sovereign neighboring states. Week after week, Israel is trying hard to fuel conflicts. Again and again they fly air strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon, then against Assad in Syria, then against Iraq. They take the right to use drones to “monitor” the residents and the foreign airspace. Everything is being attempted to prepare a war against Iran and Lebanon with this policy of provocations and pinpricks, which does not stop at human victims. The psychological warfare is also used by the Netanyahu regime, and one does not shy away from being staged with fake blood to suggest to the public a Hezbollah attack with Israeli victims that did not exist! This regime and its “defensive army” are afraid of nothing to achieve their darker goals. (1)

The new state religion of the Israeli state terror regime

This Jewish “defense army”, which not only conducts raids, targeted murders, demolitions of houses and the Jewish occupation of Palestine on behalf of the Jewish “state terror regime”, has now become a magnet for young Jewish Diaspora Jews. Through worldwide Hasbara propaganda, young Jews are taught this army as the new state religion. Massive agitation campaigns promote a “Sabbath year” in the “most moral defense army,” so as to engage young Jews in the diaspora to connect with the “Jewish state.” This type of advertisement for this new “state religion”, also here in Germany, should be just as inadmissible as the recruitment for Syrian fighters. If it were a Muslim state, it would certainly be stopped immediately.

While Israel’s lobby, like mushrooming countless “anti-Semitism commissioners,” the Central Council of Jews, or other “Christian Zionists” willingly be allowed to trim textbooks and teachers on “Israel course,” there should finally be double standards while Jewish agitations and schools can always be sure of “Christian-Jewish” solidarity.

One of our “values”, which is always explained by politicians, is certainly not the support of the mediation of illegal Israeli politics, which on the contrary would have to be stopped immediately! There can be no recruiting for foreign armies from German soil, and that includes the “Jewish State” and the IDF. Because this army uses weapons and soldiers to maintain the illegal occupation; that is, these crimes that violate international law must not be supported by German soil. This support for Israel does not contribute to peacekeeping but drives Germany into a new debt. Therefore, there can be no German state reason for the Nibelung loyalty to the “Jewish state” at the expense of the Palestinians.

Annexation “with God’s help”

Israel has been trying for years to involve the US in a war with Iran. While US President Trump avoids war for his campaign, colleague Netanyahu seems to need the war to make his campaign more bloody. He is currently announcing to his “chosen people” that there will be no more settlements so that the 600,000 Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem can be sure of their “eternal right of abode”. Under the slogan “this is our land” he insists on the annexation of the Jewish settlements and wants to “help with God’s help” to achieve sovereignty of all settlements in the “biblical” land of Israel.

The fact that he is getting closer and closer to this “final solution to the Palestinian question” seems more and more likely in view of the impunity and the looking away of the international community. Due to the “special treatment” when it comes to the “Jewish state”, even laws lose their validity and are annulled! Systematic Israeli crimes have been tolerated for decades, while the UN and EU abandon the Palestinian people and expose them to injustice.

The respected South African lawyer John Dugard at the DLF learned sobering facts about the power of the “Jewish state”. In secret meetings and pressure against the Chief Prosecutor of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Fatou Bensouda, she was forced to stop investigating the Israeli crimes requested by the Palestinian Authority.

“Green light” for screaming injustice

So if Jewish governments get “green light” from the ISGH for the injustice that has been shouting for decades, then what else can one expect from politicians and governments?

Especially the German government and the German Federal President should be aware of the responsibility they have towards the Palestinian people, the last victims of Nazi rule! The warm words of Federal President Steinmeier on the occasion of the central commemoration ceremony on the occasion of the German invasion of Poland, with which began 80 years ago, the Second World War, were not very credible, you can see the sad reality.

While Steinmeier asks for forgiveness for Germany’s crimes and historical guilt and points to the suffering of the victims, then it would be time to take a look at the founding of the “Jewish state” of Israel and the expulsion of the Palestinians from their homeland, because Without the Holocaust, this would be inconceivable. Likewise the US Vice Pence, who said at the same commemoration ceremony these words “freedom is the destiny for all mankind”. Unfortunately, it is precisely the US government that actively contributed to the Palestinians living under Jewish Zionist occupation being excluded from this freedom.

Racially motivated disinterest in the Palestinians

Yes, the Holocaust has also victimized the Palestinians. But this guilt ignores Germany, one sees the one-sided German policy towards the “Jewish state” and the obviously racially motivated lack of interest in the Palestinians and their claim to self-determination and freedom, with the constant painstaking repetition of the phrase “the two-state solution “Who have neither wanted nor want the Netanyahu regime and all the other regimes before.

Steinmeier would be well advised if he finally recognized the overdue guilt and responsibility towards the Palestinians, and so did a speech in illegally occupied Palestine. The German arrogance, which makes perverse differences in the victim rating, is a shame. While Jewish victims and their descendants are unilaterally supported with all their might, this is considered superfluous by Palestinians. Jewish Zionist perpetrators are always seen in the right, while Palestinians are always suspected of terror.The Zionist Hasbara propaganda has masterfully managed to implant this reversal of guilt in German politician brains. Germany has internalized its guilt and atonement so deeply that it is easy to use this behavior specifically by “Jewish lobby groups”.

While we fully support NATO aggression and indulge in US ties, Russia is steadily becoming an enemy. In the Russian Crimea, international law is endeavored and interpreted unilaterally, it does not matter in the illegal occupation of Palestine! While sanctions against Russia or Iran are decided with ease, they are seen as anti-Semitic sacrilege against the “Jewish state”.

German guilt is indivisible

How could Germany just allow it, at the commemoration in Poland and before in the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz, to exclude Russia? Was not it Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz and was it not 27 million war victims that the Soviet Union had to complain about?German guilt is indivisible and can not be used like Hasbara propaganda at will, as in the current case of the “German-Soviet non-aggression pact,” which haunts content as undifferentiated as “Hitler-Stalin pact” by the media. (2)

Operating peace policy means that today’s Russia under President Putin should be our partner. Neither Trump nor Netanyahu fill this role. The danger increases that we are drawn by their policies more and more into wars and illegal international actions, which will never let AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN.

International law should be binding on all countries, including, of course, the Jewish state. Territorial integrity applies to all states, including those that are arbitrarily attacked by the “Jewish state”. To stop these attacks must also be German responsibility.





Originally posted AT


  1. Andy said,

    September 5, 2019 at 14:41

    Every patriotic German should read this and demand their politicians fully subscribe to and implement every word. It is high time that the Israeli criminal state be held to account to the same extant as they demand to hold Germans to account for for their actiionbs during WWII.

  2. September 10, 2019 at 03:51