Why does America refuse to admit that others are victim to the same forces of hatred and terrorism that attacked them ten years ago today? Worse yet, why does America continue to hide the fact that it is they who are orchestrating those very forces?


Ten years ago today America was attacked. Civilians died. Ten years later it is still making headline news….
Gaza is attacked every day. Civilians die every day. It never makes headline news in the West. It’s as if it never happens…. BUT IT DOES.
A pro Palestinian blogger posted the following this morning, it says it all!

Dear America, your 9/11 is our 24/7.

Sincerely, Palestine.

That’s the entire post, short and very much to the point.
The plight of those in Gaza and the rest of Palestine is not only omitted in the media, it is hidden from the eyes of the Western population altogether. Palestine, Gaza in particular, simply does not exist.
The suffering of the children, in particular, is hidden from the public eye as can be seen in the following which was sent to me this morning by;

The Children Lose, Again

by Abby Zimet

A California museum has cancelled an exhibit of art by Palestinian kids in Gaza, reportedly after pressure from pro-Israel groups in the Bay Area. The Museum of Children’s Art in Oakland had been working for months with the Middle East Children’s Alliance on the project, “A Child’s View of Gaza,” set to open in two weeks. Does it really need to be said: Kids shouldn’t have to pay for the appalling cruelty and stupidity of adults. Look at this art.

“The only winners here are those who spend millions of dollars censoring any criticism of Israel and silencing the voices of children who live every day under military siege and occupation.” – Barbara Lubin of MECA.



Also see THIS report


Why does America refuse to admit that others are victim to the same forces of hatred and terrorism that attacked them ten years ago today? Worse yet, why does America continue to hide the fact that it is they who are orchestrating those very forces?

The photos in THIS link speak volumes about that hatred… DON’T click on the link if you are weak at heart, they will make you sick!


Again, why does America refuse to publicise those photos? They represent the reality that Gazans have to live with every day of their lives. For Gazans, every day is 9/11.


Here is Carlos Latuff’s take on 9/11



  1. Derek said,

    September 11, 2011 at 13:20

    Its websites like yours that restore my faith in humanity. many thanks for caring!

  2. André Brochu said,

    September 11, 2011 at 19:16

    Thank you for this perspective on 9-11. The victims of state
    terrorism since 2001 run in the hundreds of thousands. I have
    also sent a message to close friends today, mentioning a good
    friend on Manhattan whom we were worried about until we
    got reassuring words at the beginning of October, 2001 . A short and wonderful message came : Angie is fine !
    My message was mostly about another 11th of September. 1973. I attached a photo where Allende and his staff looked up at the planes which were attacking the Presidential Palace in Santiago de Chile. Let’s not play the number games. There were far more
    Chilean victims during Pinochet’s US sanctioned dictatorship.

    attaching the presidinetioal place

  3. Andy Bee said,

    September 11, 2011 at 19:18

    Thank you for this perspective on 9-11. The victims of state
    terrorism since 2001 run in the hundreds of thousands. I have
    also sent a message to close friends today, mentioning a good
    friend on Manhattan whom we were worried about until we
    got reassuring words at the beginning of October, 2001 . A short and wonderful message came : Angie is fine !
    My message was mostly about another 11th of September. 1973. I attached a photo where Allende and his staff look up at the planes which were attacking the Presidential Palace in Santiago de Chile. Let’s not play the number games. There were
    far more Chilean victims during Pinochet’s US sanctioned dictatorship.

    attaching the presidinetioal place

  4. September 12, 2011 at 11:11

    […] Source : DesertPeace […]

  5. September 12, 2011 at 16:11

    […] Source : DesertPeace […]