Goldstone barred from grandson's Bar Mitzvah Published in Mail & Guardian on 22 Apr 2010

Goldstone barred from grandson’s Bar Mitzvah
Published in Mail & Guardian on 22 Apr 2010


Actually, the demonization of Islam started earlier than 13 years ago, but 9/11/01 was the official date that it became America’s ‘proud baby boy’. Islamophobia took its place in history to replace the Cold War which ended shortly before the demise of the Soviet Union itself. America needed a new enemy so it created one, with a little help from its friends.


'Demonization of Islam' "Copyleft' by Carlos Latuff

‘Demonization of Islam’
“Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff


Some of those friends were even caught dancing in the streets of New York in celebration of the Twin Towers’ attack …


The mentally challenged US President at the time of the attack was seen reading a book to children … UPSIDE DOWN!




We still do not have the answers to the role he played in the attacks … but he had enough warning  not to be in the White House when they occurred.


"Copyleft' by Carlos Latuff

“Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff

There are still over 100 unanswered questions that can be found HERE


Why does America refuse to admit that others are victim to the same forces of hatred and terrorism that attacked them thirteen years ago today? Worse yet, why does America continue to hide the fact that it is they who are orchestrating those very forces?



'Copyleft' by Carlos Latuff

‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff


Thirteen years ago today America was attacked. Civilians died. Thirteen years later it is still making headline news….
Gaza is attacked every day. Civilians die every day. It never makes headline news in the West. It’s as if it never happens…. BUT IT DOES.
A pro Palestinian blogger posted the following a few years ago, it says it all!

Dear America, your 9/11 is our 24/7.

Sincerely, Palestine.

That’s the entire post, short and very much to the point.
The plight of those in Gaza and the rest of Palestine is not only omitted in the media, it is hidden from the eyes of the Western population altogether. Palestine, Gaza in particular, simply does not exist.
To date, one of the best reports I have seen regarding 9/11 was written by my son Peter six years ago …

I am Not a Conspiracy Theorist: 9/11 Facts or Fictions?

By Peter Amsel


Living in the world today can be quite difficult, especially if you feel the need to avoid the moral and intellectual pitfalls that “modern” life provides. However, this is something that only becomes difficult if you feel a need to avoid compromising your moral compass (assuming such exists), otherwise it should not be a serious impediment. There are many things about myself and my character that I like to believe are true and reasonably noble, amongst that list would be that I am willing to take correction from others when I make mistakes and that I try to be as generous of my time, energies and resources as much as I am able. While these are not the only traits that I would like to trumpet, humility is also a trait that I am aware that I have, but am in need of more.

Having said that, there is one thing that I am truly thankful that I possess, and that is the ability to reason. This is by no means a unique gift as it defines our species in our ability to look at information and make decisions based on the facts that have been presented to us. Being reasonable means that we are able to look at information and ideas even if they come to us from people and sources that we may not immediately trust and assess that information. We look at material without prejudice, allowing the truth to be revealed, allowing the obfuscations and machinations of the special interest groups, lobbyists and anyone else with something to gain by the perpetration of lies to be shut out through the acknowledgement that the truth shall, indeed, set you free.

Unfortunately, alas, that is not how the “real world” seems to operate. Alas, that seems to be just the opposite as to how things work. Before anything else is said, there is one other trait that I am very proud to possess: I am not, in any way, shape or form, a conspiracy theorist. I believe that men walked on the moon. I believe that a lone man, using a single rifle (having been trained as a Marine by the United States and having attained sharp shooter status) assassinated JFK. I believe that Area 51 is, in fact, a Top Secret (UMBRA) Military Base used for the testing and development of new aircraft for the USAF (including the U2, SR71, B1, B2, F117, F22, F35, and the UCAV’s that are currently being deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan).

I am not a believer in conspiracies.

We have not been told the truth about 9/11; we have been lied to and the people that have told the lies know that the truth has been concealed from the public; furthermore, they know that the truth is not “out there”, it has been examined by experts in their field, experts that are willing to openly dispute the “findings” of the “9/11 Commission”, a work of fantasy and fiction that fed the American people a pile of obfuscation that stank of the stench of the rotting corpses trapped in the rubble of Ground Zero.

I will never be able to forget that morning; I was in the basement working on the computer when the phone rang. My step-father’s frantic voice told me to turn on CNN; a plane had just crashed into the WTC. The rest of that day I watched. I watched, prayed, wept, cried, sobbed, prayed, and cried some more. My parents are from New York and I spent the majority of my summer vacations visiting family there; even though I had been born and raised in Canada, this felt like an attack on my own home. I was talking to a friend in Toronto when the first tower collapsed. It seemed wrong then, too fast, too symmetrical … too … perfect. Then the second tower fell.


Continue reading this at his BLOG


There are still other unanswered questions …. WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE?


Uncle Sam still wants us to believe that 9/11 is a thorn in his side

'Copyleft' by Carlos Latuff

‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff


  1. September 11, 2014 at 11:59

    Reblogged this on silbershark110neverdie and commented:
    israhell did9/11
    C.I.A created al qaeda
    Mo$$ad created isis

  2. September 11, 2014 at 21:21

    […] 9/11/14 ~~ THE BAR MITZVAH OF ISLAMOPHOBIA […]

  3. Davidski said,

    September 12, 2014 at 13:41

    Only problem I have with the narrators dialogue is his belief in the face of overwhelming evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK and killed him with one bullet that also went through and through and hit and broke the arm of the Dallas governor, and somehow managed to turn JFK’s skull outwards from front to back???