Beware of the murderous influence and criminal power of the United States and its Zionist whisperers!

Murderous Influence – The Criminal Power Of The United States And Its Zionist Whisperers

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


We should beware of the murderous states of the United States and Israel, where blatant violations of the law have long since become “normal” and which describe the degree of criminalization of US and Zionist foreign policy; this is happening in an increasingly blatant, unscrupulous way that should make us all deeply concerned, especially since the German government and Europe are increasingly orienting towards this. When the EPP parliamentary group leader in the EU Parliament, Manfred Weber, in an interview on ZDF on Sunday evening (Iran) refers to Iran as a “terrorist regime” and more commitment to “coping” with the Iran crisis also “alongside the USA” calls, and speaks with incomprehensible numbers of the public “murder of 10,000 homosexuals”, then it joins the Israeli mythical fairy tale of “Holocaust planning” against the “Jewish state” or the mistranslation that Ahmadinejad allegedly demanded “to sweep Israel off the map”. These false reports are launched to discredit Iran.

Accidental plane shoot-down: consequence of murderous US threats

What we are currently experiencing is more than borderline. The brutal US assassination attempt on a senior Iranian takes a back seat, instead focusing on the tragic inadvertent shooting down of the plane. One must not forget that this panicked, deadly wrong reaction certainly has to do with the murderous US threats and shows the pressure that the Iranian government was under. After all, the Iranian authorities apologized for this terrible misfortune, which the USA categorically rejected in 1988 after shooting down an Iranian plane with 290 people on board!

The murder of Soleimani brought millions of people to the streets in Iran, and then thousands of Iranians protest against the Iranian government for their days of silence, which is indeed inexcusable! As is to be expected, this will once again be exploited in this country with a western anti-Iran mood. This is more than counterproductive for the credibility of our media. The “manipulation of silence”, as described by Jens Berger in the pondering pages, has unfortunately become the normality of the “gap press”. (1) (2) (3)

As it turns out now, the cowardly and sneaky assassination of General Soleimani had nothing to do with an “imminent” threat of an attack on four US embassies, and according to his Secretary of War Esper, it was not only unconfirmed, but there was no information that within a few days there would be an attack of this magnitude. This also failed the last pitiful attempt to justify this murder with current threats and struggle in the “war on terror”. Fortunately, the United States apparently failed with an attack on another Iranian commander that was planned at the same time. Everything smells of the DNA of the Netanyahu regime in the background, who surely knows only too well how many murderous joint commands are still on the way. The continued strong determination of the Netanyahu regime to weaken Iran and to launch attacks and bombings against Syria and Iraq is likely to lead to further attacks. (4)

Bolton and Pompeo: drivers of the murder plans

It was an act of revenge by the Trump administration for the setbacks it suffered from clever generals like Soleimani. For months, even after Bolton left, “Tea Party” Foreign Minister Pompeo and other hardliners had been retaliatory against the Al-Quds Brigade and its leaders. The Netanyahu regime has also been pushing for blows against Iran and Soleimani since the start of the Trump election, as one of the most important hatred figures.

Bolton, as the driving force, tried everything to implement these murder plans and put his greatest emphasis on Soleimani and other important Iranian leaders. As reported by various media, it was Lebanese Hezbollah leader Nasrallah who warned Soleimani that the media and political assassination was in preparation and in the final stages. Hezbollah and its charismatic leader are also a special enemy of the Zionist occupying regime because the Zionists failed in Lebanon. The “butcher of Lebanon” Sharon also experienced his Waterloo in Lebanon despite all the war crimes. Today, the Netanyahu regime, with its numerous air strikes against Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, has continued the trail of war crimes and is far from over. Iran has been targeted for years, According to “Israel Today”, the nuclear facilities through the USA are already in “bearing”. The nuclear power Israel, and therefore by no means threatened, does not tolerate a second one next to it and, unlike Iran, does not let its huge nuclear arsenal be controlled and persistently refuses to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty – accepted without contradiction by the so-called “Western community of values”. Iran is repeatedly urged to comply with the nuclear deal, even though the United States has broken it. So far, the EU has done nothing to deliver Iran the promised aid payments through Instex. Much ado about nothing, typical of this disgraceful Meuse and EU policy. (5) does not tolerate a second person next to them and does not allow their huge nuclear arsenal to be controlled, unlike Iran, and persistently refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – unreservedly accepted by the so-called “Western community of values”. Iran is repeatedly urged to comply with the nuclear deal, even though the United States has broken it. So far, the EU has done nothing to deliver Iran the promised aid payments through Instex. Much ado about nothing, typical of this disgraceful Meuse and EU policy. (5) does not tolerate a second person next to them and does not allow their huge nuclear arsenal to be controlled, unlike Iran, and persistently refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – unreservedly accepted by the so-called “Western community of values”. Iran is repeatedly urged to comply with the nuclear deal, even though the United States has broken it. So far, the EU has done nothing to deliver Iran the promised aid payments through Instex. Much ado about nothing, typical of this disgraceful Meuse and EU policy. (5) So far, the EU has done nothing to deliver Iran the promised aid payments through Instex. Much ado about nothing, typical of this disgraceful Meuse and EU policy. (5) So far, the EU has done nothing to deliver Iran the promised aid payments through Instex. Much ado about nothing, typical of this disgraceful Meuse and EU policy. (5)

Among other things, it was the same CIA forces as Gina Haspel who already carried out the illegal operations of torture and evidence destruction under Bush Jr. Times. (6)

Trump and Netanyahu: brothers in spirit

Trump, who is facing an impeachment procedure (impeachment) by the Democrats, is making every effort to escape it and to secure the support of the Republican Falcons in the Senate. This is the only way Trump believes to secure the favor of his voters, as well as his second term, and to gain domestic political benefits.

We experience the same thing with the Zionist friend and brother in the spirit of Netanyahu, who tries everything to avoid an impending corruption lawsuit and has no scruples, even to have the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) certify immunity in order to be undisturbed by processes for the upcoming third elections to win and stay prime minister.

We are dealing with the double abuse of international crimes and domestic political self-interest. In fact, the targeted assassination attempt also violates the US Constitution (Bill of Rights), which explicitly states that “nobody can be robbed of life, liberty, or property without a due process of justice”. (7)

“No US Government Employee May Participate in Political Murder”

So it is thanks to the “Church Commission”, named after Senator Frank Church, that attacks against foreign leaders were uncovered and forced the then US President Gerald Ford to sign Executive Order 11905 in 1976, which says : “No US government employee is allowed to participate in or prepare for a political murder.” (8) (9)

We are experiencing what has become of this ever more intensely. It is the moral brutalization of all values ​​and overrides all democratic norms. The more politicians point to values ​​and a supposed “fight against terror”, the more mendacious and ruthless they are.

Let us not forget that General Soleimani was one of Iran’s most respected and important government officials and was on an equal footing with his US counterparts in the fight against IS. This fact ignores the Western propaganda machinery and prefers to speak of a “terrorist”. That is why Trump can refer to Soleimani as a “sadistic mass murderer” who would have had “thousands” of people on his conscience and who should have been eliminated for a long time. This is part of the many Trump lies and sick Twitter messages that have no basis other than hatred and self-interest.

Sequence of 9/11: System of massive Orwellian surveillance

Since September 11, 2001 (9/11), the unresolved attacks have been used to overthrow all democratic rights and international law. A system of massive Orwellian surveillance has been installed, stretching from the United States to Europe and Germany. Already under the “drone king” Obama it came out that even Merkel’s cell phone had been monitored by the US secret service. However, this was obediently swept under the table, since it was the “American friends”.

Since then there has been the unbridled “fight against terror”, which was only used to stir up hatred of Muslims in such a way that it has spread like the worst epidemic of all time. The fact is that the spread of IS or al-Qaida was a direct result of the US wars and interventions, plunging millions of people into death and misery. Supported by at least $ 1 billion in weapons such groups were given to fuel the war, such as in Syria, while large sections of the population were impoverished. The “Jewish State” also pursued the support of such terrorist groups.

What do we still have to do? After all, the “Jewish State” is the most important ally of the US imperialists under Trump. In line with the staging of the “New American Century” think tank, which is pushing for regime change throughout the region in order to secure American and Israeli dominance.

A comprehensive war threatens against Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the Palestinians

Columbia University’s Joseph Massad recently wrote that the recent US-sponsored moves to formal “non-aggression pacts” between Israel and certain Gulf states are a preparatory step for a full-scale war against Iran and Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the Palestinians could be.

For example, the United States invaded Iraq illegally, disregarding the UN and unleashing a war against international law with “poison gas lies”. Even then, Netanyahu was one of the main “pullers” and accomplices of these deadly lies. Everything repeats itself: lies are followed by wars, targeted murders and torture. All in the name of “Christian-Jewish values”, in the fight against “terrorist-unworthy-Muslims”. The only exceptions are, according to “Feldmarschall Göring”: “Whoever is a Jew, we determine” and some have been made “Honorary Aryans”, so there are “Honorary Muslims” of friendly states such as Saudi Arabia or Egypt at will.

Who does not remember how Trump’s predecessor in office, Obama, was worshiped in Germany, who later expanded as the “drone king Obomba” to the countless crimes of the Bush era and had more than 500 drone attacks carried out with tens of thousands of murder victims in the Middle East and personally in the so-called “Killing Tuesday” selected the people who then ended up as tattered murder victims. Many European countries were initiated and silent helpers in the murder, as was Germany with Ramstein as a US drone base. From the Desert Storm to Soleimani there is a murderous blood trail in the USA, made possible by German help! (10) (11) (12)

Obama even went so far as to have innocent US citizens like Anwar al-Awlaki murdered in Yemen, and what a coincidence that the 16-year-old’s sister was later “killed” under Trump. (13)

The “Jewish State”: Master in targeted murder

The state murder is cruel “normalcy” in US politics. This form of “targeted murder” was optimized by the “Jewish State” and, as the investigative reporter for the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth Ronen Bergmann writes in his book “The Shadow War”, there has been no other country in the “western” since the end of the Second World War Community of values ​​”except Israel, that has more“ targeted murders ”on the conscience. The “Jewish State” is a master in targeted murder and “no Israeli can claim that he knew nothing of what was happening in his name.” (14)

When assassination squads and helicopters were sent out during the second Intifada to “eliminate” Palestinian politicians, this was confirmed by the UN, “Murders against the Fourth Geneva Convention”, Article 147 and violation of “International Humanitarian Law”. At that time, the United States and the Europeans still distanced themselves from this Israeli murder policy. Today this is copied or supported by some states (Ramstein).

Through this targeted murder policy, regime changes and economic wars, which have desperate people demonstrated, and through targeted infiltration tactics such as in Ukraine, Venezuela, Hong Kong or Iran, one wants to consciously secure Western supremacy, with all dirty means of this ” clean policy.

So beware of the murderous influence and criminal power of the United States and its Zionist whisperers!


(1) https://www.welt.de/geschichte/article178462374/Persischer-Golf-Der-toedliche-Fehler-der-USS-Vincennes-kosten-290-Leben.html

(2) https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/iran-ukraine-flugzeugabsturz-100.html

(3) https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=57548

(4) https://www.israelheute.com/erfahren/analyse-werden-die-usa-die-atomanlagen-des-iran-bombardieren/

(5) https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/berichte-us-angriff-auf-weiteren-iranischen-kommandeur-im-jemen-schlug-fehl-100.html

(6) https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-cia-director-gina-haspel-oversaw-torture-under-bush-2018-3?r=DE&IR=T

(7) https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript

(8) https://www.brookings.edu/blog/brookings-now/2015/05/06/40-years-ago-church-committee-investigated-americans-spying-on-americans/

(9) https://www.justsecurity.org/27407/assassination-ban-targeted-killings/

(10) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/14/obama-secret-kill-list-disposition-matrix

(11) https://daserste.ndr.de/panorama/aktuell/USA-fuehren-Drohnenkrieg-von-Deutschland-aus,ramstein146.html

(12) https://www.ft.com/content/6346dd78-322d-11ea-9703-eea0cae3f0de

(13) https://theintercept.com/2017/01/30/obama-killed-a-16-year-old-american-in-yemen-trump-just-killed-his-8-year-old-sister /

(14) http://www.sehepunkt.de/2018/05/31416.html



Originally posted AT


Israeli intel helped US carry out strike that killed Iran’s Soleimani — report

Information provided by Jewish state confirmed that Quds Force leader was at Baghdad airport before missile strike, NBC News reports

Israel helped the United States in the operation that resulted in the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the powerful head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, a US report said over the weekend.

According to an NBC News report late Friday, the Jewish state was involved in the January 3 operation, handing the Americans key intelligence details.

The information helped confirm intelligence provided by informants at a Syrian airport that Soleimani had been on a nighttime flight from Damascus to Baghdad, the report said, quoting two sources with direct knowledge of the operation and other US officials briefed on it.

After his plane landed, it was a simple matter of using drones to track him exiting the aircraft and entering a car, which was later targeted with four missiles.

Israeli media reported the day after the strike that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had briefed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ahead of time about the US plans to kill Soleimani.

Pompeo phoned Netanyahu on January 1, ostensibly to thank him for Israel’s support in efforts to combat Iran and after the attack on the US embassy in Iraq.

Before departing for Athens the following morning, Netanyahu alluded to “very, very dramatic things” happening in the region.

“We know that our region is stormy; very, very dramatic things are happening in it. We are alert and are monitoring the situation. We are in continuous contact with our great friend the US, including my conversation yesterday afternoon,” he told reporters at Ben Gurion International Airport.

Hours later, Soleimani and several top officials from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed in the airstrike at Baghdad’s international airport, along with an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia commander.

Netanyahu had been the only non-US leader who appeared in the know about the planned operation beforehand, the New York Times reported Saturday.

The Reuters news agency reported Thursday that a series of Syrian and Iraqi informants are suspected of providing the US with the information that led to Soleimani’s killing.

The suspected informants — two security employees at Baghdad airport and two workers in private Syrian airline Cham Wings — gave the intelligence about Soleimani’s secret flight from Damascus to Baghdad, the report said, quoting security officials, Baghdad airport employees and Cham Wings employees.

Tensions between Tehran and Washington have risen significantly since the US carried out the airstrike that killed Soleimani. In the wake of the killing, the Iraqi parliament voted to press the government to expel US troops from the country and Iran announced that it will no longer abide by any of the limits of its 2015 nuclear deal.

Last week, a former leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said that the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa could be targeted to avenge Soleimani after previously alleging that Israel leaked information about Soleimani’s whereabouts to US forces.

The US launched the airstrike that killed the Iranian general after a US defense contractor was killed and several American and Iraqi troops were wounded in a rocket attack in northern Iraq which was in turn launched in retaliation for US airstrike which killed Iranian-backed militants at several sites in Syria and Iraq. Supporters of the militant group subsequently broke into the US embassy in Baghdad.



For a long time, the Netanyahu regime has been trying to bring Trump’s US into a confrontation course with Iran, as has already been seen when the US unilaterally canceled its nuclear deal.

Trump and Netanyahu belong to the International Criminal Court as war criminals

by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

If one reads leading German media, then after Trump’s murder of the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani it is only about the security of the “Jewish state”, and once again shows the one-sided philosemic sentiment and the associated criminal empathy and disrespect towards the Arab-Iranian-Muslim world.

An infamous and unjustifiable murder

Neither the United States nor the “Jewish state, which has been campaigning against Iran for years, has done itself any favors with this infamous and unjustifiable murder of one of Iran’s leading figures. No matter how much the politicians from Netanyahu to so-called “opposition politicians” cheer about it, the vast majority of our society has again witnessed the unscrupulousness with which US state terrorist leaders Trump and Netanyahu try to distract themselves from their internal difficulties in the country in order to win elections ,

Clearly the DNA of the “Jewish State”

This assassination attempt clearly bears the DNA of the “Jewish State” as the puller. Hadn’t Trump called Netanyahu before he told anyone about his terrible plan to get instructions on what was rumored, and the Mossad hadn’t had the murder victim on his killing list for years after several plots to murder Soleimani had been blown off ? Several Arab media outlets, such as “Israel Today”, did not report about the last minute attempt to murder Soleimani when he wanted to visit the shrine in memory of his late father, but did the Iranian authorities discover a 500kg bomb under a chair intended for him after a warning? In 2008 Soleimani was already targeting the murderer on the occasion of his meeting in Damascus with Hezbollah leader Imad Mugniyeh, whom the Mossad murdered. (1)

United in jubilation over Trump’s murder

The “Jewish State” is united in jubilation over Trump’s murder, and that’s the most terrifying thing that should affect us all. This terrible propaganda, which does not shy away from insulting Soleimani while still dead and praising his own strength. Both the Zionist and the US regime have lost all morality and left the last spark of decency behind. With the public threat of a war crime to attack Iran’s cultural heritage, Trump reveals himself to be a primitive, vile and, above all, culture-less person for whom the rule of law and human dignity do not count. Human rights do not apply to him, only self-interest counts for him. (2) (3)

Go into history as a martyr

General Qassem Soleimani was a smart opponent of criminal and murderous US politics, and he did a great job as the commander of the al-Quds brigades. He, who began his military career in the wake of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, was considered a son by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and appointed him as a special advisor. It was Soleimani who, with his foresight, was able to prevent many sinister regime change plans from Syria to Lebanon. It was this intellectual prudence and his ability that made him the number one enemy of the state for the “Jewish Occupier State” and the United States. He will go down in history as a martyr, and Iran will surely respond to this breach of international law and war-murderous assassination in his best sense.

It was an impressive and moving funeral ceremony in Iran that united the people and welded them together even more in pain at the loss. Millions of people thought of this brave martyr and great Iranian. (4)

Nor can one be reminded enough that, unlike the United States and Israel, Iran has not yet started any devastating wars with hundreds of thousands of deaths. Iran is not the monster state, but the criminal USA and its Zionist murderous accomplices who want to drag us into their wars and war crimes regardless of losses.

They act completely unscrupulous and treat their country, states and people like lifeless extras who only have to wait for their orders. You can literally see how Trump almost childishly divides his world like in Monopoly and wants to steer with his limited “dealer image”. He now shamelessly copies everything he accused the “drone king” Obama of campaigning with drones.

Ramstein drone?

Trump used the “Queen of the Drones”, the “Grim Reaper”, the MQ9 Reaper, powered by a 900 hp engine that can do both: watch and kill. Trump had the killing carried out by remote control and thus once again promoted the sale of the General Atomic Group based in San Diego, California. This extremely successful company has interested parties all over the world, from Australia, Spain, Great Britain and last but not least Kramp-Karrenbauer, the German Minister of War AKK. At first I thought whether the drone came from Ramstein, but in the end that is no longer decisive, because the USA and Germany are so closely linked that there should only be one consequence for us:

End submissive vassal policy

Shutting down all US military bases on German soil, detaching themselves from the “US friends” and the murderous NATO and finally starting to conduct subordinate vassal politics independently and sovereignly, not as a quasi “occupied” country, but instead consistently pursuing peace work. The fact that we are further away from this goal than ever is shown in the current policy that runs through all parties. Are they so agreed that we are finally “who” and can get involved in missions abroad, together with our NATO and alliance partners.

The Iraqi government is fed up with “US friends”

The Iraqi Parliament has just passed the correct, albeit unfortunately not binding, resolution to remove US and all foreign troops from Iraq. The Iraqi government is fed up with the “US friends” who have plunged them into poverty, misery and chaos for decades. Trump’s answer was, as expected, the threat of the “sanctions” weapon of mass destruction and the bill to charge the impoverished country billions of dollars for its military bases. The occupied should pay for the occupation. Germany is also treated like an occupied country in trade policy, as ex-Chancellor Schröder noted in 2018 (5) (6) (7)

We see what this “peace work” looks like: it is all about colonization, power and shameless resource theft, regardless of the needs of the local population. That this kind of “peace policy” does not make friends should now be obvious to even the stupidest politicians who brag about the missions again and again.

Iran has adhered to the nuclear deal

For a long time, the Netanyahu regime has been trying to bring Trump’s US into a confrontation course with Iran, as has already been seen when the US unilaterally canceled its nuclear deal. Unlike the United States, Iran has adhered to the treaty and has even undertaken controls in the country. What did it use Iran and how was it thanked? With a boycott that was tantamount to an economic war and is said to lead the country into poverty and scarcity, and Europe is silent about it. What then happened, however, could neither please the USA nor the Zionist friends, the people held together even more and did not bow. The USA is a master in this type of war, often tried and tested and carried out worldwide.

Joint struggle against Muslims and “Christian-Jewish domination

Isn’t Trump and the Netanyahu regime really just one thing, namely the common struggle against “the” Muslims and Christian-Jewish domination? Under the guise of democracy, these state terrorists are trying to overwhelm them with terror and bombs. With targeted actions, occupations, attacks and boycotts, they work with this scientifically sophisticated strategy.


If you look at our government, Germany has no strategy at all. While the Minister of War AKK wants to leave German troops in Iraq, AA Maas wants to consult with the Iraqi government and Merkel will fly to Moscow next Saturday at the invitation of Putin. Europe, and Germany in particular, would be well advised to distance itself from Soleimani’s murder and to no longer follow Trump-USA and the “Jewish State” in its fatal warlike policies that violate aggression and international law. No German rationale for the security of the state-terrorist “Jewish state”. (8) (9)

A cynical legal-political instrument

Israel’s trust in agreements with the Palestinians as the basis for settling disputes between the sides is a cynical legal-political instrument. For decades, the European states that dominate the International Criminal Court have heard Israeli arguments that court intervention would undermine peace negotiations with the Palestinians. Currently, not a single state is likely to use this argument to delay a trial against Israel. It does not interfere with statements by politicians in Jerusalem about the death of the Oslo peace treaties and unilateral Israeli punitive measures against the Palestinians living under their illegal occupation, such as withholding taxpayers’ money, which are due to the Palestinian Authority. The decision or intention of Israel to annex the Jordan Valley in the West Bank mentioned in the IstGH declaration clearly contradicts the Oslo Accords, which reject unilateral measures that could affect the permanent status of the occupied territories.

Akiva Eldar wrote: Concentrating on legal arguments marginalizes the fundamental question: why does the state of a people, who has been the victim of war crimes and the worst crimes against humanity in modern history, refuse to join the IstGH to combat war crimes was set up? After all, Netanyahu himself noted at the beginning of the cabinet meeting that the IstGH was “founded after the horrors of World War II, especially after the horrors inflicted on our people”. The reason for this, apart from the question of settlements, is the concern that membership in the IstGH would limit the freedom of action of the IDF and that of the current and former heads of the Israeli security authorities. The members of the IstGH are obliged to respect the arrest warrants issued by him and to stop and extradite suspects within their limits. Netanyahu’s mention of the circumstances in which the court was founded should mock the important institution. (10) And there is only one answer:

Trump and Netanyahu must go to the International Criminal Court as war criminals, as well as for their crimes against humanity!



(1) https://www.israelheute.com/erfahren/analyse-was-war-israels-rolle-bei-der-toetung-soleimanis/

(2) https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/01/05/us-trump-threatens-war-crimes-against-iran

(3) https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-lauds-trump-for-killing-of-irans-soleimani-says-israel-stands-by-us/

(4) https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/01/mourners-flood-tehran-calls-revenge-soleimani-grow-200106061955097.html

(5) https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/05/mike-pompeo-iraq-iran-troops-093961

(6) https://www.diepresse.com/5531243/schroder-werden-von-usa-wie-besetztes-land- treated

(7) https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=57451

(8) https://taz.de/Eskalation-nach-Toetung-von-Soleimani/!5650285/

(9) https://www.cicero.de/aussenpolitik/militaeraktion-usa-iran-soleimani-donald-trump-naher-osten

(10) https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/12/israel-palestinians-international-criminal-court-netanyahu.html


Originally posted AT



Image by Latuff

And YOU are the ones paying for it!


BREAKING: U.S. drops the the largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan. It’s the first time the GBU-43 bomb has been used in combat.

Images by Latuff

U.S. just dropped the “Mother of All Bombs” in Afghanistan, and I can only remember this cartoon I made in 2007


MOAB: Mother of All Bombs dropped by the U.S. in Afghanistan
WAR: Mother of All Business


White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters Thursday that US forces dropped a GBU-43 bomb on a system of tunnels and caves in Afghanistan.


Image by Carlos Latuff

    So It Goes Double Standards

So It Goes
Double Standards



Over one hundred people gathered in Manhattan’s Korean business on October 21st to protest  the American missile “defense” system [THAAD] in South Korea.

Photos © by Bud Korotzer
























First there was this ….. (Click on link to read report)

This year for Halloween your child too can help defend the Israeli occupation

The "Israeli Soliders Costume for Kids" Walmart’s Israeli soldier’s costume for children shows insensitivity to victims and survivors of war crimes.

The “Israeli Soliders Costume for Kids”
Walmart’s Israeli soldier’s costume for children shows insensitivity to victims and survivors of war crimes.

Then a reversal in Walmart’s decision …..

Disgust at Walmart’s Israeli soldier costume for kids


On Tuesday evening, Walmart withdrew from sale two products that have generated widespread outrage and disgust: the Israeli soldier costume for children and the grotesquely racist “Sheikh Fagin Nose.”

The Halloween costumes are no longer available on the company’s website. The giant retailer has not responded to a request for comment.

Earlier, a host of groups, including the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the US Palestinian Community Network jointly called on Walmart and other retailers to stop selling the two items.

Robert Mackey has more details at The New York Times’ “Open Source” blog.

Original article

Walmart, one of the world’s largest retailers, has sparked outrage by selling an “Israeli Soldier Costume for Kids.”

The Halloween outfit is particularly distasteful at a time when human rights groups are strongly condemningIsrael’s policy of extrajudicially executing Palestinians forced to live under its decades-long military occupation.

The costume, seen above, includes a dark green uniform and red beret. The jacket includes the Hebrew abbreviation for “Israel Defense Forces.” An Internet search shows that it is sold by other online retailers as well.

“When I first saw the Israeli soldier costume for kids I thought it was a joke,” Gaza writer and editor Refaat Alareer told The Electronic Intifada. “The model boy used to promote this costume is probably the age of my niece, whose father Israeli soldiers murdered in Gaza in 2014 when they destroyed our family home.”

In the summer of 2014 the Israeli army killed 551 Palestinian children during its assault on Gaza.

Many child survivors of Israel’s attack now have lifelong injuries.

An independent UN Human Rights Council inquiry found extensive evidence of war crimes during the assault that killed more than 2,200 Palestinians, likely ordered at the highest level of the Israeli government.

Alareer’s brother Muhammad, known as Hamada, was killed during the Israeli attack on the eastern Gaza City neighborhood of Shujaiya, a devastating assault that destroyed the homes of thousands of families and killed dozens of people.

Hamada had played a beloved children’s character similar to Big Bird on Palestinian TV, called Karkour. He left behind his wife, a young daughter and baby son.

“I am sure my orphan niece and nephew would be terrorized seeing the kid wearing the Israeli khaki uniform which is the reason for the death of their beloved dad,” Alareer said.

“The Israeli soldier uniform will remain an ugly scar in the face of Walmart which by selling this outfit promotes death, destruction and occupation,” he added. “As a Palestinian who lost many relatives to Israeli soldiers in a costume like the one Walmart is selling, I feel disgusted.”

Alareer urged Walmart to “remove this revolting outfit and apologize for the 551 Palestinian kids Israel murdered in the summer of 2014.”

He also called on American parents to “boycott this outfit and Walmart and not allow their kids to wear a costume of murderers.”

Racist costumes

Walmart’s “Sheikh Fagin” costume manages to be both anti-Arab and anti-Semitic.

Walmart’s “Sheikh Fagin” costume manages to be both anti-Arab and anti-Semitic.

AJ Plus producer Dena Takruri also pointed out other troubling and racist costumes for sale at Walmart.com.

These include this “Sheikh Fagin Nose” mask. The “hook nose” is regular feature of racist caricatures of Jews and Arabs. Fagin is the name of a villainous character in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, often criticized as an anti-Semitic stereotype.


The Israeli soldier costume has already generated negative media coverage for Walmart, including in The Independent, New York Daily News, Al Arabiya and The Jerusalem Post.

An inquiry has been sent to the company, but other media say the retailer has yet to comment.

Last summer, Walmart removed items bearing the Confederate flag from its shelves.

The move came after a gunman murdered nine African Americans at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, on 17 June.

Dylann Roof, an avowed white supremacist who posted pictures of himself posing with the Confederate flag, has been charged with the killings.

While Walmart had profited from the racist symbol for years, it bowed to a wave of revulsion and decided to stop selling the flag.

It remains to be seen whether Walmart will show any such sensitivity to the child victims of Israel’s occupation and war crimes.


The trial is a first in America and is also the first time an Israeli Prime Minister will be put on trial for reasons of international terrorism.

War criminal Ehud Barak Image by Carlos Latuff

War criminal Ehud Barak
Image by Carlos Latuff

Ex-Israeli prime minister sued in US for attack on Gaza flotilla

A case has been opened against former Israeli Prime Minister and Defence Minister Ehud Barak in the US who is one of the responsible perpetrators for the attack upon the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and is the first person to carry the embargo upon Gaza into effect.

The family of Furkan Doğan, an American citizen who was martyred with the attack, has made a plea in the US for the attacks to the vessels including Mavi Marmara of Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was present in the US for a conference. He is the first person to decide, and to carry the embargo upon Gaza into effect. Barak is one of the responsible for the attack upon the Mavi Marmara flotilla. The attorney’s of the Mavi Marmara case were able to get in contact with Ehud Barak to convey him the written notice with a file that was prepared earlier, even though Mossad agents had tried to hinder this attempt of communication. Ehud Barak who had suffered a shock with the notice will stand trial in the United States.

The lawsuit in the name of Furkan Doğan’s family will be tried in the Central District of California. Ehud Barak will be tried for the crimes on the board of Mavi Marmara both to receive imprisonment and to pay compensation. Other plaintiffs and families of martyrs will also be able to join the case.

The case being heard in the United States is being looked after with the leadership of prosecuter Prof.Dr Geoffrey Nice QC who had put Serbian murderer Milosevic on trial. Within the team, Stoke&White is looking after the coordination within the case, Rodney Dixon QC who is the attorney of Mohammed Mursi, and American attorney’s Hydee Dijsktal and Dan Stormer are also present.

Ehud Barak with the case to be heard at the Central District of California will be put on trial for murdering civillians and Furkan Doğan within international waters. Other reasons include“international terrorism”, “Willful killing”, “attempt of willful killing”, “intentionally causing serious injury to body or health”, “plundering”, , “intentionally causing damage to property”, “restriction of people’s freedom and instigating violent crime”. Barak will be tried for planing and leading these actions.

The trial is a first in America and is also the first time an Israeli Prime Minister will be put on trial for reasons of international terrorism.

Ehud Barak had just slipped in being arrested in France when going to a firearms expo in 2010 by hopping off the plane last minute with the trial opened against him by the wives of martyrs Cevdet Kılıçlar and Necdet Yıldırım in France.

The investigation is still continuing regarding all the perpretrators within the International Criminal Court (ICC). As it is also known, the ICC prosecuter had given the decision that the attack upon the Mavi Marmara Flotilla by Israel was a war crime. The red notice which has been issued by the 7th High Criminal Court in Istanbul is also been waiting to be sent to Interpol through the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Turkey to be put into practice.



Those who already know that this was all a terrible mistake, that no U.S. personnel would ever purposely call for a strike on a hospital even if they thought there were Taliban inside, should be the ones most eager for the most credible investigation possible: namely, the one under the Geneva Conventions, which MSF this morning demanded, by the tribunal created exactly for such atrocities.

Image by Carlos Latuff

Image by Carlos Latuff

Why Is the US Stonewalling the Afghan Hospital Bombing Investigation?

By Glenn Greenwald

n Geneva this morning, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) demanded a formal, independent investigation into the U.S. airstrike on its hospital in Kunduz. The group’s international president, Dr. Joanne Liu (pictured above, center), specified that the inquiry should be convened pursuant to war crime-investigating procedures established by the Geneva Conventions and conducted by The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission. “Even war has rules,” Liu said. “This was just not an attack on our hospital. It was an attack on the Geneva Conventions. This cannot be tolerated.”

Liu emphasized that the need for an “independent, impartial investigation is now particularly compelling given what she called “the inconsistency in the U.S. and Afghan accounts of what happened over the recent days.” On Monday, we documented the multiple conflicting accounts offered in the first three days by the U.S. military and its media allies, but the story continued to change even further after that. As The Guardian’s headline yesterday noted, the U.S. admission that its own personnel called in the airstrike — not Afghan forces as it claimed the day before — meant that “U.S. alters story for fourth time in four days.” All of this led Liu to state the obvious today: “We cannot rely on internal military investigations by the U.S., NATO and Afghan forces.”

An independent, impartial investigation into what happened here should be something everyone can immediately agree is necessary. But at its daily press briefing on Monday, the U.S. State Department, through its spokesperson Mark Toner, insisted that no such independent investigation was needed on the ground that the U.S. government is already investigating itself and everyone knows how trustworthy and reliable this process is:

QUESTION: The — so MSF is calling for an independent investigation of this incident by a neutral international body. Is that something the administration would support?

MR TONER: Well, we’ve got three investigations underway. Certainly, we’ve got our own DOD-led investigation. We obviously strongly believe that can be a very transparent and accountable investigation. Let’s let these three investigations run their course and see what the results are.

I would say — and I know the White House spoke about this earlier — we have reached out to some of the leadership in Médecins Sans Frontières to express our condolences over this tragic incident. But as to whether there needs to be an independent fourth investigation, we’re satisfied, I think, at this point that enough investigations are underway that we’ll get to the truth.

QUESTION: You don’t think that with the U.S., which is — which has an interest in how this investigation proceeds and what the outcome is, and being involved in all three investigations somehow affects the legitimacy of it?

MR TONER: I mean, frankly, I think we’ve proven over time that we can investigate incidents like these — like this, and as I said, hold anyone accountable who needs to be held accountable, and do it in such a way that’s transparent and, I think, credible.

QUESTION: Just along those lines —

MR TONER: Please.

QUESTION: — MSF has said that this is a clear presumption of a war crime that’s been committed here. Some have suggested that the ICC take it up. Is it a safe bet that the U.S. would vote against/veto any attempt in the Security Council to bring this incident for — up for an ICC investigation?

MR TONER: I don’t want to answer a hypothetical. On the war crime question itself, we’re just not there yet, and I don’t want to prejudge any outcome of any investigation.

Please, sir.

QUESTION: What do you mean, “We’re just not there yet”?

MR TONER: I mean we’re conducting investigations, we’re looking at this very closely, and we’re going to, as multiple folks have said including the president over the weekend — that we’re going to hold those accountable and it’s going to be a credible investigation.

QUESTION: Does that mean —

QUESTION: So it’s conceivable to you that this could have been a war crime?

MR TONER: I said we’re not — we’re letting the investigations run their course.

QUESTION: Well, regardless of whether or not you —

MR TONER: I’m not going to — I’m not even — yeah, please, Matt.

QUESTION: No, but I want to —

MR TONER: Sure, go ahead. Sorry.

QUESTION: Is it not — I mean, it’s always been assumed, I think — and I just want to know if this assumption is still safe — that the U.S. would oppose an attempt to refer an incident involving U.S. troops to the International Criminal Court.

MR TONER: That’s —

QUESTION: I mean, as it’s — as it was being formed, you guys ran around signing these Article 98 —

MR TONER: That’s a perfectly sound assumption.

Can anyone justify that? So predictably, American journalists have announced without even waiting for any investigation that this was all a terrible accident, nothing intentional about it. Those U.S.-defending journalists should be the angriest about their government’s refusal to allow an independent, impartial investigation since that would be the most effective path for exonerating them and proving their innocent, noble intentions.

Many Americans, and especially a large percentage of the nation’s journalists, need no investigation to know that this was nothing more than a terrible, tragic mistake. They believe that Americans, and especially their military, are so inherently good and noble and well-intentioned that none would ever knowingly damage a hospital. John McCain expressed this common American view and the primary excuse now accompanying it — stuff happens — on NPR this morning:

Quote from Sen. John McCain. (photo: The Intercept)

Quote from Sen. John McCain. (photo: The Intercept)

They’re certain of this despite how consistent MSF has been that this was a “war crime.” They’re certain of it despite how many times, and how recently, MSF notified the U.S. military of the exact GPS coordinates of this hospital. They’re certain of it even though bombing continued for 30 minutes after MSF pleaded with them to stop. They’re certain of it despite the substantial evidence that their Afghan allies long viewed this exact hospital with hostility because — true to its name and purpose — the group treated all wounded human beings, including Taliban. They’re certain of it even though Afghan officials have explicitly defended the airstrike against the hospital on the ground that Taliban were inside. They’re certain of it despite how many times the U.S. has radically changed its story about what happened as facts emerged that proved its latest claims false. They’re certain of it despite how many times the U.S. has attacked and destroyed civilian targets under extremely suspicious circumstances.

But they are not apparently so certain that they desire an independent, impartial investigation into what actually happened here. The facially ludicrous announcement by the State Department that the Pentagon will investigate itself produced almost no domestic outrage. A religious-like belief in American exceptionalism and tribal superiority is potent indeed, and easily overrides evidence or facts. It blissfully renders the need for investigations obsolete. In their minds, knowing that it was Americans who did this suffices to know what happened, at least on the level of motive: It could not possibly be the case that there was any intentionality here at all. As McCain said, it’s only the Bad People — not Americans — who do such things deliberately.

But those who already know that this was all a terrible mistake, that no U.S. personnel would ever purposely call for a strike on a hospital even if they thought there were Taliban inside, should be the ones most eager for the most credible investigation possible: namely, the one under the Geneva Conventions, which MSF this morning demanded, by the tribunal created exactly for such atrocities.



Image by Carlos Latuff

Image by Carlos Latuff

UK petition calling for Netanyahu to be arrested for war crimes reaches 100,000 signatures

Click HERE to sign petition

On August 7, UK citizen Damian Moran posted a petition on the UK Government and Parliament E-petition website calling for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “be arrested for war crimes upon arrival in the U.K for the massacre of over 2000 civilians in 2014”. The petition spread swiftly on social media and as of September 4th it has garnered over 99,000 signatures. The UK government has promised to respond to all petitions over 100,000 signatures including considering them for debate in Parliament.



August 26th 2015, one year after the brutal Israeli massacre in Gaza, Jewish Voice For Peace  organized a memorial march through New York City from  West 77th St. to Columbus Circle. 200+ people participated in the memorial. As the they marched with signs and banners they  boldly called out  “Free Gaza”, “End the occupation” and “Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel’s crimes”. The group entered Columbus Circle in silence to honor the thousands murdered and injured in the attack which included children.

Photos © by Bud Korotzer

























Yesterday I posted about the wonderful lives dogs enjoy in Israel as compared to the lives of Palestinians …

Today there is a report of how 2 kittens were rescued from the war zone in Gaza last summer amidst the carnage of over 550 murdered innocent children.

Palestinian children killed in Israeli shelling, Gaza Strip. Their names are unknown, unlike the 2 kittens described below

Palestinian children killed in Israeli shelling, Gaza Strip. Their names are unknown, unlike the 2 kittens described below

Tzuk and Eitan were rescued from the fighting zone in the Strip during Operation Protective Edge by an IDF soldier, who is now the protagonist of a new optimistic and colorful book for children.

New children’s book tells story of kittens rescued from Gaza

Meet the kittens Tzuk and Eitan, who were born in Gaza, found a home in Israel after Operation Protective Edge (“Tzuk Eitan” in Hebrew) and are now starring in a new children’s book.

The cats, one white and the other ginger, were rescued from the fighting zone by one IDF soldier during Protective Edge. Their story has now been made into a children’s book written by Nurit Sternberg.

Illustration from the book: Matan feeding the kittens (Photo: Gadi Kabalo)

Illustration from the book: Matan feeding the kittens (Photo: Gadi Kabalo)

The soldier who rescued the cats, Matan Meshi, who is studying industrial engineering at the Ben-Gurion University, is the main protagonist of the book, titled “Tzuk and Eitan Find a Loving Home.”

Meshi, a fighter in the Ground Forces, was called for reserve duty at the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, and along with his friends went into the Gaza Strip for a series of missions in built-up areas in the central Gaza Strip.

“All of a sudden, a weak yowling was heard, and then another very weak, shaky yowling, and then a third. ‘What is there in the corner?’ Matan called with wonder. Two pairs of eyes sparkled in the darkness. Matan shone his light at the whispering, bustling corner, and then another weakling meow was heard. Matan saw two skinny, gaunt cats, and he felt sorry for the hungry and abandoned kittens.”

Matan fed the cats with food from his battles rations and gave them some water.

The ginger and white kittens spent three days with the fighters, who became attached to them and decided to bring them back to Israel in a cardboard box.

Illustration from the book: Matan and his friends taking the kittens to Israel (Photo: Gadi Kabalo)

Illustration from the book: Matan and his friends taking the kittens to Israel (Photo: Gadi Kabalo)

Once out of Gaza, the fighters got to Doron Elbaz’s refreshment station at the entrance to Moshav Maslul. Their next mission was to find the kittens a loving home.

Elbaz spread the story and the kittens were soon adopted by Kristina, a young woman from Tel Aviv. They have been living with her since.

And so the book describes it: “With a heavy bag on his back and his weapon on his shoulder, Matan marched with his friends along their journey, while the white and ginger cats were closed up in a cardboard box.”

Elbaz spread the story and the kittens were soon adopted by Kristina, a young woman from Tel Aviv. They have been living with her since.

Author Nurit Sternberg from Moshav Sde Warburg, who is a friend of Matan’s mother, decided to write a children’s book about the operation and the kittens’ adoption. Despite the fact the book takes place in war time, she wrote an optimistic and colorful book which makes for a light reading.

“I found the story really touching. It opens up a window into what went on in the soldiers’ hearts, and how they did not lose their compassion and gentleness despite the difficult operation,” Sternberg said.




Genocide was not good enough for him ….

Last year, Netanyahu fired Danon from the post of deputy defense minister after Danon publicly criticized Netanyahu for not taking firmer military action against Hamas during Israel’s summer offensive against the group in Gaza. After his dismissal, Danon lambasted Netanyahu’s “leftist flaccid attitude,” as he termed it.


Far Right-Winger Named as Israel’s New UN Envoy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Danny Danon, a hardliner from Netanyahu’s Likkud party, as ambassador to the United Nations.

Danon’s appointment, which was announced Friday, is meant to allow him to fight for the truth, Netanyahu said in a statement.

“The U.N. is an important forum right now and I am convinced that Danny will fight with all his power to present the truth in the international arena,” Netanyahu’s statement read.

Netanyahu and Danon – a firebrand who has called to reopen the Temple Mount to Jewish worship and has called boycotts against Israel “modern-day anti-Semitism” – have had a tense relationship.

Last year, Netanyahu fired Danon from the post of deputy defense minister after Danon publicly criticized Netanyahu for not taking firmer military action against Hamas during Israel’s summer offensive against the group in Gaza. After his dismissal, Danon lambasted Netanyahu’s “leftist flaccid attitude,” as he termed it.

At the U.N. headquarters in New York, Danon will replace Ron Prosor, who is widely credited in Israel for his performance at the organization, where Israel is often singled out for criticism, but where it has recently clinched some precedent-setting roles.

Israel’s Channel 2 this week reported that Netanyahu is considering appointing Mark Regev, a spokesperson of the Prime Minister’s Office under Netanyahu, to serve as ambassador in Britain.


Today's Spoof by Latuff

Today’s Spoof by Latuff



Sign petition HERE


See below for report from Palestine

Carlos Latuff added this image

Carlos Latuff added this image

On August 6th  the New York City Granny Peace Brigade  held a Hiroshima / Nagasaki  day memorial event in front of the New York City Public Library at 5th Avenue and 42nd Street. The memorial was held during the  rush hour as people were leaving work returning home. This way the memorial would have the greatest public visibility. There were numerous tourists also passing by. People stopped to take pictures and many took the yellow leaflets the grannies were handing out.


Photos © by Bud Korotzer

























Mazin Qumsiyeh. PhD adds the following from Palestine and Hiroshima

70 years ago, on August 6 and August 9, the US government of Harry Truman
dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Here is from my visit and
speech on that anniversary August 6, 2013 in Hiroshima.

This is the same Truman that pushed successfully to create nuclear armed
apartheid state of Israel that is terrorizing Palestinians and has
committed hundreds of massacres. Today Saad Dawabshe died of his severe
burns. He is the father of 18 month old martyr Ali who was burned alive in
the attack by racist Jewish colonial settlers on their family home. The
mother and second child still in critical condition. And the world leaves a
group of “pyromaniacs led by an egalomaniac” running a tinderbox (not my
words but words of an ex-Director of Israel’s security service, see below).
But the struggle goes on.

Today Saad Dawabshe died of his severe burns. He is the father of 18 month
old martyr Ali who was burned alive in the attack by racist Jewish colonial
settlers on their family home. The mother and second child still in
critical condition. And the world leaves a group of “pyromaniacs led by an
egalomaniac” running a tinderbox (not my words but words of an ex-Director
of Israel’s security service, click on link below). But the struggle goes on.

Click HERE

Contributed by Mike Rivero @

Contributed by Mike Rivero @



Photos  © by Bud Korotzer




















Chippy Dee adds ….

Several people were invited into the consulate to present a letter of apology from the American to the people of Japan for the bombings. The failure of the American government to issue an apology in these seventy years was duly noted. Numerous peace organizations participated in organizing the event. On the street the participants engaged in speeches, singing and giving out leaflets explaining the meaning of the event.


And Carlos Latuff added the following image


The immortal Pete Seeger was there in spirit entertaining the participants …


All my life I opposed the death penalty and have written about its evils ….

In Israel, capital punishment is allowed only during and only for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against the Jewish people, treason, and certain crimes under military law during wartime. The current Arab-Israel conflict is considered a war, and the committing of any of the crimes can result in the death penalty. Israel inherited the British Mandate of Palestine code of law, which included the death penalty for several offenses, but in 1954, Israel abolished the penalty for murder. (FROM)

BUT ……

When an 18 month old is brutally burnt to death by rampaging settlers in the Occupied West Bank, is there any other punishment that fits the crime?

Relatives carry the body of Palestinian toddler Ali Saad Dawabsha, through the streets of the West Bank village of Duma during his funeral on July 31, 2015. (AFP/ Thomas Coex)

Relatives carry the body of Palestinian toddler Ali Saad Dawabsha, through the streets of the West Bank village of Duma during his funeral on July 31, 2015. (AFP/ Thomas Coex)

President Mahmoud Abbas called for an investigation by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, while senior PA official Riyad al-Maliki rejected Israeli condemnations of the attack as hollow.

“We refuse to accept any official Israeli condemnation of the terrorist crime; they hold direct responsibility for the crime by their ongoing silence and deliberate ignoring and rejection of labeling these groups as terrorists,” al-Maliki said.

The United States Consul Donald Blome also expressed condolences to the Dawabsha family, referring to the arson as a terrorist attack and condemning what it termed a “crime of hate.”

While the US State Department’s 2013 Country Reports on Terrorism included “price-tag” attacks — attacks by extremist Israeli settlers — for the first time, it noted such attacks were “largely unprosecuted.”

Full report HERE

Well …

The time has come for these crimes to be prosecuted, and as I see it there is only one punishment that fits such crimes, the death penalty!

Khaled Amayreh adds ….

In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity. 
Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians. 
I don’t know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi” after all that Israel has done and is doing.
The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!
But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would  immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!
In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.
In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.
As victims of Jewish Nazism, we Palestinians are not going to die quietly in the uninterrupted Jewish holocaust against our very existence. We are not going to behave meekly at the Jewish slaughterhouse in deference of Jewish feelings.
Let the shipyard dogs of Jewish Nazism, from California to Sydney, let them bark as rabidly and uncontrollably as they could, but they won’t be able to suppress our voices.
Don’t tell us Israel has many Nobel Prize winners and talented doctors and scientists. So what? The Nazis, too, had many talented doctors and scientists! We all know the rest of the story.

Here is his full report

“The Nazis of our time won’t be able to silence the voices of truth”

I have been receiving of late several email messages, especially from North America, all critical of my propensity to compare the manifestly genocidal Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip with Nazi atrocities in the course of the Second World War.

Many of these messages came from recalcitrant Zionist supremacists who think the entire world must move according to the Zionist compass.

Other messages, however, were sent by apparently ignorant and naïve non-Zionists, seemingly brainwashed by protracted Zionist-Jewish propaganda. As we all know, Zionist-Jews more or less tightly control the media discourse in North America and to a lesser extent in Europe and Australia.  This is  one of the main reasons behind the unrestricted and often blind backing of the evil Zionist enterprise by most western governments, especially that of the U.S.

One of the critics of the Zionist-Nazi analogy wrote: “You call the Israelis the Nazis of our time. You clearly have no knowledge of history. Let’s take one example; at Barbi Yar in the Ukraine the Nazis slaughtered 30,000 Jews in one operation. 100,000 over a period of time. If the Israelis were the equivalent of Nazis neither you nor any other Palestinian would exist in what you call Palestine.  If ever there was the big liar, like the Nazis, it is you. I hope the PA comes for you again and puts you back in a deep hole.”

Palestinians don’t have to lie to promote their cause
Well, as Palestinians we don’t accuse Israel of murdering six million Palestinians, although Israel would have annihilated (physically) our entire people a long time ago had the circumstances been more “conducive” to the perpetration of such a genocide.

It is for this reason that instead of committing a single-event mega-genocide, the Zionist entity resorted to carrying out a series of genocidal atrocities, spread out overall several decades. This way the Zionists calculated the genocidal episodes would look less dramatic and world reactions would be muted and desensitized.

None the less, the ultimate Jewish-Zionist goal remained unchanged, namely the obliteration and physical annihilation of the native Palestinians in order to take over their country.

So the Palestinians are not inventing a “holocaust industry” to voice their plight and incriminate Israel. In fact, Israeli behaviors and actions are more than sufficient to condemn Israel. To put it very simply, the Palestinians don’t need to lie to expose Israeli Nazism and evilness.

Israel, its Talmudic doctrine, and the Zionist ideology in general do exude a clear mental willingness to embark on such a diabolical crime. Any honest observer can easily reach this inevitable conclusion by merely thoroughly examining any religious edicts, statements, lectures and speeches by numerous Israeli politicians and religious leaders.

So we are by no means making any hyperbolic or far-fetched claims here.

In fact, genocide by Jews against non-Jews is perfectly compatible with Orthodox Judaism, Talmudic doctrine and Jewish history. In any case, what is practiced in reality remains more eloquent an expression of Jewish Nazism than all the books and edicts.

Here is a testimony by Nurit Peled, daughter of Matti Peled, an Israeli Major-General, a celebrated Israeli military commander and war hero who describes Gaza as a concentration camp.

Numerous rabbis, past and present, made unequivocal and unmistakable statements enthusiastically supporting the notion of genocide against the Palestinian people. A few years ago, a Jewish settler leader affiliated with the messianic Jewish movement “Gush Emunim” was quoted as saying  that “the proper way to deal with the Palestinians is the Biblical way,” an allusion to  genocide.

More to the point, there is more to Jewish Nazism than just the sheer number of its Palestinian victims, although the numbers are not small by any means. Take for example the 2000 Palestinians murdered and the estimated 11000 maimed in the ongoing Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza so far. In proportion to the size of population, this would be like having about a million Americans murdered and maimed, and this happens during just “one military operation.”

Besides, Nazism, whether Jewish or Aryan, is not only about the sheer number of victims. It is also about a mental depravity, a criminal mindset, an evil intent, a barbarian value-system and a satanic ideology. Just watch how Judeo-Nazi Israelis are now celebrating the mass murder and mass destruction of Gaza.

In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity.

Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.

I don’t know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi” after all that Israel has done and is doing.

The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!

But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would  immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!

In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.

In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.

As victims of Jewish Nazism, we Palestinians are not going to die quietly in the uninterrupted Jewish holocaust against our very existence. We are not going to behave meekly at the Jewish slaughterhouse in deference of Jewish feelings.

Let the shipyard dogs of Jewish Nazism, from California to Sydney, let them bark as rabidly and uncontrollably as they could, but they won’t be able to suppress our voices.

Don’t tell us Israel has many Nobel Prize winners and talented doctors and scientists. So what? The Nazis, too, had many talented doctors and scientists! We all know the rest of the story.

My addition ….. and we all know the penalty they received!


The Palestinians are poor. They are powerless. They have no voice or influence in the halls of power. They are demonized. They do not have well-heeled lobbyists doling out campaign contributions and pushing through pro-Palestinian legislation. No presidential candidate is appealing to donors—as Hillary Clinton did when she sent a letter to media mogul Haim Saban denouncing critics of Israel—by promising to advance the interests of the Palestinian people. Palestinians, like poor people of color in the United States, are expendable.

 Smoke and fire from an Israeli strike rise over Gaza City in July 2014. (Hatem Moussa / AP )

Smoke and fire from an Israeli strike rise over Gaza City in July 2014. (Hatem Moussa / AP )

Why I Support the BDS Movement Against Israel

By Chris Hedges

The Palestinians are poor. They are powerless. They have no voice or influence in the halls of power. They are demonized. They do not have well-heeled lobbyists doling out campaign contributions and pushing through pro-Palestinian legislation. No presidential candidate is appealing to donors—as Hillary Clinton did when she sent a letter to media mogul Haim Saban denouncing critics of Israel—by promising to advance the interests of the Palestinian people. Palestinians, like poor people of color in the United States, are expendable.

Justice for Palestine will never come from the traditional governmental institutions or political parties that administer power. These institutions have surrendered to moneyed interests. Justice will come only from us. And the sole mechanism left to ensure justice for Palestine is the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. Sanctions brought down the apartheid regime of South Africa. And they are what will bring down the apartheid regime of Israel. BDS is nonviolent. It appeals to conscience. And it works.

All Israeli products including Jaffa citrus fruits, Ahava cosmetics, SodaStream drink machines, Eden Springs bottled water and Israeli wine must be boycotted. We must refuse to do business with Israeli service companies. And we must boycott corporations that do business with Israel, including Caterpillar, HP and Hyundai. We must put pressure on institutions, from churches to universities, to divest from Israeli companies and corporations that have contracts with Israel. The struggle against apartheid in South Africa was long and hard. This struggle will be too.

Gaza, a year after Israel carried out a devastating bombing campaign that lasted almost two months, is in ruins. Most of the water is unsafe to drink. There are power outages for up to 12 hours a day. Forty percent of the 1.8 million inhabitants are unemployed, including 67 percent of the youths—the highest youth unemployment rate in the world. Of the 17,000 homes destroyed by Israel in the siege, not one has been rebuilt. Sixty thousand people remain homeless. Only a quarter of the promised $3.5 billion in aid from international donors has been delivered—much of it diverted to the Palestinian Authority, the Israeli puppet regime that governs the West Bank. And no one in Washington—Republican or Democrat—will defy the Israel lobby. No one will call for justice or stay the Israeli killing machine. U.S. senators, including Bernie Sanders, at the height of the Israeli bombardment last summer voted unanimously to defend the Israeli slaughter of a people with no army, navy, air force, mechanized units, artillery or command and control. It was a vote worthy of the old Soviet Union. Every senator held out his or her tin cup to the Israel lobby and chose naked self-interest over justice.

Israel, like the United States, is poisoned by the psychosis of permanent war. It too is governed by a corrupt oligarchic elite for whom war has become a lucrative business. It too has deluded itself into carrying out war crimes and then playing the role of the victim. Israeli systems of education and the press—again mirrored in the United States—have indoctrinated Israelis into believing that they have a right to kill anyone whom the state condemns as a terrorist. And Israel’s most courageous human rights campaigners, intellectuals and journalists are slandered and censored in their own country, just as American critics such as Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal and Noam Chomskyare in the United States.

Those who become addicted to the wielding of the instruments of war, blinded by hubris and a lust for power, eventually become war’s victims. This is as true for Israel as for the United States.

Israel’s goal is to make life a living hell for all Palestinians, ethnically cleansing as many as it can and subduing those who remain. The peace process is a sham. It has led to Israel’s seizure of more than half the land on the West Bank, including the aquifers, and the herding of Palestinians into squalid, ringed ghettos or Bantustans while turning Palestinian land and homes over to Jewish settlers. Israel is expanding settlements, especially in East Jerusalem. Racial laws, once championed by the right-wing demagogue Meir Kahane, openly discriminate against Israeli Arabs and Palestinians. Ilan Pappecalls the decades-long assault against the Palestinian people “incremental genocide.”

In Gaza, Israel practices an even more extreme form of cruelty. It employs a mathematical formula to limit outside food deliveries to Gaza to keep the caloric levels of the 1.8 million Palestinians just above starvation. This has left 80 percent of the Palestinians in Gaza dependent on Islamic charities and outside aid to survive. And the periodic military assaults on Gaza, euphemistically called “mowing the lawn,” are carried out every few years to ensure that the Palestinians remain broken, terrified and destitute. There have been three Israeli attacks on Gaza since 2008. Each is more violent and indiscriminate than the last. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has said that a fourth attack on Gaza is “inevitable.”

During its 51-day siege of Gaza last summer Israel dropped $370 million in ordinance on concrete hovels and refugee camps that hold the most densely packed population on the planet. Two thousand one hundred four Palestinians were killed. Sixty-nine percent—1,462—were civilians. Four hundred ninety-five were children. Ten thousand were injured. (During the attack six Israeli civilians and 66 soldiers were killed.) Four hundred Palestinian businesses were wiped out. Seventy mosques were destroyed and 130 were damaged. Twenty-four medical facilities were bombed, and 16 ambulances were struck, as was Gaza’s only electrical power plant. Israel tallied it up: 390,000 tank shells, 34,000 artillery shells, 4.8 million bullets. Most of the civilians who died were killed in their homes, many of the victims torn to shreds by flechette darts sprayed from tanks. Children were burned with white phosphorous or buried with their families under rubble caused by 2,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs. Others died from dense inert metal explosive, or DIME, bombs—experimental weapons that send out extremely small, carcinogenic particles that cut through both soft tissue and bone. The Israel Defense Forces, as Amira Hass has reported, consider any Palestinian over the age of 12 to be a legitimate military target. Max Blumenthal’s new book, “The 51 Day War,” is a chilling chronicle of savage atrocities carried out by Israel in Gaza last summer. As horrible as the apartheid state in South Africa was, that nation never used its air force and heavy artillery to bomb and shell black townships.

A report by Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) found Israel killed and injured more civilians with explosive weapons in 2014 than any other country in the world. Hamas’ indiscriminate firing of wildly inaccurate missiles—Finkelstein correctly called them “enhanced fireworks”—into Israel was, as a U.N. report recently charged, a war crime, although the report failed to note that under international law Hamas had a right to use force to defend itself from attack.

The disparity of firepower in the 2014 conflict was vast: Israel dropped 20,000 tons of explosives on Gaza while Hamas used 20 to 40 tons of explosives to retaliate. Israel’s wholesale slaughter of civilians is on a scale equaled only by Islamic State and Boko Haram. Yet Israel, in our world of double standards, is exempted from condemnation in Washington and provided with weapons and billions in U.S. foreign aid to perpetuate the killing. This is not surprising. The United States uses indiscriminate deadly force in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia that outdoes even Israel, leaving behind civilian victims, refugees and destroyed cities and villages in huge numbers.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who during his last election campaign received 90 percent of his money from U.S. oligarchs such as Sheldon Adelson, has internally mounted a campaign of state repression against human rights advocates, journalists and dissidents. He has stoked overt racism toward Palestinians and Arabs and the African migrant workers who live in the slums of Tel Aviv. “Death to Arabs” is a popular chant at Israeli soccer matches. Thugs from right-wing youth groups such as Im Tirtzu routinely beat up dissidents, Palestinians, Israeli Arabs and African immigrants in the streets of Tel Aviv. It is a species of Jewish fascism.

Israel is not an anomaly. It is a window into the dystopian, militarized world that is being prepared for all of us, a world with vast disparities of income and draconian systems of internal security. There will be no freedom for Palestine, or for those locked in our own internal colonies and terrorized by indiscriminate police violence, until we destroy corporate capitalism and the neoliberal ideology that sustains it. There will be no justice for Michael Brown until there is justice for Mohammed Abu Khdeir. The fight for the Palestinians is our fight. If the Palestinians are not liberated none of us will be liberated. We cannot pick and choose which of the oppressed are convenient or inconvenient to defend. We will stand with all of the oppressed or none of the oppressed. And when we stand with the oppressed we will be treated like the oppressed.

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