In years gone by, an anti-Semite was a person that hated Jews. Today it has taken on a new meaning, an anti-Semite is a person that is hated by zionists. Their list is long and is documented on their hateful Websites and grows daily as more people awaken to the fact that zionism is evil. Their publications give us front page coverage.
Their hate is communicated at every major university campus throughout the Western world as well as in the legislative bodies of those countries. Their tactics are no different than those used by the extreme right during the McCarthy period; the finger pointing, the harassment, the firings, the blacklistings, etc… It has truly become The New McCarthyism. They have become experts at scandalising our names.
What they don’t seem to realise or care is that truth is on our side, truth is the biggest obstacle facing zionism today. They spend millions of dollars in ad campaigns, on speaking tours, on publications and on organising youth tours to their zionist paradise. They build walls in that very entity to hide the truth which would expose the injustice. They bar journalists, they deport anyone that dares to question their ways. But then, in an act of total desperation, they rely on their label, ‘anti-Semite’. This, according to their sick logic, is the ultimate ‘weapon’ that is used in an attempt to silence any opposition.
anti-semitism 7
In their desperation they scan the Web via their own Websites. CIF Watch concentrates mainly on the Guardian for their ‘information’ while others spend countless hours scanning the entire Web. One of their newer sites seems to take pleasure by adding one of our Associates to their list of ‘enemies’.  Fran Korotzer who was interviewed by Philip Weiss appeared on their site. The original video appeared on Weiss’ site Mondoweiss.
Anti Apartheid = Anti Semitism? SICK!
Another Associate, Carlos Latuff had many of his works cited by the ADL and The Simon Weisenthal Centre. He also had the entire ziomafia in a recent uproar with one particular cartoon he created. With every citing of his great works, another badge of honour is pinned to our lapel.
Anti zionism = Anti Semitism?? SICK!!
Still another favourite term used by the zionist is ‘self hating Jew’, after all how can a Jew be an anti Semite? THIS is by far  the best article I have seen on the subject.
And let’s not forget the ultimate label used when all else fails; ‘holocaust denier’. Latuff wrote about that in THIS report. Interesting to note that the zionists are in the process of denying the Palestinians the right  to even live, yet they press for legislation throughout the world outlawing holocaust denial. Can we call this anti-Semitism (after all, Palestinians are true Semites)?
Their goal is to discredit us, but in the final analysis they actually honour us with their labels. Without same it would be more difficult to get our message of truth out to the masses. We wear their labels as badges of courage as we are not afraid to speak the truth.


  1. skulzstudios said,

    April 3, 2013 at 20:10

    I’m an auntySemite long and lean…
    I mock the Zionistas so
    that makes me mean?
    Steve? Me thinks a badge would be in order.
    Maybe –
    Proud antiZionist!

  2. mikael said,

    April 3, 2013 at 21:22

    I can at any given moment in space and time, give a, or partisipate in any kind of “debate” regarding, and I and others have underlined this time and time again.
    The first issue:
    Its not about the f… “jews”,
    If thats a difficould apect to grasp, its because you dont know anything regarding Israel/Palestinian history, or lack of it, in matters regarding Israel.

    The second issue is Justice:
    For invasion.
    Etnic clensing(700 000) inside Israel alone in 1940- and onward)
    Collective punishment)iligale in every possible way).
    A constant harrasment of children(how many have been shott this year 7, 10 all in the back by highpower weponry, by “soldiers”)
    Destroying farmland, water and so on.
    We all know this, even the braking mad Kahanistas knows this.

    The tird is peace:
    Fpr peace to be, Israel must cease to exist.
    Its a european/zionist occupation force into a land Never theirs, and the historical evidences arent there either, that is something people can confirm them selfs, exept the “interpitations” of the Bibel/Talmud of course, conviniently.

    And the “jews” and “freinds of Israel” never alow frontal confrontation in any way, they are utterly covards, and like covards with power, that theaten and abuse it, but to confront verbaly, never.
    Strange isnt it.

    They are not even a considerable problem, I dont give a f… about them, what I care for is the evil comitted against the inocent people of the Palestinian land, even Shepardic “jews” are treated like shitt.
    They and the Palestinians are the true Semitts.
    Not the rest.

    No f….. bring it on, nothing, smells like a verbalmasacre in the morning.
    ( I can almoust hear the Valcyren/helicopters in the distance, hehe)


    “Your beliefs become your thoughts,
    Your thoughts become your words,
    Your words become your actions,
    Your actions become your habits,
    Your habits become your values,
    Your values become your destiny.”
    ― Mahatma Gandhi

  3. Blake said,

    April 3, 2013 at 23:08

    Your aunt is adorable.

  4. April 4, 2013 at 00:27

    Whenever people call me an anti-Semite, I answer that anyone with as much as a smidgeon of brain and a tinge of morality is forced to be an anti-Semite.

  5. Dave said,

    April 4, 2013 at 05:21

    You can also thank the Israeli state apparatus for the vilification of Arabs/Muslims, they invented the term Islamophobia to give the issue legs, not to censure people who hold extreme views on Islam, but to encourage the divisions between various NGO factions and agencies when they are trying to deal with the fallout from the campaign against Muslims and Arabs etc. Like anti-semite, the Israelis use the differences in opinions over religious and territorial issues to their own ends. Nothing happens in that region of the world without the sly hand of Israel in the mix somewhere along the line!

  6. lolathecur said,

    April 4, 2013 at 12:33

    Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog.