Despite lies in the times of Corona, we should continue to fight with our peaceful means, against those who are all right!

Lies in the Time of Corona

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


How far can a state go to “protect” its citizens? It seems as if a virus has managed to suddenly question everything we have painstakingly acquired in terms of freedom and democratic rights. We receive everything that Palestine has suffered for decades in a “light form”. It is a foretaste of what we could expect if the “pandemic” of this virus could not be managed. You should ask yourself how far a state can go to “protect” its citizens. As a citizen, one also wonders why the thousands of flu deaths received so little media and political attention year after year, while the Covid-19 virus became a national disaster. It seems as if Orwell described “1984” as an apocalypse.

Trying to undermine the legal system

What is a sad reality in the “Jewish state” under the Netanyahu regime is seen as exemplary, especially in Germany, and who knows how many politicians are flirting with precisely this endeavor to undermine the legal system. Still adorned, and the attempt by the German health minister Spahn for a cell phone surveillance was temporarily withdrawn after objections from the Ministry of Justice and data protection officers. It seems like you are trying everything to test how far you can go before the protests come. We still have a democracy, but how long it really works can now be questioned if you look around in other European countries. It seems the EU is remembering more and more totalitarian pasts and regimes, that did not stop at mass surveillance or emergency laws in order to secure the power in the long term that would allow them to govern by decree and indefinitely. (1)

Arresting “test refusers” like criminals

In the “Jewish State”, infected people are spied on like criminals, and the British Johnson government is working to have the police detain suspected infected persons as its vicarious agent and to a law similar to that in the “Jewish State” and wants to legislate that are worthy of a dictatorship. If it is to be possible to arrest “test refusers”, to fix the disabled and doctors to issue death certificates without having seen the deceased, or to take coercive measures that encroach on all public rights of citizens, then Big Ben has already after 12 beaten. (2) (3) (4) (5)

Orban dictatorship according to friend Netanyahu

Yes, the lack of freedom can be unlimited, we experience that from Poland to Hungary, from Israel to the USA and Great Britain. It is regimes like the Zionist or the Hungarian, which are increasingly abandoning the democratic path and wanting to set up an “Orban dictatorship” entirely according to friend Netanyahu. After all, they have little to fear from an EU that has increasingly distanced itself from its so-called values ​​and has not been able to present a unit as a strong working power since its inception. (6)

While Germany is so arrogant to reject offers of help from China, goods from China so urgently used by Italy are blocked by Poland and the Czech Republic, a sad sign of a lack of European solidarity. Even poor, sanctioned Cuba can help in Italy with more than 50 doctors and nurses. And while tests are missing in Germany and supposedly infected people are rejected and are supposed to be quarantined, sanctioned Iran is able to test more than 30 million Iranians. (7) (8) (9) (10)

What can you think of a Robert Koch Institute that presents the tests as well functioning and simple respiratory masks as inefficient, contrary to the scientific knowledge in countries such as China, South Korea and Japan. Perhaps the reason is that we simply don’t have enough of it and the supplies are slow. Corona as a droplet infection is particularly dangerous if you get “droplets” from your counterpart. Apart from washing hands, disposable gloves, disinfection and mouth protection, there are few ways to protect yourself – which also applies to the flu, for which there is a vaccination, but which does not offer 100% protection. But what is 100% in life? The death! (11)

The “transparent citizen” has long since become a reality

In times of corona lies and a possible mass surveillance with all technical possibilities through smartphones, a rigid location surveillance and much more, the “transparent citizen” has long since become a reality – and not without own fault. Could it be that the mouthguard is rejected because the authorities want to prevent face recognition technologies and biometric cameras from being used efficiently? (12)

“Patron” driven by mission zeal

It is interesting how “patrons” like the SAP founder Hopp now buy into organic high-tech companies in order not only to secure a billion dollar business, but also, driven by zeal for mission, ambition, fame and honor. What Hopp already tried in football made him popular only with officials and Hoffenheim, but not with the “normal” people and football fans. It is terrifying as we get closer and closer to the US situation, where billionaires like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos or Michael Bloomberg try to gain with their billions of power and influence. (13)

9/11 heralded the racist hunt for Muslims

As we experienced it after 9/11, when the “anti-terror laws” were introduced, which have not been withdrawn to this day and have been tightened more and more, and ushered in international hatred of Islam and racist hunting for Muslims, this virus could also be the one Put the world in a new state with far-reaching measures. (14)

The plague of “US locusts”

We are facing a drastic global recession, a crash in the stock markets, the price of oil, the impending bankruptcy of many small and medium-sized companies, while large corporations can wait with thick pads, or in the worst case, the government is making money loose for nationalization. Because nothing other than our taxes are the “state benefits”, which should now flow generously in the billions. If the “red zero”, Finance Minister Scholz, wants to forego the “black zero” and undoes the debt brake, then these are important measures that are not alms, but necessary reactions. As always in times of crisis, there are already winners who are interested in causing the markets to spin in order to benefit from them themselves. And in their tow the plague of the “US locusts”, who are eagerly waiting to do a clear cut in German companies. Could the Coronavirus Pandemic Cause China’s Rise and the Fall of the West? After the “new world order” led by the USA and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the USA remained the only superpower. Could there be a change in the world order that poses huge problems for us? (15) (16) (17) (18) that poses huge problems for us? (15) (16) (17) (18) that poses huge problems for us? (15) (16) (17) (18)

Disaster of the “Palestinian Holocaust

The bleak prospects for the Gaza concentration camp also raise the worst fears. When will the international community finally wake up and put an end to this human rights crime? Gaza has had two corona cases so far, but should the virus spread, and it can be assumed that there will be an unprecedented catastrophe, a “Palestinian Holocaust” that will make us all perpetrators. We can still change it, but it seems as if the “Western community of values” in particular is still refusing to accept the terrible consequences of the inhumane Zionist occupation and oppression of human rights and international law. (19)

Despite lies in the times of Corona, we should continue to fight with our peaceful means, against those who are all right!

“You have to repeat the truth over and over again, because the error around us is preached again and again, not by individuals but by the masses, in newspapers and encyclopedias, at schools and universities. Everywhere the error is on top, and he is comfortable and comfortable in the feeling of the majority that is on his side. ”(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to Johann Peter Eckermann, December 16, 1828) (20)
























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With the coronavirus pandemic, the precautionary principle is apt, and should point the IOC toward canceling, or at the very least postponing, the Tokyo Olympics.

The Olympics Teeter on the Brink

An upsurge of athletes and federations is forcing the IOC to consider postponement of this summer’s games.

On Sunday, the International Olympic Committee and Tokyo 2020 Olympic organizers at long last acknowledged that they are pondering alternative scenarios for the Olympics. After previously claiming that its Executive Board was not even considering “postponement,” the IOC acknowledged in an official statement that it “needs to take the next step in its scenario-planning.” The group bought itself four weeks to make a decision. To be clear, it also showed that its first priority was at some point to stage the Games, no matter what. As communicated on its website,

The IOC EB [Executive Board] emphasised that a cancellation of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 would not solve any of the problems or help anybody. Therefore, cancellation is not on the agenda.

Within hours of their announcement, the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Committee issued a statement saying that it would not be sending its athletes to the Tokyo Olympics if they were held this summer. This was a bold move—a de facto boycott—and shortly afterward, the Australian Olympic Committee followed suit, telling its athletes to prepare for a 12-month postponement.

This sharp U-turn did not happen because the IOC had finally seen the light. It emerged only in reaction to a groundswell of anger as well as dissatisfaction from Olympic athletes, coaches, and administrators from around the world. USA Track and Field joined USA Swimming to call for postponement, uniting the two sports that haul in the medals for Team USA. US Olympic track legends Dick Fosbury and Ashton Eaton took to Twitter to advocate postponing. So did US swimmers Nathan Adrian and Jacob Pebley. In one survey of US athletes, 70 percent supported postponing the Tokyo Games.

It is not only US athletes. Internationally, Olympic competitors and officials have been sounding the alarm: Kaori Yamaguchi of the Japanese Olympic Committee, Spain Olympic Committee President Alejandro Blanco, Irish Olympian Sonia O’Sullivan, India badminton coach Pullela Gopichand, four-time Olympian and CEO of Sport Ireland John Treacy, Norway’s National Olympic & Paralympic Committee, Brazil’s Olympic Committee, the Slovenian Olympic Committee… the list goes on and on. Thomas Bach and the IOC were being hit from all sides, and this tidal wave of criticism finally prompted a statement.

But anyone waiting for the IOC to do the right thing needs to understand that the committee still lives in a Lausanne fantasy land. The IOC’s assessment asserted:

On the one hand, there are significant improvements in Japan where the people are warmly welcoming the Olympic flame. This could strengthen the IOC’s confidence in the Japanese hosts that the IOC could, with certain safety restrictions, organise Olympic Games in the country whilst respecting its principle of safeguarding the health of everyone involved.

Meanwhile, back in reality, epidemiologists—and anyone who cares about the transmission of coronavirus—looked on in horror at the Olympic flame’s warm welcome in Japan this weekend. In a ceremony staged in Ishinomaki, around 200 miles north of Tokyo, hundreds of spectators bumped and jostled to get a glimpse at the flame, ignoring the social distancing measures that health officials are urging across the world. Moreover, NHK in Japan reports that coronavirus infections in Japan continue to escalate.

Under such conditions, even the pretension of pushing ahead with the Olympic Games is willfully reprehensible and dangerous. And yet, in an interview last week with The New York Times, IOC President Thomas Bach wouldn’t budge, stating time and again that the IOC would not engage in “speculation” about the future of the Tokyo Games. Bach’s talking-point tactics were reminiscent of the way climate change deniers have long framed their status quo stance, using the uncertainty inherent to science as political shield for inaction. “What makes this crisis so unique and so difficult to overcome is the uncertainty,” Bach stated. He continued:

Nobody today can tell you what the developments are tomorrow, what they are in one month, not to mention in more than four months. Therefore it would not be responsible in any way to set a date or take a decision right now, which would be based on the speculation about the future developments.

Of course, this is pure balderdash. Epidemiologists have been clear that when it comes to the coronavirus, we’re in the fight for the long haul. The US Department of Health and Human Services has indicated that the outbreak could go on for 18 months. Another peer-review scientific studyfound that the coronavirus’s peak in parts of the Northern Hemisphere may not arrive until winter 2020–21. The IOC often trumpets its relationship with the United Nations. It should consider the “precautionary principle” advocated by the UN, which dictates that where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.

With the coronavirus pandemic, the precautionary principle is apt, and should point the IOC toward canceling, or at the very least postponing, the Tokyo Olympics.

Han Xiao, United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee Athletes’ Advisory Council chair and former member of the US National Table Tennis Team, told us, “Having a date to look to for more information and a decision is a step in the right direction. Previously, the IOC would not commit to any date for making a decision, so we are certainly in a better position today than we were yesterday. Many of our athletes are still facing tremendous anxiety and uncertainty and would like an earlier decision, but we also have some athletes who would like the IOC only to make their decision when they are ready. Ultimately, we are looking for more information and more transparency in the next four weeks as the IOC evaluates all possible alternatives.”

Xiao’s attention to the “tremendous anxiety” faced by aspiring Olympians is vital. The IOC, through its tone-deaf, glacial response to the coronavirus pandemic, has only increased the mental stress and strain on athletes. By telling athletes to continue training and to stay ready in the face of Covid-19, the IOC is making life harder. After all, many training facilities are closed down, including the US Olympic and Paralympic Training Centers in Colorado Springs and Lake Placid and numerous US universities where aspiring Olympians train. For all the IOC’s claims of putting athletes first, too often it seems that athletes are told to go to the back of the Olympic bus.

The IOC had better evaluate “all possible alternatives.” If they don’t, you can guarantee that the athletes will “evaluate” it for them. It will be either “reevaluated” from above or from below. That’s up to Thomas Bach. Either way, these Olympics should not and cannot take place this July.


Observant Jews in Israel craving a smoke during the week-long Passover holiday that starts at sundown on Monday can now enjoy a rabbi-approved puff.

‘Kosher Irony’


'Kosher for Passover'

‘Kosher for Passover’

Above is a photo I just took of a pack of Israeli cigarettes. The box at the bottom of the box is a warning from the Israeli Ministry of Health stating that ‘Smoking is hazardous to your health’ ….


The yellow pull tab at the top claims that these cigarettes are ‘Kosher for Passover’ ….

Suicide might be painless …. but cancer or heart disease isn’t! 

Death is NOT KOSHER …. apparently neither are some rabbis!


Related …. (Click on link)

Kosher cigarettes approved for Passover


‘Kosher Irony’


'Kosher for Passover'

‘Kosher for Passover’

Above is a photo I just took of a pack of Israeli cigarettes. The box at the bottom of the box is a warning from the Israeli Ministry of Health stating that ‘Smoking is hazardous to your health’ ….


The yellow pull tab at the top claims that these cigarettes are ‘Kosher for Passover’ ….

Suicide might be painless …. but cancer or heart disease isn’t! 

Death is NOT KOSHER …. apparently neither are some rabbis!


A genetically modified organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques (i.e., a genetically engineered organism). GMOsare the source of medicines and genetically modified foods and are widely used in scientific research and to produce other goods.

The following might be even worse …

A product designed and developed by an Israeli student that can prolong the life of fruit and vegetables for months will soon be launched onto the market.

“Strawberries, for example, usually go bad after three days, and yet we can keep them good for consumption for another four or five days. At the other extreme, there are things like eggplant and potatoes that last weeks.


Israeli-Owned Innovation to Keep Fruit and Vegetables Fresher for Longer

20-year-old Amit Gal-Or from Ra’anana, who now lives in Shanghai, established Phresh, which has developed a powder composed of essential oils which can preserve produce for 3 times longer than usual.

A product designed and developed by an Israeli student that can prolong the life of fruit and vegetables for months will soon be launched onto the market.

A product designed and developed by an Israeli student that can prolong the life of fruit and vegetables for months will soon be launched onto the market.

Twenty-year-old Amit Gal-Or from Ra’anana, who now lives in Shanghai, established his Phresh company in 2015 when he decided to use old technology and Israeli research to benefit individual households.

The technology originated in research from over a decade ago at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev when an Israeli scientist sought ways to use oils to create organic preservative properties, Gal-Or explained to Tazpit Press Service (TPS)

“These oils have been known about for thousands of years, but they are very volatile and evaporate very rapidly so their effectiveness disappears very quickly. The researchers wanted to transform the preservative properties into a liquid or powder and then release it very slowly and therefore multiply its effectiveness,” he said.

Gal-Or and his team then set about combining past research to create a powder that does not need to be sprayed or applied to the produce to provide protection. Instead, the powder dissolves piecemeal and can preserve the produce for up to three times longer than usual. Using these powders for the household simply “made sense,” Gal-Or said.

“Strawberries, for example, usually go bad after three days, and yet we can keep them good for consumption for another four or five days. At the other extreme, there are things like eggplant and potatoes that last weeks. We can expand their life by months. Then you have everything in between,” he added.

Gal-Or said that Phresh will soon be launching an intensive e-commerce campaign and that the product is already expanding from China, where Gal-Or lives, into the United States, Europe, Japan, and Israel.

Phresh is raising funds to complete the building and delivery of a healthy organic solution that prevents fruits and vegetables at home from spoiling. Phresh’s Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign is at . At this stage, the first Food Protectors items are only available through Kickstarter till March 23, 2016.




Images by Carlos Latuff

Obama, Putin Agree on Syria truce. Do You Trust Them?

Obama, Putin Agree on Syria truce. Do You Trust Them?


Zika and @WHO, Who Will Win This Olympic Marathon?

Zika and WHO, Who Will Win This Olympic Marathon?


Matariya Hospital On Strike Protesting Police Brutality Against Doctors.

Matariya Hospital On Strike Protesting Police Brutality Against Doctors.


About 30,000 cases of hummus manufactured by Sabra, which is co-owned by Israel’s Strauss Group, recalled because of potential bacterial impurity.

Sabra's logo in the United States

Sabra’s logo in the United States

Huge recall of hummus in US over fears of contamination

About 30,000 cases of Sabra hummus sold nationwide is being recalled due to a possible Listeria contamination.

Listeria is a food-borne illness that can cause high fevers and nausea in minor cases, but the infections can be fatal to people with weakened immune systems and young children, along with causing miscarriages in pregnant women. The Sabra Dipping Co. is a joint venture of PepsiCo and Strauss Group – an Israeli food manufacturer.

Sabra was founded in 1986, and in August 2005 Strauss purchased 51 percent of the company. In March 2008, Strauss announced that it had entered a partnership with PepsiCo, and the two companies now each own half of Sabra. Sabra sells 59 percent of hummus in the United States.

Listeria is a type of bacteria that can be found in food, often as a result of contamination by infected animals or sewage. It is considered relatively resistant and is able to thrive in refrigerators, as well as salted or smoked food. It is therefore most commonly caught by eating food that has not been sufficiently cooked.

About one third of people carry the bacteria, which usually does not affect healthy individuals. People compromised immune systems, infants, and pregnant women are at increased risk. Listeria can cause flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In more severe cases, it enters the bloodstream and damages organs, potentially causing serious infections. Pregnant women can be in serious danger, as listeria could cause miscarriages or premature births.

When infection is diagnosed in its early stages, it can be treated with antibiotics.




Click HERE to see what else to boycott …..

It could save your life!


On the basis of our ethics and practice, we are denouncing what we witness in the aggression of Gaza by Israel. …. Just one sentence from An Open Letter For the People of Gaza, which resulted in Israel refusing admittance to the Strip to continue helping the wounded and sick.

Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert at Gaza's Shifa Hospital during 2014's Operation Protective Edge (screen capture: YouTube) Read more: Israel bans co-author of Lancet letter from Gaza | The Times of Israel  Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital during 2014’s Operation Protective Edge (screen capture: YouTube)

A Norwegian doctor who has been critical of Israel has been banned from entering the Gaza Strip for life, with Israeli officials citing security reasons, Norway’s Verdens Gang newspaper reported Friday.


Israel bans co-author of Lancet letter from Gaza

Israel refuses entry to the Strip to Norwegian doctor who accused it of massacre, citing security reasons

A Norwegian doctor who has been critical of Israel has been banned from entering the Gaza Strip for life, with Israeli officials citing security reasons, Norway’s Verdens Gang newspaper reported Friday.

Dr. Mads Gilbert has been treating patients at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital for 30 years, VG reported, but on his most recent trip in October, Israeli soldiers at the Erez Crossing told him he could not enter.

Gilbert has called the decision “provocative, unreasonable and totally unacceptable.” The Norwegian Embassy in Tel Aviv said it was told the doctor was being prohibited from entering the Palestinian territory for “security reasons,” with no further justification given.

The Norwegian doctor himself believes the decision is punishment for his comments against Israel during the 50-day summer war in Gaza.

“I have never done anything wrong in Israel. I have never broken any Israeli laws or safety regulations,” he told VG. “This is not about me. It’s about the Palestinian population now being punished for my political views.”

The Israeli Foreign Ministry refused to comment, referring the newspaper to COGAT (The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories), which said it would look into the issue.

Gilbert was one of the authors of a letter published in the prominent medical journal Lancet during the recent Gaza conflict, which accused Israel of massacring Palestinians and overwhelmingly targeting women and children. The British journal’s editor Prof. Richard Horton later said — following a trip to Israel — that he regretted the letter and that it “did not convey the level of complexity that is the reality in Israel.”

In a 2001 interview with the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, Gilbert stated that 9/11 occurred because of Western foreign policy and that he supported terror attacks within the framework of that “context,” claiming that “the suppressed have a moral right to attack the United States.”


'Copyleft' by Carlos Latuff

‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff


Meanwhile …. 

Hmmm …. troops and medical experts ….. interesting combo


The Israeli aid group IsraAid will also be sending two teams of medical experts to Sierra Leone and Liberia. One team will assist in launching a trauma treatment program which aims to help the population cope with fears of the disease and stress caused as a result of the outbreak.



Israel sends experts, aid to Africa to fight Ebola

Doctors, medicine and medical supplies sent to Africa in effort to assist fight against Ebola virus, which has killed thousands. ‘Every country has a role in the struggle,’ says Israel’s envoy to UN.

Full Report HERE


Image ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff



A new Conspiracy Theory to ponder …..


AIDS and Ebola VirusesWere “Man-Made:”Expert Shocks National Radio Audience 

San Francisco – AIDS and Ebola viruses did not originate from monkeys left alone in the wild – they were bioengineered in American laboratories. So says an internationally known public health authority with Harvard credentials, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, based on a review of more than 2,500 government documents and scientific reports, some gained through the Freedom of Information Act and never before revealed to the general public. “The Gary Null” show, originating in New York on WBAI radio, syndicated in 20 cities and heard by more than a million people, will air this information, and more, during a one hour interview with Dr. Horowitz beginning on Tuesday, April 23, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM e.s.t., and later in the week throughout the country. Listeners will learn that HIV-1, and its parent, HIV-2, have been traced to National Cancer Institute (NCI) and military funded cancer virus experiments which used infected African green monkeys to produce vaccines intended to prevent hepatitis, leukemia, and other cancers.

The documented evidence revealed in Dr. Horowitz’s new book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola – Nature, Accident or Genocide? (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1996), shows that NCI researchers, during the 1960’s, mixed viral genes from different animals to produce leukemia, sarcoma, general wasting, and death. This provided the “cancer models” used to study human cancer and begin human vaccine trials. The book, described as the first in-depth exploration into the origins of AIDS and Ebola, and its controversial conclusions, have offended many top AIDS researchers, and been hailed by numerous others who have long questioned the green monkey theory, or feared disease outbreaks from viral vaccine experiments.

Reconciling the origin of AIDS and Ebola, as Dr. Horowitz has now done, is important for several reasons: First, many feel that victims of AIDS should not be blamed for starting the epidemic. With this evidence, those living with HIV/AIDS may now be freed from the stigma, shame, and guilt associated with the infection – a boost to their natural immunity. Second, new therapies might be developed from a better understanding of HIV’s origin. third, the events precipitating such epidemics should never be allowed to happen again. It is ethically important to understand, and therefore prevent, future outbreaks. Finally, those directly implicated in HIV’s development and transmission are the same individuals and institutions capitalizing on the epidemic and humanity’s suffering. Though many might consider this preposterous, as one Emerging Viruses review recently cautioned, “withhold any out-of-hand dismissal until you read this book,” or tune into Dr. Null’s extraordinary program.




It is outrageous that millions of the poorest people in the country will be denied health insurance because of decisions made mostly by Republican governors and legislators. These people will neither qualify for their state’s Medicaid program for the poor nor for subsidized coverage on new insurance exchanges that are being established in every state by the health care reform law.
Read the rest HERE
Image by Bendib


Could stress be the root of the many problems facing Israel today?
“What you people need is some good stress management tools. I just want to remind everyone in Israel that anxiety is not something that comes from outside – it comes from within. So no matter what the source of stress may be, it’s how we cope with it that determines our overall health.”

Dr. Oz to Israelis: Keep walking, but chill out

In interview with Haaretz, America’s most famous doctor, who is currently visiting Israel, says Israelis need some good stress management tools.

By Judy Maltz
Dr. Mehmet Oz
Dr. Mehmet Oz, the daytime television talk-show star Photo by Tomer Appelbaum

America’s best-known doctor, on his first trip to Israel, has this advice for the locals: Keep walking, but chill out.

“I think the Israelis have incorporated into their daily lives activities that make them healthier in general than many Americans, partly because they move themselves more,” Dr. Mehmet Oz, the daytime television talk-show star, told Haaretz in an interview. “They don’t rely on their cars solely, which is a major positive.”

Yet all the benefits of this ambulatory lifestyle, Oz warns, could be wiped out by the tendency he has observed of Israelis to stress out. “Living under constant stress, as you do here, can cause people to overeat and lead to obesity,” he noted during a short break following a tour of a drug rehabilitation center in Tel Aviv.

“What you people need is some good stress management tools. I just want to remind everyone in Israel that anxiety is not something that comes from outside – it comes from within. So no matter what the source of stress may be, it’s how we cope with it that determines our overall health.”

Oz, a practicing Muslim of Turkish heritage, is in Israel this week with his wife and four children on a trip organized and hosted by America’s celebrity rabbi, Shmuley Boteach, who runs a nonprofit group devoted to promoting Jewish values. Boteach also brought his family along for the trip.

The two struck up a friendship when they worked together as radio hosts on “Oprah and Friends,” a program produced by Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions. That company also produces “The Dr. Oz Show,” a three-time Emmy winner televised in 118 countries, including Israel. The trip was paid for by Jewish-American casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam. “Honest to goodness, I didn’t come because of the free trip,” said Oz. “I should have come years ago.”

All the way to Ankara

Oz, whose parents moved back to Turkey after many years in the United States, visits them every year and is known to enjoy close relations with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

He is scheduled to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, and Boteach suggested that Oz might help the prime minister patch up relations with Turkey. “Mehmet celebrates his Turkish heritage, and he’s even going to Turkey after this trip, so I believe the prime minister will have a very substantive discussion with him about Israel’s relations with Turkey,” said Boteach. “Not that Mehmet is a diplomat, but he carries a lot of weight.”

Asked whether he would agree to take on this assignment, Oz said: “It’s not that I’m averse to playing a role in making people who are already friendly friendlier, despite the recent conflict, but there’s no question that I need to learn a lot more. I’m not there yet.”

Boteach said word had gotten to him that Netanyahu is a fan of “The Dr. Oz Show,” which is broadcast in Israel on the Good Health Channel. “Perhaps he’ll be asking Mehmet for some advice on health,” Boteach said.

Unlike other international celebrities, Oz said he had not been pressured by Israel boycott supporters to refrain from visiting the country. “We have an obligation and a responsibility to learn, and it’s very difficult to argue against learning,” he said, explaining his opposition to a boycott.

“I had never been to this country before, and I’m already in my 53rd year of life. I think it’s very difficult to understand the world if you don’t understand what’s going on in Israel, and that’s part of the reason I wanted to meet with the prime minister.”

So is it strange for him to be here as a Muslim?

“There are some vocal Muslims who are not friends of Israel, but I certainly have been exposed to many Muslims who are – friends not just of Israel but of Jewish people,” Oz said. “I feel like I’m living in a world where there are many opportunities to build bigger pies, but fighting for crumbs – not to belittle the conflict that’s happening here – it limits our ability to thrive.”

Based on his impressions of the past few days, Oz said Israelis seem not only to exercise more but also to eat more healthily than Americans. “They eat real food here,” he said, admitting that he did accompany Boteach for a bite at a kosher McDonald’s.

Any culinary discoveries that America’s guru on healthy eating and living intends to bring back home with him? “Oh yes,” he lights up. “Pickled herring in the morning – it’s just fantastic.”




It’s a “problem” that too many babies are being born to parents from Africa, a leading Israeli medical official has told lawmakers at the Israeli parliament.

Medical racism: Israel hospital director complains that too many African babies are being born

 by Ali Abunimah

Israelis chant “Sudanese Back To Sudan” during a right-wing demonstration against African refugees in south Tel Aviv, 30 May 2012.

 (Oren Ziv / ActiveStills)


It’s a “problem” that too many babies are being born to parents from Africa, a leading Israeli medical official has told lawmakers at the Israeli parliament.

Israel’s Maariv reported yesterday the official’s comments in Hebrew:

“In Tel Aviv, today, there live approximately 80 thousand infiltrators from Africa, who constitute about 15 percent of the city’s population. In the last year about 700 babies were born to Eritrean and Sudanese mothers, and we currently have an average of about two births a day,” thus reported today Professor Gaby Barabash, director of the Ichilov Medical Center, in a hearing the Knesset held by the lobby for returning the infiltrators.

The problem is that they closed down the fence, but they did not close down the natural growth, and the number of Eritreans born here rises from year to year,” said Barabash.

Barabash’s use of the term “infiltrators” as a general term for Africans marks his comments as part of the long-standing campaign of racist incitement by Israeli leaders and officials that has resulted in horrifying demonstrations and pogroms targeting Africans in Israel, many of whom arrive as refugees.

In December, David Sheen profiled Israel’s “racist ringleaders,” the political leaders and public figures most responsible for racist incitement.

Barabash’s comments are also in keeping with the general outlook in Israel where it is socially acceptable to define the births of non-Jewish babies as undesirable or as a “demographic threat” to the so-called “Jewish and democratic state.”

Even more disturbing, Barabash played on common racist tropes of Africans and people of color as bearers of diseases, recognizable from racist discourses in other places and times, including traditional European anti-Semitic rhetoric:

Professor Barabash reported high percentages of intrauterine deaths, and also contagious viral diseases among the delivering mothers: tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS. The African population constitutes one third of the new cases of AIDS carriers [sic] diagnosed in Israel, and half of the cases of malaria carriers.

All of this testimony was taken at a parliamentary hearing organized by members who voice vocal support for mass expulsions of Africans and for the construction of a desert prison camp to hold them.

Recently, women of Ethiopian origin have accused Israeli officials of forcing them to take long-term contraceptives, allegations that came to light following an investigation into the precipitous drop in births to Ethiopian women in Israel in recent years.

A long tradition of Israeli baby-hatred

Barabash’s shocking comments also recall those made by Dr. Yitzhak Ravid, a senior researcher at the Israeli government’s Armaments Development Authority at the Herzliya Conference in 2003, who called for Israel to “implement a stringent policy of family planning in relation to its Muslim population.”

Ravid added: “the delivery rooms in Soroka Hospital in Beersheba,” an area with a large Bedouin population, “have turned into a factory for the production of a backward population” (“Herzliya conference sees verbal attacks on Israeli Arabs,” Haaretz, 18 December 2003).

Palestine’s indigenous Bedouin population has long been the target of Israeli forced removal from their lands and other racist practices.

And as David Hirst wrote of Prime Minister Golda Meir in his classic book The Gun and the Olive Branch, “The Palestinians’ birth-rate was so much higher than the Jews’ that her sleep was often disturbed, she would say, at the thought of how many Arab babies had been born in the night.”

With thanks to Dena Shunra for translation and analysis.



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Bennett editorial cartoon
From The New York Times; Ms. Menendez’s years of inner and outer turmoil culminated in the deadly assault on an unsuspecting man who was waiting for a train on Thursday. Beyond stirring fear among riders on crowded platforms across the city, the attack also raised new questions about the safeguards in a patchwork private and public mental health system that is supposed to allow mentally ill people to live as freely as possible in the community while protecting them and the public.
“How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?”
The following from Mondoweiss deals with the latest incident …

After Islamophobic hate crime in New York City, mayor wants public to ‘keep death in perspective’

by Annie Robbins and Alex Kane
The Passport photo of 46-year-old Sunando Sen, pushed to his death because a woman thought he was Muslim (Photo: Christie M. Farriella for New York Daily News)

A horrific crime if we’ve ever seen one–and a reminder that Islamophobia affects many communities outside Muslim ones.

From the AP:

A woman who told police she shoved a man to his death off a subway platform into the path of a train because she hates Muslims and thought he was one was charged Saturday with murder as a hate crime, prosecutors said.


“I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I’ve been beating them up,” Menendez told police, according to the district attorney’s office.


Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday urged residents to keep Sen’s death in perspective as he touted new historic lows in the city’s annual homicide and shooting totals.

“It’s a very tragic case, but what we want to focus on today is the overall safety in New York,” Bloomberg told reporters following a police academy graduation.

What kind of perspective is Bloomberg referencing? If someone said “I shoved a Jew in front of a train because I hate Jews,” would Bloomberg be touting drops in the city’s annual homicide and shooting totals? Quite an insensitive comment, at the very least.

After this news broke, Twitter was aflutter with people pointing to Pamela Geller as one culprit pushing anti-Muslim sentiment in the city. Geller’s organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, recently put up a new crop of ads that features the World Trade Center burning with a Qu’ran verse printed to the right of the towers. 

Geller’s role in promoting anti-Muslim sentiment of the sort that leads to Islamophobic hate crimes should not be in dispute. But what should also be highlighted is how New York City’s own police force has promoted anti-Muslim bigotry time and time again, from surveillance of Muslims that places the whole community under suspicion to training officers with an Islamophobic flick. 

Friend of Mondoweiss Lizzy Ratner made this point in her excellent piece on Geller in The Nation:

Though Geller and her crew are fringe elements, they are not random or spontaneous, idiopathic lesions on the healthier whole. They are, quite sadly, part of this country, outcroppings of something big and ugly that has been seeping and creeping through the body politic for years. In the decade since September 11, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bigotry has become an entrenched feature of our political and social landscape. It lurks in the hidden corners of everyday life—in classrooms and offices and housing complexes—as well as in the ugly scenes that occasionally explode into public consciousness. In the special registration of Middle Eastern men after 9/11. In the vicious campaign against Debbie Almontaser, the American Muslim school teacher who tried to open the Arabic-language Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA) and was tarred as an extremist. In the attack on the Park51 Islamic center, more commonly (if less accurately) known as the Ground Zero mosque. In the New York Police Department’s selective surveillance of Muslim communities. And that’s just New York City. All of these instances should have called on our horror and outrage, and in all too many of them, society hasn’t lived up.

This crime appears to be the latest manifestation of New York City’s Islamophobia. This time, it cost a life.


No commentary necessary …



A notoriously racist rabbi who once called on Israel to slaughter a million Palestinian civilians has been appointed to head a supervisory committee for Magen David Adom (MDA) – Israel’s equivalent of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

Rabbi who called for slaughter of a million Palestinians is to supervise Israel’s ‘Red Cross’

Submitted by Ali Abunimah 
A notoriously racist rabbi who once called on Israel to slaughter a million
Palestinian civilians has been appointed to head a supervisory committee for Magen David Adom (MDA) – Israel’s equivalent of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

Haaretz reported that under pressure from ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups MDA decided to set up a rabbinical committee to dictate religious guidelines – including gender relations – for volunteers in the rescue service.

The committee is headed by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Safad, whose salary is paid by the Israeli government. Eliyahu has a long, well-documented history of extreme racism and has called for violence against Palestinians.

Since 2006, Magen David Adom – whose name means Red Star of David – has been a full member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and is Israel’s internationally recognized agency for disaster management, ambulance service and blood banks.

The organization also raises tax-exempt donations in the United States through theAmerican Friends of Magen David Adom.

‘Kill a million’

Violating neutrality and respect for international humanitarian law

As a member organization of ICRC, Magen David Adom is presumably committed to themission of the ICRC:

The work of the ICRC is based on the Geneva Conventions of 1949, their Additional Protocols, its Statutes – and those of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – and the resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence. It takes action in response to emergencies and at the same time promotes respect for international humanitarian law and its implementation in national law.

What could be more contrary to that mission than Israel’s MDA appointing Shmuel Eliyahu who not only defends and advocates mass, indiscriminate violence against civilians, but is a racist par excellence?

It should be recalled that there was a years long campaign by Israel and Zionist organizations to get MDA accepted into the ICRC. If MDA does not completely dissociate itself from, and condemn racist inciters like Eliyahu, perhaps it should be expelled.

Moreover, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society should review any cooperation with MDA


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 The picture Israel paints of Gaza for the foreign media is quite different than the actual truth, it never speaks of what is actually happening there. The report that follows is just one example of what the siege is doing to the people, especially the children…

The illegal Israeli siege on Gaza continues to take innocent lives daily. Adham Baroud was the latest casualty. A seven month old baby who died on December 26th in a slow and painful death from renal failure when he could be easily treated.
The Slow Death of Adham Baroud: Welcome to Gaza
By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

Adham Baroud was the latest casualty. (Oxfam Gaza)

A baby fighting for his life.

Parents are panic stricken.

Doctors desperate for help.

Permission to get medical help denied.

Welcome to Gaza!

The world’s largest open air prison in the world, with a population of 1.7 million Palestinians, 50% of which are children under the age of 18 years old. 80% of the population living on less than $2 per day with unemployment at 45%. Desperately needed medical supplies not being allowed in. Thanks to Tel Aviv and Cairo, Gazans are denied to get in or out of the strip, not even the mail.

The illegal Israeli siege on Gaza continues to take innocent lives daily. Adham Baroud was the latest casualty. A seven month old baby who died on December 26th in a slow and painful death from renal failure when he could be easily treated.

On December 1, Adham was referred to Israel for emergency treatment by his doctors in Gaza after his condition became terminal fallowing a catheter inserted four months earlier in a previous operation in Israel gets infected. Adham never made it.

Julia Hurley, a New York City area human rights advocate, lecturer, and blogger has posted Adham’s tragic story on her blog, (see here) with this comment:

“This story in particular broke my heart because it was completely avoidable. This is dangerous. This is inhumane. There is NO excuse for denying medical treatment to ANYONE. This, right here, is collective punishment. It cannot, and should not, be tolerated.”

Adding salt to the injury, Israel has, according to a December 28, 2011 issue of the British Guardian, ‘upped’ the ante for those wishing to exercise their right to freedom of movement by requiring them to become informants:

“Palestinian patients and business people hoping to leave the Gaza Strip are being asked to collaborate with Israel in exchange for an exit permit, a leading Israeli human rights organization claims. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) say that 172 people, mostly men aged 18 to 40, were called for interrogation by the Shabak, Israel’s internal intelligence agency, last month. Some who attended interviews were granted exit permits.”

The Guardian story revealed more stunning information about Israel’s typically- ruthless and inhumane method of taking advantage of Palestinians who are seeking medical treatment in Israel. Case in point is the story of Ahmad Hamada, a 20-years-old who has suffered serious head injuries, including memory loss. His father Emad, arranged for him to receive treatment in Israel. He had worked there as a laborer for years and was stunned when a week before the appointment, his son was summoned for an interview with the Shabak on September 19. He was led to an interrogation room deep beneath the Erez crossing terminal north of Gaza where an Israeli officer introduced himself in Arabic. Littering his conversation with Gaza slang, he asked briefly about his medical condition.

“I know everything,” he warned him. “You didn’t fall off a wall did you? Why are all those tubes inside you? Tell me the truth. Is your father Hamas? Who is Hamas in the port? Who in your neighborhood?”

“He became very angry when I kept answering that I didn’t know,” Hamada recalled. “I explained I couldn’t remember much since my fall. I was in pain and I just wanted to go home.”

After an hour of questioning, Ahmad was left alone in a locked interview room. The entire process had lasted four hours and he needed the toilet. As his knocks and calls went unanswered, he was forced to pee on the carpet.

Ahmad was eventually sent home and told he would be called for a second interview. He has not heard from them again but says he will refuse to go if they call. He now has a referral for treatment in Egypt but hasn’t gone due to the turmoil there.

The simple truth is, Israel wanting to continue punishing the people of Gaza for voting for Hamas in democratic elections that took place years ago is inhumane and barbaric. The siege on Gaza is one of the greatest moral travesties of our time and we all have a role we can play in bringing the siege to an end. We have to wake up and educate ourselves and others about this crisis.

If we leave it to the mainstream media and to politicians who take their marching orders from Tel Aviv, this bully of the Middle East will continue oppressing the innocent people of Palestine and defy the rules of civilized nations and those of human decency. In other words, we will continue to read and hear more about needless death and tragic stories similar to those of Adham Baroud and Ahmad Hamada of Gaza, Palestine.



Wall Street has literally become ‘home’ to hundreds of people. A library has been set up as well as a slide show, meals are served, there is music and dancing. Truly a home away from home!
There’s even an official ‘logo’ welcoming visitors….
Photos © by Bud Korotzer
There was even a ‘home visit’ by doctors and other healthcare workers …


If it isn’t the result of continuous bombings on the besieged Gaza Strip, it is the denial of medical treatment for the terminally ill. Yet, US Aid to Israel will remain intact for the coming year, thereby making them an accessory to the genocide taking place. It takes DOLLAR$ to kill!
Image by Skulz Fontaine

Patient dies in Gaza after being denied exit for treatment

Besiged Gaza- Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that a 33-year-old patient died on Sunday in the Gaza Strip after the Israeli Authorities denied him permit to be moved into the West Bank for urgent medical treatment.

The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights reported that Raed Azzam Al Moghari, from Al Boreij refugee camp in central Gaza, had a chronic heart disease and required urgent treatment out of the Gaza Strip as the Israeli siege left hospitals in Gaza out of basic supplies.

The Palestinian District Coordination Office had repeatedly contacted its Israeli counterpart, and informed the Israeli side that the case of Al Moghari is urgent, and that he needed immediate medical attention, but the request was denied.

The patient’s health condition had severely deteriorated on Sunday, and he was moved to the operations room, but he died under surgery.

The Al Mezan Center stated that two patients died in the Gaza Strip since the
beginning of this year after being denied medical treatment elsewhere. Hundreds of patients are currently in urgent need for further attention, but Israel is still refraining from granting them exit permits.

The Center voiced an appeal to the International Community and Human Rights groups to intervene and end the illegal Israeli siege on Gaza, as the siege is one of the worst forms of collective punishment that threatens the lives of 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

It called on the United Nations to highlight the issue, and expose the ongoing Israeli violations against the residents of the Gaza Strip.

Over 300 patients have died since the siege began due to a lack of essential medical equipment, and having been denied exit passes by the Israeli government to receive treatment outside of Gaza.


Gaza health conditions in crisis

Transmitted and written by Sameh A. Habeeb

Gaza, – The Israeli siege continues to disturb different facets of the living conditions for the entire population of 1.7 million living in the Gaza Strip.  With news that Egypt opened the Rafah border permanently, pressure on Gazans increased. The crossing didn’t open properly and Israel still control all commercial crossings.  In addition, there are severe security measures that still hinder the process of travelling for thousands of Palestinians. Limited access of food, commodities and medications are still in effect. Further confounding the problems is the fact that Palestinian national unity has not achieved the factual results expected by the besieged people. Official Israeli sources, spokespersons and media outlets are seizing on all what they can to say that there is no siege in Gaza. Whilst, only the population of Gaza suffer the repercussions of the external and internal political problems.

Health sector paralyzed!

According to Gaza’s health bodies and utilities, severe shortages are hitting the sector due to the continued closure.  The shortages have led to a reduction in services, including surgeries. A number of patients are on the waiting list for urgent medical operations. According to Gaza’s health ministry, the medical storage will soon be depleted, which further endangers the lives of the innocent population.

Around 187 sort of medications are missed, as well as 190 types of medical requirement. In total, 50% of Gaza’s health and medical storage have evaporated.  This shortage is endangering many patients especially those of cancer, Kidney diseases, heart, eyes, nerves and psychological diseases.
This problem has been taking place for years now, since the start of the Siege some 4 years ago. Medical convoys and shipments of medications brought by International NGOs have temporarily solved the problem in the past.  .

International Investigation

According to the Lancet Magazine, the Norwegian Government sent two doctors on a health mission to Gaza in April 2011 to examine Gaza’s chronic shortage of medicines.  The same magazine reported of a similar mission sent in 2009, after the war, and concluded similar results to the recent one.

The report says, ” The Gaza Strip still has a persistent drug shortage, despite some recent Israeli and Egyptian talks about easing the strict blockade that has left this crowded enclave isolated since July, 2007. A political rift between the Hamas-run Government of Gaza and Fatah officials in the West Bank hinders communication and coordination between the Palestinian health ministries—adding to the hardships already faced by patients in Gaza.”

It also added that Norwegian physicians Tone Hegna and Åse Vikanes followed the delivery of 200 pallets of medical supplies from Ramallah to Gaza in early February 2011.  They confirmed that many drugs and basic disposables remain in short supply, and that a bad situation is made worse by inadequate storage, transport and incineration facilities.

People close to death

The health crisis in the Strip has increased the suffering of people, with some nearing death.

Anwar Nahid, 18, suffers from early diabetes. Her illness is rare at her age. The prescribed medications are missed such as insulin injections. The absence of the medications is affecting her severely, and blurred her vision.

“I’m sick with this disease for 5 years now. My father is jobless and I have 8 siblings. In many occasions, I find it hard to find the medicines I need. If I do, it is expensive and hard to obtain. My doctors are asking me to go for a specific food for diet purposes. But, I can’t afford to bring fruits and some vegetables as the prices are really high. I hope my father works again and I get my medications.” Said young Anwar.

Her mother added that Anwar has fainted many times and the doctors said she has entered a dangerous level. Anwar was injured in a car accident and her illness make her treatment harder, as diabetes slow the healing process. Doctors warn her of a potential stroke because of the effect of the diabetes on her blood. 


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