Canada steps up aid for UN agency for Palestinian refugees following US cut.

The easiest way to shut down UNRWA is to let the refugees return home

UNRWA and Palestinian refugees are being treated unfairly – Cartoon [AlArabi21News/Twitter]

Canada pledges $50m to UNRWA

Canada has announced that it is contributing $50 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Some $40 million would be allocated over two years to assist the health and education efforts of the refugee agency, a statement said.

Another $10 million is aimed at helping 460,000 Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon.

International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said Canada’s new contribution would improve lives and “protect the human dignity” of millions of Palestinian refugees.

“This new funding to UNRWA is urgently needed, and it will bring some predictability to the agency as the needs on the ground are increasing,” Bibeau added.

UNRWA has been suffering from a budget deficit resulting from the ending of US funding.

The easiest way to shut down UNRWA is to let the refugees return home


“It was the worst scene ever when we were pushed out [by Zionist forces]. Only God knows how much I cried.” A Nakba survivor, 86-year-old Ibrahim lived through displacement in 1948 and now lives in Jalazone Refugee camp yearning to return to his land.


There is no empathy at all for the last victims of the Holocaust, the Palestinians

The renegaded victims of the Christian-Zionist jubilee celebrations

by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski,English Translation by Milena Rampoldi

Greetings for the 70th anniversary of the “Jewish State”, based on the displacement of 750.000 Palestinians from their homeland in 1948, during the Nakba (catastrophe). All famous politicians celebrate this anniversary of the foundation of the “Jewish State”. Nobody says one word about the Nakba, the catastrophe which supported by us in the West caused the occupation of Palestinians living imprisoned without any rights. One-thousand famous politicians and “Friends of Israel”, from Steinmeier to Maas, did not renounce to their celebration, while the renegaded victims, the Palestinians, had to “stay outside alone”. (1)

There is no empathy at all for the last victims of the Holocaust, the Palestinians

German Chancellor Merkel and foreign minister Maas fall over themselves with declarations of friendship and gratulations. What is particularly questionable is the fact that Merkel in an interview for the Israeli channel Ten explicitly talks to people of “Jewish origin” or Jews in Germany by offering them the guarantee to do all for their safety. The fact that synagogues, schools, kindergarten and Jewish institutions must be guarded worries her a lot. (2) There is no empathy for the last victims of the Holocaust, the Palestinians, during these Christian-Zionist joyful celebrations.

However, two positive signals came from Merkel. Before her journey to Trump she engaged for the maintenance of the nuclear deal with Iran, criticised by Trump and Netanyahu, by saying: “In our opinion having an agreement is better than having no agreement at all.” In addition, Germany will not follow the USA and relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem., as long as the status of Jerusalem will not be definitively clarified.

Why does Merkel not give her welcoming speech at the 70thanniversary of the foundation of the “Jewish State” to the Jüdische Allgemeine, the “storming organ” of the Central Council of German Jews? Why not to the Israel ambassador? However, when it is about Turkey, Ditib is criticised as the religious organ linked to Turkish Government. This argument does not apply to the Central Council as corporation under public law, when it constantly acts as German representative of the “Jewish State” in Germany. Here horrifying double standards are created because there is no equal treatment of Jewish and non-Jewish organisations. It is enough with the “particular” relationship to the “Jewish State” and the German citizens of Jewish faith. Exactly this unequal treatment causes prejudices resulting in Anti-Semitism. However, this is exactly what the Netanyahu regime wants to continue to commit its crimes unpunished and without being criticised.

Almost as an aside, Merkel criticises the construction of settlements by the Jewish State because it would not simplify the Two-State-Solution. According to Merkel, Germany wants the “Jewish Democratic State” of Israel next to a “viable” Palestinian State. And this is so implausible as all her politics is.

However, in one and the same sentence of her welcoming speech, Chancellor Merkel adds “that knowing the responsibility and bearing in mind our common values, we will shape our future for mutual benefit”.

How can this “Christian-Zionist” chancellor so uncritically celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of the Jewish State in “joy and thankfulness” because the Jewish State reached out its hands for reconciliation, without referring back to the missing “reconciliation” with the Palestinians? Again, the Palestinians are not an issue. And it was also not an issue during the “reconciliation visit” of “Auschwitz Minister” Maas in Israel. This autumn, Merkel is planning to visit the Jewish State with her cabinet. It is easy to imagine how this visit will look like and which results will be achieved: more armaments and U-boat gifts for the purpose of “self-defence”.

Israel’s objective: the final solution at the expense of the Palestinians

How can we talk about common values with a “Jewish occupiers’ and Apartheid State”, a state without constitution, without clear borders and aiming at the complete implementation of the final solution of the Zionist reason of state at the expense of the Palestinians.

Merkel also moans about “new types of Antisemitism” by refugees or people of “Arabic origin”. In reality, the Chancellor should know very well that these people are not motivated by Antisemitism, but by the absolutely understandable rage against the crimes of the Netanyahu regime. These crimes climaxed again at the Gazan border where thousands of Palestinians started their “March of Return” which will continue until the Nakba commemoration day on 15 May.

This “March of Return” is a pleading call for help addressed to the international public not to forget the Palestinians and their legal right to return. The result up to now: dozens of people assassinated, including children and a press photographer, Jasser Murtaja, wearing the jacket with the inscription “Press”, and who according to war minister Lieberman was working with a drone and became a safety risk. His version was not even confirmed by the army.

Murtaja was an independent reporter who worked for the production company Ain-Media which was even financially supported by the US agency USAID. All is checked with extreme precision. He had nothing to do with Hamas, but was engaged for truthful reporting. He will enter the history of the Palestinian history as “martyr of truth”.

Merkel did not even comment the massacre in Gaza by the Netanyahu’ state terrorism regime. As always, she just focussed on the proper “right for defence”.

Reason of State: support of the illegal Jewish occupation of Palestine

Of course, we have to ask ourselves the following question: What will Merkel do for Palestine, if she massively and unconditionally supports the disrespectful politics of the “Jewish State” with arms and U boat supplies by following the Merkel formula of the German reason of state for the security of the “Jewish State”. However, this “security” means the support of the illegal Jewish occupation of Palestine.

Since March 2010, the commemoration of this catastrophe in the “Jewish State” has been made punishable. What began with the so called “Nakba” law and continued with the “Anti-boycott” law, the “muzzle” law for the media and many other fascist laws, has only one goal of silencing and hiding the truth. However, the truth cannot be hidden for ever, even if Zionists do not fear anything more than the truth.

We should all fear a “Jewish State” led by politicians like Netanyahu who use the seventy hour of “independence celebrations” to express this threat: the “Jewish State” has become an “emerging world power” whose light will defeat the “darkness” of its enemies. “In another 70 years, you’ll find here a country that is 70 times stronger, because what we’ve done until today is just the beginning!”

We saw this “Jewish Occupiers’ State” celebrating this anniversary with the wings of “David Star” air force flying over the illegally occupied Palestine. Also two nuclear weapons-capable  U boats and corvettes, the planes F15 and F16 and the recently purchased stealth aircraft F35 participated to this horrifying and enormous power demonstration in Tel Aviv (greetings from Merkel!). Combat aircraft and transport planes from Canada, Italy, Great Britain, Greek, Poland, and Austria were also involved in this “Zionist peace message”.

Oppose to war, oppression, and perpetual occupation!

When Netanyahu thanked President Trump again for his historical decision to recognise “Jerusalem as our capital” and for the relocation of the most powerful country of the world to Jerusalem, one got a foretaste on what the future will bring: war, oppression, and perpetual occupation.

This emerging world power is a threat to world peace. Too bad that Günter Grass cannot be there today to write another poem for these “celebrations”.

This Wednesday in Berlin and other German cities a big rally of the “Christian-Zionist” hypocrites will be organised based on the slogan „Berlin trägt Kippa“ (Berlin wearing kippa). We should change this mendacious fake rally based on defamations to a symbolic action based on the slogan “Berlin wearing hijab” to oppose to Islam and foreigners’ hatred and to struggle for the freedom of Palestine. (3)

The renegaded victims of the Christian-Zionist joyful celebrations must not be left alone. We should give them our voice. We should claim for the existence right of a free Palestinian State as German reason of state, because 70 years occupation of Palestine have been more than enough.

And we commemorate the Nakba and celebrate the prospects for a free Palestine, “From the River to the Sea”.

Foot Notes:–berliner-zur-solidaritaets-aktion-am-mittwoch-aufgerufen-30057842


Originally posted AT


Life before expulsion in Palestine: “We were there. We do exist.” Today, 7 million+ Palestinians are denied their right to return by Israel.


The year 1948 saw the establishment of the state of Israel, the culmination of generations of Jewish persecution across Europe and Russia. But that same year proved catastrophic for the Palestinians — 700,000 to 900,000 men, women and children were forced to leave their homes and never allowed to return. 1948 was the most pivotal year in the most controversial conflict in the world, but it is almost never mentioned on American television, radio, or newspaper stories. This documentary aims to change that.

1948: Creation & Catastrophe

This is just a trailer for the film …. you MUST seek it out and watch in full


AL NAKBA: The Palestinian Catastrophe 1948

 Arguably the first film that seriously tackles the historical events that lead to the creation of 750.000 Palestinian refugees at the end of the first Arab-Israeli war of 1948. Based on historian Benny Morris’ book “The birth of the Palestinian refugee problem, 1947-49”.


The massacre at the Sabra and Shatilla camps is remembered as a notorious chapter in modern Middle Eastern history, clouding the tortured relationships among Israel, the United States, Lebanon and the Palestinians.

Image by Latuff

Sabra and Shatila massacre of 1982 was carried out under the watchful eye of Ariel Sharon. #ButcherOfSabraAndShatila

A Preventable Massacre
ON the night of Sept. 16, 1982, the Israeli military allowed a right-wing Lebanese militia to enter two Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut. In the ensuing three-day rampage, the militia, linked to the Maronite Christian Phalange Party, raped, killed and dismembered at least 800 civilians, while Israeli flares illuminated the camps’ narrow and darkened alleyways. Nearly all of the dead were women, children and elderly men.
Thirty years later, the massacre at the Sabra and Shatila camps is remembered as a notorious chapter in modern Middle Eastern history, clouding the tortured relationships among Israel, the United States, Lebanon and the Palestinians. In 1983, an Israeli investigative commission concluded that Israeli leaders were “indirectly responsible” for the killings and that Ariel Sharon, then the defense minister and later prime minister, bore “personal responsibility” for failing to prevent them.
While Israel’s role in the massacre has been closely examined, America’s actions have never been fully understood. This summer, at the Israel State Archives, I found recently declassified documents that chronicle key conversations between American and Israeli officials before and during the 1982 massacre. The verbatim transcripts reveal that the Israelis misled American diplomats about events in Beirut and bullied them into accepting the spurious claim that thousands of “terrorists” were in the camps. Most troubling, when the United States was in a position to exert strong diplomatic pressure on Israel that could have ended the atrocities, it failed to do so. As a result, Phalange militiamen were able to murder Palestinian civilians, whom America had pledged to protect just weeks earlier.
Israel’s involvement in the Lebanese civil war began in June 1982, when it invaded its northern neighbor. Its goal was to root out the Palestine Liberation Organization, which had set up a state within a state, and to transform Lebanon into a Christian-ruled ally. The Israel Defense Forces soon besieged P.L.O.-controlled areas in the western part of Beirut. Intense Israeli bombardments led to heavy civilian casualties and tested even President Ronald Reagan, who initially backed Israel. In mid-August, as America was negotiating the P.L.O.’s withdrawal from Lebanon, Reagan told Prime Minister Menachem Begin that the bombings “had to stop or our entire future relationship was endangered,” Reagan wrote in his diaries.
The United States agreed to deploy Marines to Lebanon as part of a multinational force to supervise the P.L.O.’s departure, and by Sept. 1, thousands of its fighters — including Yasir Arafat — had left Beirut for various Arab countries. After America negotiated a cease-fire that included written guarantees to protect the Palestinian civilians remaining in the camps from vengeful Lebanese Christians, the Marines departed Beirut, on Sept. 10.
Israel hoped that Lebanon’s newly elected president, Bashir Gemayel, a Maronite, would support an Israeli-Christian alliance. But on Sept. 14, Gemayel was assassinated. Israel reacted by violating the cease-fire agreement. It quickly occupied West Beirut — ostensibly to prevent militia attacks against the Palestinian civilians. “The main order of the day is to keep the peace,” Begin told the American envoy to the Middle East, Morris Draper, on Sept. 15. “Otherwise, there could be pogroms.”
By Sept. 16, the I.D.F. was fully in control of West Beirut, including Sabra and Shatila. In Washington that same day, Under Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger told the Israeli ambassador, Moshe Arens, that “Israel’s credibility has been severely damaged” and that “we appear to some to be the victim of deliberate deception by Israel.” He demanded that Israel withdraw from West Beirut immediately.
In Tel Aviv, Mr. Draper and the American ambassador, Samuel W. Lewis, met with top Israeli officials. Contrary to Prime Minister Begin’s earlier assurances, Defense Minister Sharon said the occupation of West Beirut was justified because there were “2,000 to 3,000 terrorists who remained there.” Mr. Draper disputed this claim; having coordinated the August evacuation, he knew the number was minuscule. Mr. Draper said he was horrified to hear that Mr. Sharon was considering allowing the Phalange militia into West Beirut. Even the I.D.F. chief of staff, Rafael Eitan, acknowledged to the Americans that he feared “a relentless slaughter.”
On the evening of Sept. 16, the Israeli cabinet met and was informed that Phalange fighters were entering the Palestinian camps. Deputy Prime Minister David Levy worried aloud: “I know what the meaning of revenge is for them, what kind of slaughter. Then no one will believe we went in to create order there, and we will bear the blame.” That evening, word of civilian deaths began to filter out to Israeli military officials, politicians and journalists.
At 12:30 p.m. on Sept. 17, Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir hosted a meeting with Mr. Draper, Mr. Sharon and several Israeli intelligence chiefs. Mr. Shamir, having reportedly heard of a “slaughter” in the camps that morning, did not mention it.
The transcript of the Sept. 17 meeting reveals that the Americans were browbeaten by Mr. Sharon’s false insistence that “terrorists” needed “mopping up.” It also shows how Israel’s refusal to relinquish areas under its control, and its delays in coordinating with the Lebanese National Army, which the Americans wanted to step in, prolonged the slaughter.
Mr. Draper opened the meeting by demanding that the I.D.F. pull back right away. Mr. Sharon exploded, “I just don’t understand, what are you looking for? Do you want the terrorists to stay? Are you afraid that somebody will think that you were in collusion with us? Deny it. We denied it.” Mr. Draper, unmoved, kept pushing for definitive signs of a withdrawal. Mr. Sharon, who knew Phalange forces had already entered the camps, cynically told him, “Nothing will happen. Maybe some more terrorists will be killed. That will be to the benefit of all of us.” Mr. Shamir and Mr. Sharon finally agreed to gradually withdraw once the Lebanese Army started entering the city — but they insisted on waiting 48 hours (until the end of Rosh Hashana, which started that evening).
Continuing his plea for some sign of an Israeli withdrawal, Mr. Draper warned that critics would say, “Sure, the I.D.F. is going to stay in West Beirut and they will let the Lebanese go and kill the Palestinians in the camps.”
Mr. Sharon replied: “So, we’ll kill them. They will not be left there. You are not going to save them. You are not going to save these groups of the international terrorism.”
Mr. Draper responded: “We are not interested in saving any of these people.” Mr. Sharon declared: “If you don’t want the Lebanese to kill them, we will kill them.”
Mr. Draper then caught himself, and backtracked. He reminded the Israelis that the United States had painstakingly facilitated the P.L.O. exit from Beirut “so it wouldn’t be necessary for you to come in.” He added, “You should have stayed out.”
Mr. Sharon exploded again: “When it comes to our security, we have never asked. We will never ask. When it comes to existence and security, it is our own responsibility and we will never give it to anybody to decide for us.” The meeting ended with an agreement to coordinate withdrawal plans after Rosh Hashana.
By allowing the argument to proceed on Mr. Sharon’s terms, Mr. Draper effectively gave Israel cover to let the Phalange fighters remain in the camps. Fuller details of the massacre began to emerge on Sept. 18, when a young American diplomat, Ryan C. Crocker, visited the gruesome scene and reported back to Washington.
Years later, Mr. Draper called the massacre “obscene.” And in an oral history recorded a few years before his death in 2005, he remembered telling Mr. Sharon: “You should be ashamed. The situation is absolutely appalling. They’re killing children! You have the field completely under your control and are therefore responsible for that area.”
On Sept. 18, Reagan pronounced his “outrage and revulsion over the murders.” He said the United States had opposed Israel’s invasion of Beirut, both because “we believed it wrong in principle and for fear that it would provoke further fighting.” Secretary of State George P. Shultz later admitted that “we are partially responsible” because “we took the Israelis and the Lebanese at their word.” He summoned Ambassador Arens. “When you take military control over a city, you’re responsible for what happens,” he told him. “Now we have a massacre.”
But the belated expression of shock and dismay belies the Americans’ failed diplomatic effort during the massacre. The transcript of Mr. Draper’s meeting with the Israelis demonstrates how the United States was unwittingly complicit in the tragedy of Sabra and Shatila.
Ambassador Lewis, now retired, told me that the massacre would have been hard to prevent “unless Reagan had picked up the phone and called Begin and read him the riot act even more clearly than he already did in August — that might have stopped it temporarily.” But “Sharon would have found some other way” for the militiamen to take action, Mr. Lewis added.
Nicholas A. Veliotes, then the assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, agreed. “Vintage Sharon,” he said, after I read the transcript to him. “It is his way or the highway.”
The Sabra and Shatila massacre severely undercut America’s influence in the Middle East, and its moral authority plummeted. In the aftermath of the massacre, the United States felt compelled by “guilt” to redeploy the Marines, who ended up without a clear mission, in the midst of a brutal civil war.
On Oct. 23, 1983, the Marine barracks in Beirut were bombed and 241 Marines were killed. The attack led to open warfare with Syrian-backed forces and, soon after, the rapid withdrawal of the Marines to their ships. As Mr. Lewis told me, America left Lebanon “with our tail between our legs.”
The archival record reveals the magnitude of a deception that undermined American efforts to avoid bloodshed. Working with only partial knowledge of the reality on the ground, the United States feebly yielded to false arguments and stalling tactics that allowed a massacre in progress to proceed.
The lesson of the Sabra and Shatila tragedy is clear. Sometimes close allies act contrary to American interests and values. Failing to exert American power to uphold those interests and values can have disastrous consequences: for our allies, for our moral standing and most important, for the innocent people who pay the highest price of all.
Seth Anziska is a doctoral candidate in international history at Columbia University.


Don’t like refugees? Stop bombing their countries!

In his third week in office, Donald Trump is calling for war with Iran. We explain why Israel and Saudi Arabia are lobbying the US to bomb Iran (which will only create more refugees and has nothing to do with nuclear weapons)

Israel, Washington’s closest ally in the Middle East, is armed to the teeth with the aid and assistance of the United States, and has built its own substantial nuclear arsenal. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who bitterly opposed the 2015 nuclear agreement, immediately condemned the Iranian missile test on Monday. He said he would press the Trump administration to renew economic sanctions on Tehran when he visits Washington this month.

Image by Carlos Latuff

Image by Carlos Latuff







Simple Solution!

And The Joke of the week ….




Image by Carlos Latuff

Syrian Refugees, Champions of the Olympics of Survival

Syrian Refugees, Champions of the Olympics of Survival


Images by Carlos Latuff




Related Report (Click on link)

Turkish border guards ‘kill 11 Syrian refugees’ in indiscriminate shooting


Why is this not being reported as an act of terrorism?

Turkish border guards ‘kill 11 Syrian refugees’ in indiscriminate shooting

Turkish guards watch over Syrian refugees at the border AFP/Getty Images

Turkish guards watch over Syrian refugees at the border AFP/Getty Images

Turkish border guards have killed at least eight Syrian refugees, including several children, as families were “fired on indiscriminately” after attempting to cross into the country, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has said.

At least eight others were injured, according to the UK-based violence monitor, with the death toll likely to rise due to the number of people in “critical” condition.

Full report HERE


Why was this not called an act of terrorism?

Gaza flotilla raid

The Gaza flotilla raid was a military operation by Israel against six civilian ships of the “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” on 31 May 2010 in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea. Nine activists were killed in the raid. The flotilla, organized by the Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İHH), was carrying humanitarian aid and construction materials, with the intention of breaking the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Full report HERE

The victims

The victims

zionists even had the chutzpah to joke about this incident

So where do we draw the line and call it terrorism when that’s what it obviously is?


Images by Carlos Latuff

Erdogan's Crackdown on Freedom of Speech in Turkey

Erdogan’s Crackdown on Freedom of Speech in Turkey


How Erdoğan is Blackmailing Europe

How Erdoğan is Blackmailing Europe

Meanwhile, in neighbouring Greece …

Greece and the Refugee Crisis ....SEE

Greece and the Refugee Crisis ….SEE


While Donald Trump continues his anti-Muslim incitement in the US, the first group of Syrian refugees lands in Canada, the first of 25,000 expected to arrive by February; PM Trudeau came to greet them: ‘They step off the plane as refugees, but they walk out of this terminal as permanent residents of Canada.’


Canada prime minister welcomes wave of Syrian refugees

The first military plane carrying Syrian refugees to be resettled in Canada has arrived in the country.

Welcoming the 163 refugees, new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country was “showing the world how to open our hearts”.

The newly elected Liberal government has pledged to take in 25,000 refugees by the end of February.

Canada’s stance on the issue differs sharply to that of the US, which has been reluctant to take in migrants.

Another plane is due in Montreal on Saturday.

Immigration Minister John McCallum said all 10 provinces in Canada are in favour of accepting the refugees.

“This is a great moment for Canada,” he said. “This shows the way we really are. It truly is a non-partisan, national project.”

Since early November, hundreds of Syrians have already arrived in Canada via commercial aircraft.

A total of about 300 Syrians will arrive this week.

The Toronto Star, the country’s largest-circulation daily newspaper, ran a cover story on Thursday welcoming the refugees.

The US administration has said it will take in 10,000 refugees over the next year. Some Republican governors have unsuccessfully tried to keep them from coming to their states after deadly terrorist attacks in France and California.

Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said after the California attacks that all Muslims should be blocked from coming to the US, drawing condemnation across the globe.

Global News reporter Mike Armstrong has been taking photos of refugees at Canada’s refugee processing centre in Amman, Jordan.

Some families have been told they may move in weeks, he tweeted.

About 800 refugees are going through screening tests in Lebanon and Jordan daily, Mr McCallum said.

Mr Trudeau, who swept the 19 October Canadian elections, has a different stance on refugees from that of his predecessor, the conservative Stephen Harper, who did not wish to resettle more people.

Unaccompanied men will be excluded from the resettlement programme but officials said this had nothing to do with national security concerns.

“We want them to have a roof over their head, and the right support,” said Mr McCallum.

“It takes a bit of time to put that all in place. We’re happy to take a little more time than originally planned to bring our new friends into the country.”

Those who will be considered refugees include families, women deemed to be at risk, and gay men and women.




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Thank to WRH for this one

Thank to WRH for this one