Millions of Americans and Israelis have been raised on a steady diet of pro-Israeli propaganda know just one side of Middle East history: that of oppressed-but-feisty Jews fighting violent-and-treacherous Arabs. They think only Israelis bleed and only Palestinians make them.

Image by Carlos Latuff

It is weird how the Israeli propaganda occupies headlines to whitewash the Israeli crystal-clear crimes.

Israelis and Americans Would Act Just Like Palestinians Do Today

The situation is volatile, a veritable tinderbox. If the Mideast blows up, many will die, Palestinians and Israelis.


Israel never stops claiming that it’s forced to defend itself from Palestinians. The threats it sees range from underage children throwing stones at armored military vehicles to rocket attacks from Gaza. The self-proclaimed Jewish state never asks why the stones are thrown or the rockets are fired.

Worse, Israel assumes that America would respond similarly if faced with these same security threats by Canada. In fact, Americans would ask why neighbors they’ve lived in peace with (like Jews and Arabs in the Levant) felt the need to defend themselves.

The answer is found in both versions of the movie, Red Dawn. Each shows Americans rising up against invaders/occupiers (one Russian, the other North Koreanby any means necessary. In short, US citizens, and Jewish Israeli citizens for that matter, would act just like Palestinians do today, only much more violently given their means.

Millions of Americans and Israelis have been raised on a steady diet of pro-Israeli propaganda know just one side of Middle East history: that of oppressed-but-feisty Jews fighting violent-and-treacherous Arabs. They think only Israelis bleed and only Palestinians make them. Israel has a name and governmental department in the Prime Minister’s office for such propaganda — it’s called Hasbara (see The Hasbara Apparatus by Molad — The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy).

All of this state propaganda, today more than ever, seeks to engage in character assassinations of anyone calling Israel out for its violations of Palestinians’ rights by claiming that they are anti-Semitic. The US government, from the president on down, have joined this chorus, with the Israeli prime minister playing the role of the conductor.

Which is, of course, a lie.

After all, Jews and Arabs (Muslims and Christians) are both Semites. They are cousins who lived in peace for millennia. Then Zionism arose: the idea that European Jews needed a refuge from real antisemitism.

So far, so good. Everyone wants and deserves to feel safe in the world.

Zionists considered many places for such safety: from Uganda to Argentina, just to name two. In 1903, Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, himself, presented the Uganda option at the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland.

Again, so far, so good, as long as merely a safe haven was sought out. Problems arose when they chose the Levant post-WWI and redefined their goal.

The first problem was that people (Arab Palestinians) already lived there.

The second problem was Zionists changing their goal from a secular home to a religion-based state. They began insisting that God gave Jews all of the Levant, an argument impossible to reason with and one that the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman, reiterated earlier this month by saying “Israel has one secret weapon that not too many countries have, Israel is on the side of God, and we don’t underestimate that.

The third problem was the new Jews flooding the land were foreigners to it, not culturally like the Old Yishuv (native) Jews — Jews living in places like Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Hebron before the aliyah (immigration wave) by the Zionist movement.

Worse, Britain gave more than half of the Levant to Jews as a home (not state!). Even so, Jews wanted more. So, they began to terrorize Arabs living in what would become Israel, then violently overran what was to be the State of Palestine. Peter Kosminsky’s four-part drama serial, The Promise (2011), powerfully unravels this segment of history.

Stopped by the international community, seemingly contrite Jews promised to set borders (not expand) and give all Israelis equal rights, the majority and minorities. Yet for the next 70 years they refused to do either. Instead, they continued to kill and harass Palestinians, stealing Arab land and treating Muslims and Christians living in Israel as inferiors. This rampage was then extended to the rest of Palestine in 1967.

Israel did this by getting endless money and weaponry from Europe and America, immunity per international laws/rulings, and by making the United Nations (later under the Oslo Peace Accords, the donor community) pay for their military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The result: seven decades of Palestinians living as (1) refugees outside Historic Palestine; (2) prisoners in a huge concentration camp inside Gaza; and (3) corralled ‘cattle’ in a West Bank that increasingly shrinks from illegal Israeli settlements.

Of course, just as the ministries and departments of “propaganda” that were used by dozens of failed states throughout history had done, Israel continued to paint themselves as eternal victims. This is seen as the failproof strategy until, that is, it abruptly collapses. Israeli Hasbara always portrays Israel’s crimes as necessary to protect innocent Jews from merciless Arab savages(think portrayal of native Indians in the US Declaration of Independence). In today’s hyper-connected world, such a strategy is collapsing in broad daylight.

What if Roles Reversed?

The truth is that, if placed in the same ill-fated predicament, Americans and Israelis would act just like Palestinians do today; some would use violence, like what emerged from Gaza recently. This is not to say that this is a smart or effective strategy, it merely is a human reaction when a community feels no other path to live exists.

Others, the majority, would use diplomatic and non-violent methods to protect their community, like boycotting and divesting from their occupier and refusing to attend an “economic workshop” called for by a third party in a foreign venue aimed at beautifying life in their cages of military occupation. These non-violent strategies would become a rallying call to mobilize all four corners of the earth to hold the occupying state accountable.

Imagine, for example, China suddenly invading New York City claiming that a Golden Sky-Dragon gave it all of Manhattan. Imagine further that native New Yorkers were forced into just two boroughs, all their assets forfeited. Furthermore, every aspect of their new lives will be controlled by the Red Army.

Suppose further that Russia, North Korea, and others block UN resolutions to punish China, and funds its illegal invasion/occupation. How long do you think red-blooded Americans would put up with that and not fight back?

Palestinians have tried every form of protest — from armed resistance to civil disobedience to negotiations to lawsuits to boycotts. Nothing has worked. Israel, like 18th-century England (the US Declaration of Independence lists 27 grievances that British King George III ignored), blocks all forms of redress while continuing to kill, land grab, and steal resources.

Palestinians are being pushed into ever-smaller enclaves with less and less to lose. The situation is volatile, a veritable tinderbox. If the Mideast blows up, many will die, Palestinians and Israelis. It would be a historic tragedy for history to look back, yet again, and question how a developed, modern society allowed itself to be governed into never-ending turmoil.


Originally written FOR


Birthright map of Israel (minus Palestine)


Young Jews on a Birthright trip to Israel are calling out the organization for distributing maps that erase Palestine


Here is an email received by Carlos Latuff …. and 8,000 other BDS Activists



“Dear boycotters” (in French), warned (in English): “We have are a very particular set of skills, skills We have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make us a nightmare for people like you.“Boycotters should understand, we will be scalping you one by one, group by group, organization by organization.”

Here’s a report of this Internet hate activity (Click on link)

“Jewish Brigade” email threatens BDS activists

Another report (Click on link)

French pro-Israel group threatens to ‘scalp’ thousands of BDS activists

And here’s what this hate can result in ….

 Friend of Palestinians, Syrian refugees murdered by a nazi Image by Latuff

Friend of Palestinians, Syrian refugees murdered by a nazi
Image by Latuff

Related report here  (Click on link)

Labour Friend of Palestine Jo Cox slain

Jo Cox, fifth from left, with other MPs who joined Labour Friends of Palestine’s in 2015. (Labour Friends of Palestine)

Jo Cox, fifth from left, with other MPs who joined Labour Friends of Palestine’s in 2015. (Labour Friends of Palestine)



Does Israel want the Palestinians to thank her for not exterminating them once and for all? 

Needless to say, this is a classical example of “going beyond Chutzpah” 

By Khalid Amayreh in Jerusalem

Khalid Amayreh challenges Jews to abide by the tenets of their religion:


Like apartheid South Africa did to Justify its repulsive approach toward its majority black citizens, Israel is making all sorts of similarly despicable arguments to justify its decades-old evil occupation  and systematic persecution of Palestinians. 

As some of us remember, the apartheid South African regime had argued that black South Africans ought to be grateful to the White regime for giving them employment and enabling them to have a semblance of decent life. 

The White regime’s PR machine would shamelessly argue that “Our black citizens have a higher standard of living than other fellow black people anywhere in the continent.” 

When I was studying in the states in the 1980s, I remember a visiting high ranking official from the apartheid regime boasting about the high living conditions enjoyed by blacks in South Africa in comparison to the rest of the continent. 

“Ask them (South African black majority): would they prefer to live in South Africa or in Zimbabwe,” the official said. 

What is wrong with this argument is that it doesn’t really distinguish between humans and animals. In the final analysis, humans, unlike animals, don’t live by bread alone. They are also entitled to freedom and dignity. This is the crux of the matter which fascist and racist regimes love to ignore. 

Today, apartheid Israel is making virtually the same arguments to justify and defend its manifestly criminal treatment of the Palestinians. 

Thus, whenever Israel’s sinister occupation is criticized, we see that big-mouthed Israeli officials and professional hasbara liars try to make black look white and the white look black by claiming that Palestinians are better off than most other Arabs. 

Now, as the BDS movement is gaining momentum to the chagrin of the Israeli establishment, Israeli officials and other hasbara mouthpieces are becoming more brazen in their defensive but mendacious discourse. 

And, yes, as usual, lying is their modus operandi. 

They are saying the Palestinians ought to be thankful to Israel for not treating them like Bashar Assad or Abdul Fattah Sissi are treating their own peoples. 

One Zionist pundit wrote recently that were Israel to follow Arab rules, all Palestinians would have been expelled from “the Land of Israel along time ago.” 

Needless to say, this is a classical example of “going beyond Chutzpah” 

After all, since when the Hitler of Damascus, who murdered half a million of his own people, and the virulent tyrant of Cairo, who usurped power from the only truly democratically elected regime in Egypt’s history, were role models for the world to be followed or emulated? 

So, Israel, “the purported light upon humanity” wants the Palestinians to thank Israel for murdering their children on the spot in the West Bank, and not burning them alive by way of dropping barrel bombs on their homes and schools as Assad is doing in Syria. 

Yes, Israel would like to see the Palestinians “thank” her for conducting slow-motion genocide whereas “human-rights unfriendly states” would pursue fast-motion genocide” and get rid of the problem once and for all. 

But it is only sick and depraved minds that are capable of making such nefarious   arguments. 

Otherwise, we should thank the Iberians Catholics for not playing by the rules of Old Testament and exterminating every Jewish man, woman and child during the inquisition!! (Israelis are embarrassed when explaining the Tsfarad Geroush” (the Spanish inquisition” because it reminds them of something they don’t like to remember, namely the golden age Jews had undergone in Islamic Spain!!! 

According to the morbid logic we hear from some Israeli officials, we should also thank the Nazis for building the concentration camps relatively later in the course of the Second World War, because had these death camps been established earlier, a greater number of Jews would have perished. 

Yes, sickening arguments are only the product of sick minds. 

Today, in its rabid reaction to the non-violent BDS movement, Israel and its hasbara shipyard dogs, from Sydney to California, are arguing that it is the BDS campaign, not the malignant occupation, that is hurting the Palestinians. That it is the BDS movement that is impeding the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, not the ubiquitous proliferation of settlements, inhabited by fanatic cutthroats who believe spilling more innocent blood would expedite and accelerate redemption and salvation!! 

I don’t what sort of Torah are those people reading and following: The Torah of Moses or the Torah of Satan? 

Well, in the Torah of Moses, Jeremiah 7:6, the God of Israel equated oppressing strangers living amongst Israelites with the greatest sin ever in Judaism, namely the unforgivable sin associating gods with God. 

And in Exodus 22:21: The Almighty commands the Israelites, telling them in straightforward manner” Do not mistreat or oppress a stranger, for you were foreigners in Egypt.” 

Don’t tell me I am being selective or quoting things out of context. For even the Talmud, who Orthodox Jews consider the verbal Torah, states that true Jews are not supposed to oppress non-Jews living in their midst: 

Let us consider the following Talmudic story which sums up the point I am trying to make: A heathen came to Shammai with the request to be accepted as a convert to Judaism on condition that he would be taught the whole of the Torah while he stood on one foot. The Rabbi drove him away with a yard-stick he was holding. The heathen then went to Hillel with the same request. Hillel said to the man what is hateful to yourself, don’t do to your fellow man. That is the whole of the Torah and the remainder is but commentary. “Go, learn it.” 


Maya Angelou stood with Palestinians, but Israeli military uses her for Black History Month hasbara ….

On the morning of February 8, the IDF spokesperson’s office tweeted this:

 To commemorate #BlackHistoryMonth, we find strength in the words of the late author & poet, Maya Angelou.

To commemorate #BlackHistoryMonth, we find strength in the words of the late author & poet, Maya Angelou.

Perhaps they have forgotten that Angelou stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people when she honored the late Rachel Corrie:

The video above was produced to be part of the Rachel’s Words event to honor the life of Rachel Corrie in 2012. Writer Jen Marlowe was involved in organizing the event and remembers:

Dr. Angelou’s reading of Rachel’s words was powerful and poignant. But I was moved for reasons beyond that. I was moved that Dr. Angelou recognized the importance of Rachel’s writings, and of why we were insisting that Rachel’s voice not be silenced. I was moved that, in participating in the ‘Rachel’s Words’ event, Dr. Angelou was making her own stand to honor not only Rachel, but the dignity and humanity of the families in Gaza that Rachel was there to protect.

There is no doubt that it was the courage of people like Corrie and Palestinians living under occupation that Angelou sought to honor, not that of an occupying military.

Thanks to Dave Reed

And to Adam Horowitz of Mondowiss for the above


Does this poem sound like it was written by a supporter of zionism?


Big Brother has finally made it big time …. on the WEB!

As in most cases, if real anti-Semitism is not located, it will merely be created.


New search engine to target anti-Semitism

Meet the Sniper, an app that will scan the net using a new algorithm, looking for anti-Jewish content. Individuals will be able to check the content and take action as needed.

The World Zionist Organization (WZO) is expected to launch its Sniper app, which it says is a search engine for anti-Semitic content.

The Sniper system is set up to scan the internet using an algorithm that will identify certain keywords in different languages. A crew of WZO members will scan the results, confirm the cases that actually show real anti-Semitism, and respond with direct replies or contact authorities in the offending party’s country.

WZO emphasizes the fact that the app will be monitored and supervised, so that its use will be proper, and not aimed at shaming individuals or groups without proper evidence.

“The Sniper will create deterrence,” say the entrepreneurs behind it, “it won’t be so easy to publish a status calling for the murder of Jews, or pictures of burning Israeli flags.”

The Sniper’s first users will be members of the WZO’s global network for combating anti-Semitism, at the WZO’s communications center. Later, other users are expected to join in.

Their role will be to create a kind of “wall” on the site, on which they will write the personal details of anti-Semitic content publishers, as well as what they published (quotes, screen grabs, pictures, videos, and more).

The app is set to be launched Sunday, during a WZO conference aimed at combating anti-Semitism in the modern era, which will be attended by Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon and Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein.

It will initially operate on a trial basis in countries in Latin America, which has seen a recent rise in anti-Semitism that has not been as well-publicized as European anti-Semitism.




A new bill to be introduced in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, next week would permit the cancellation of a person’s permanent residency on grounds of “disloyalty” to Israel.

A proposed law would allow Israeli authorities to expel Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem on grounds of “disloyalty.”( Mahfouz Abu Turk APA images)

A proposed law would allow Israeli authorities to expel Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem on grounds of “disloyalty.”( Mahfouz Abu Turk APA images)

Why should Palestinians in Jerusalem be loyal to their occupiers?

A new bill to be introduced in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, next week would permit the cancellation of a person’s permanent residency on grounds of “disloyalty” to Israel.

Last October, the prime minister’s office announced that the government had decided to revoke the residency of “terrorists,” a policy that would almost exclusively affect Palestinians living under military occupation in East Jerusalem.

When Israel occupied East Jerusalem in June 1967, formally annexing it in 1980, it decreed that Palestinians living there were “permanent residents,” as if they had moved to Israel as immigrants, rather than Israel violently imposing itself on them.

This residency status is vulnerable to revocation and requires Palestinian Jerusalemites to fulfill certain conditions to maintain it that are never applied to Jews.

Under international law, Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem is null and void.


While more than 14,000 Palestinians from occupied East Jerusalem have had their residency revoked since 1967 – usually because they might have temporarily moved elsewhere to study, work, be closer to family or get married – none has yet lost their residency for alleged acts of “terror” or disloyalty.

In 2011, Israel did expel several members of the Palestinian Legislative Council from Jerusalem on the grounds that they belong to Hamas. It also regularly bans Palestinians from the city on grounds of “security.”

A handful of Palestinians have been threatened with revocation for breach of loyalty, but their cases are still subject to court proceedings.

In advance of a legislative meeting on 17 January, when the new bill is to be discussed, the Israeli human rights organization HaMoked has written to Yehuda Weinstein, Israel’s attorney general, to emphasize the illegality of the law.

HaMoked warned that the bill, proposed by lawmaker Oren Hazan, will not only seek to legalize the revocation of the permanent residency of those convicted of “disloyalty,” but also of their relatives and spouses.

Hazan, who admitted last year to fabricating information in an attempt to discredit a group that documents Israeli abuses against Palestinians, is a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.

Disloyalty is not defined in Hazan’s bill, nor is it clear why Palestinians living under military occupation owe any duty of loyalty to their occupiers.

The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits an occupying power from forcibly transferring civilians from their homes.

In 2011, Israel approved the Citizenship Law, that allows courts to revoke the citizenship of those convicted of treason, terrorism or espionage.

However, citizenship can only be revoked in cases where the person has dual citizenship.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem with permanent residency are not citizens of Israel and often carry no other citizenship or passport.

Under threat

In the meantime, Israel’s high court has refused to intervene on behalf of four Palestinians from East Jerusalem whose residency Israel is threatening to revoke.

In November, Silvan Shalom, then interior minister, notified four Palestinian young men, who are currently in Israeli custody for allegedly committing attacks, that he intends revoke their residency under the 1952 Law of Entry, which he claimed allows him to revoke the residency of individuals who “breach allegiance to the State of Israel.”

HaMoked filed a petition with the high court on behalf of the four men to challenge the revocation. Israel responded that the petition was premature since the interior ministry had not yet made a final decision regarding their cases.

Punishment without trial

The four Palestinians whose residency is in jeopardy are currently in prison awaiting trial. Two of them carry Jordanian citizenship, according to HaMoked’s court filings, while two are stateless.

But the threatened loss of residency does not depend upon their conviction, HaMoked attorney Dalia Kersteinpreviously told The Electronic Intifada.

Three of the Palestinians are accused of manslaughter by throwing stones at cars, allegedly causing one driver to have a heart attack and fatally crash his vehicle.

The fourth is accused of an armed attack on a bus in West Jerusalem which left three dead.

Blatant discrimination

The policy of revoking the Jerusalem residency of Palestinians is as blatantly discriminatory as Israel’s practice of punitively destroying the homes of relatives of Palestinians accused of attacks. Neither revocation of residency, nor punitive demolitions are ever applied to Jewish suspects or their relatives, no matter what crimes they commit.

On 7 January, the high court ruled in favor of the state, that the men’s court challenge could not take place before the interior ministry had issued a final decision on their expulsions.

At the same time, the court acknowledged the serious implications of such a move.

“There is no doubt that the revocation of permanent residency visas of East Jerusalem residents raises constitutional and administrative issues of great weight,” the court wrote.

It remains to be seen whether these legal concerns will stand in the way of Israel’s ever harsher measures against Palestinian Jerusalemites.

As it has with the punitive demolitions, Israel’s highest court has often acted as an enabler and champion of Israel’s abuses of Palestinians rather than a check on them.


The video, just 28 seconds long, was published on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s social media pages Tuesday and argued that allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons would be even worse than giving nukes to the jihadist IS group — also known as ISIS — that has rampaged across Iraq and Syria brutally murdering opponents in its path.

Once again treating us all as if we were children….



Many who read THIS POST shuddered.


The BDS Blacklist Is a Jewish Moral Failure

I, like many others, read the Forward’s report on the website Canary Mission today — and shuddered.

This organization documents, on its website, the names and photographs of pro-Palestinian activists around the country with links to their personal details, social media profiles, and print-out profiles for activists. The database, as stated on the webpage, “was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values.” Organizers are not listed, but the public is invited to submit “a sourced profile of someone involved in anti-Semitic and/or anti-Israel activities” for [anonymous] publication. Mondoweiss and Jewish Voice for Peace are listed as equivalent to Hamas; many students’ LinkedIn profiles are attached in a probable effort to prevent their employment.

So what do we make of a website that has literally created a publically available BDS blacklist?

My reaction is threefold: 1) it is wrong, 2) it is scary, and 3) who is next, and what can we expect?

First, this website is a disgusting perversion of Jewish values. The Jewish canon teaches us two things that I think are particularly important. One is “thou shalt not humiliate” – and that includes respecting people’s dignity, which is paramount to any political cause. In addition, there is something far more basic here, and appropriate for the recent holiday of Shavuot: “thou shalt not lie.” A distorted profile with the intent of harm is definitely not mindful of the truth, and certainly not of dignity. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make this site appropriate – and imagine the outcry if Students for Justice in Palestine had made a similar blacklist of pro-Israel activists! Those who advocate for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions are fellow human beings, too – and commands on human dignity apply to all.

Second, what sort of tendencies in the Jewish community have allowed for the creation of a website that major Jewish organizations have refused to condemn? I have not yet seen a major organization come out to condemn the website – though individual bloggers like Professor Rebecca Lesses have. Nor have many organizations similarly condemned Pamela Geller’s racist diatribes, or even the constant buzz of Islamophobia and racism present in many synagogues across the country. Even the relatively moderate, anti-BDS, Zionist J Street is considered “too far” in some circles. I ask: Do “standing with Israel” and supporting a Jewish state really eclipse everything else, to the point that other moral stands are pushed aside? This blacklist seems to indicate that a communal conversation on red lines of acceptable behavior is sorely needed. There certainly must be forms of advocacy that do not rely on threats and blackmail.

Finally, who’s next? If a blacklist site is now acceptable in parts of the Jewish community, what more should we expect to see? Is there going to be some sort of communal checklist for who can and cannot work for Jewish organizations? If we are as far as a blacklist that seems to have a strong following, then I would not be surprised to see copycats or other “expository” sites chasing after those who dissent to the Israel dogma. More immediately, who else might end up on the site? I could see J Street, many of the writers of the Forward, and even myself profiled on this site simply for choosing to not toe the party line. It is our duty to castigate this site for what it is – a wrong-headed perversion of Jewish values – before the situation gets even more extreme.


A new website is publicizing the identities of pro-Palestinian student activists to prevent them from getting jobs after they graduate from college. But the website is keeping its own backers’ identity a secret.

Shadowy Web Site Creates Blacklist of Pro-Palestinian Activists

Josh Nathan-Kazis FOR

A new website is publicizing the identities of pro-Palestinian student activists to prevent them from getting jobs after they graduate from college. But the website is keeping its own backers’ identity a secret.

“It is your duty to ensure that today’s radicals are not tomorrow’s employees,” a female narrator intones in a slick video posted to the website’s YouTube account.

Called Canary Mission, the site has posted profiles of dozens of students and recent graduates, alongside those of well-known activists like Omar Barghouti, founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Some of the students are active in Students for Justice in Palestine; others were involved in recent pro-BDS resolutions at campuses in California. Many of them have relatively thin activist résumés.

“The focus on young people and students is an effort to try to tell people that there will be a price for you taking a political position,” said Ali Abunimah, founder of the pro-Palestinian website The Electronic Intifada. “It’s an effort to punish and deter people from standing up for what they believe.”

Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum, defended the tactic as a way of forcing people to understand the seriousness of their political stands.

“Factually documenting who one’s adversaries are and making this information available is a perfectly legitimate undertaking,” Pipes wrote in an email. “Collecting information on students has particular value because it signals them that attacking Israel is serious business, not some inconsequential game, and that their actions can damage both Israel and their future careers.”

Despite its dedication to documenting the identities of pro-Palestinian activists, Canary Mission seems to have gone to great lengths to keep the identities of its own members and backers well hidden. There are no names of Canary Mission staff members, volunteers, donors or allies on the site.

The Web domain is registered in a way that hides its ownership. Though the site says that Canary Mission “is a non-profit organization,” no group called Canary Mission is currently registered with the IRS as eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions, and the website indicates no fiscal sponsor through which it can accept donations. The group’s MailChimp account identifies its ZIP code as 10458, a corner of the Bronx that includes Fordham University.

A person named Joanna responded via email to a request for comment from the group, agreeing to an interview but then not calling this reporter over two days. Joanna also did not respond to a list of questions submitted about the group.

A handful of right-wing pro-Israel groups that focus on campuses said they had no relationship with Canary Mission, including the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Pipes’s Middle East Forum, the AMCHA Initiative and StandWithUs.

When asked whether his group had supported Canary Mission, Charles Jacobs, who runs Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a far-right group that purports to expose extremism on campus, said he had no comment. Jacobs is the founder of The David Project, which, under his leadership, produced a 2004 documentary titled “Columbia Unbecoming” that depicted Columbia’s Middle East studies department as unfriendly to Jewish students.

Distributing lists of activists and their activities is not an entirely uncommon tactic in the Middle East debate, on the left or the right. A website called Masada2000, now offline, maintained what it called the “Self-Hating and/or Israel Threatening” list of Jews whose views it considered unacceptable. In early 2014, the anti-Zionist blog Mondoweiss uncovered a password-protected website maintained by StandWithUs that contained backgrounders on pro-Palestinian speakers on the campus circuit. On the left, the website for Right Web, a program backed by the Institute for Policy Studies, profiles hawkish pro-Israel groups and activists.

The individual dossiers on the Canary Mission’s site are lengthy and detailed, and include videos and photographs of the activists. In the case of some current students, the site lists their majors. There are links to Facebook pages, Twitter pages and LinkedIn profiles, and lengthy descriptions of pro-Palestinian student groups and movements to which these students have alleged links.

“I think it’s creepy and I think it’s McCarthyist,” said Max Geller, an SJP member who is profiled on the site. “This is not a badge of honor. This is scary.”

Geller said that some of what is written about him on the site is untrue, and that he has contacted an attorney.

Names and faces

Names and faces


Following are reports and photos from the Palestinian Press (Click on links)

Right-wing Jews tour Al-Aqsa to mark Jerusalem Day



Settlers uproot hundreds of olive trees near Hebron


Israeli forces chase 5-year-old with ‘skunk water’




Special Report ….

67th commemoration of the ongoing Palestinian Nakba

Palestinians in the Baqa'a refugee camp in Jordan in 1970. (UNRWA Archives/AFP)

Palestinians in the Baqa’a refugee camp in Jordan in 1970. (UNRWA Archives/AFP)

More New and Views at Ma’an News Agency


Don’t miss my earlier post …. We are supposed to ‘love’ these people (sic)

Participants in Jerusalem Day parade, a show of strength for the religious right. Photo by Tali Mayer

Participants in Jerusalem Day parade, a show of strength for the religious right. Photo by Tali Mayer

Thousands of Israelis waving Israeli flags participate in the annual Jerusalem Day march of flags entering the Old City through the Muslim Quarter and making its way to the Western Wall. Jerusalem Day marks the reunification of the city following the 1967 Six-Day War.

Last year, marchers were caught on video shouting “Death to Arabs” and “Muhammad is dead.”

Israel’s Supreme Court rejects removing Muslim Quarter from Jerusalem Day route

The annual Jerusalem Day march will still go through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City after the Supreme Court rejected a petition to change its route.

The court ordered police to arrest any participants who shout racist slogans or engage in violence or vandalism during Sunday’s march. Arab residents of the Old City must be given full access to their homes and businesses during the march, the ruling also said.

“With a heavy heart, we reject the petition,” Supreme Court Justice Elyakim Rubinstein reportedly said.

The petition was filed by the Israeli NGOs Ir Amim and Tag Meir.

Last year, marchers were caught on video shouting “Death to Arabs” and “Muhammad is dead.”

Thousands of Israelis waving Israeli flags participate in the annual Jerusalem Day march of flags entering the Old City through the Muslim Quarter and making its way to the Western Wall. Jerusalem Day marks the reunification of the city following the 1967 Six-Day War.

From JTA

HaAretz report HERE

Also see update on THIS POST from the archives …

The ‘White Man’ in question just received a gun licence from the Jerusalem Municipality …. he is now legally allowed to kill!

Surely he will be a participant in the upcoming march … with his gun in hand.



On the eve of Israel’s 67th Independence Day, the following was issued to bring Hasbara to the masses …. Zionism in Animation is a project which will tell the story of Zionism in a series of short; compelling; animated clips which cover the main Events, people, places and concepts which make up this story.

Here is their last animated attempt to ‘save their wayward youth‘ ….

It was a genuine act of desperation …

They neglect to show the true face of zionism that we have to live with every day ….

Some examples ….

The wacko settler gal …

And these ‘loveable zioteens’

Meet ‘the beloved mother of the occupation’

And see the ‘love’ on the streets of Jerusalem

Click HERE

The above was removed by YouTube …. but here is the sequel

And defending all of the above …

The true mantra of zionism …

“With malice toward none, with charity for all”

With malice towards all, and charity for none


zionism finds itself in a dilemma these days as more Jewish youth, especially university students. get involved in the BDS Movement and other progressive outlets.

Rather than change their policies, they prefer to attack those against them, much like the tactics used in the recent Israeli Election campaign, there were no issues raised but there were many attacks against opposing Parties and candidates.

In this video, zionists pathetically attempt to save their ‘wayward youth’.

It is a genuine act of desperation …

If they looked in the mirror they might see the actual causes of what appears to be a growth of anti-Semitism throughout Europe today. It obviously is a result of Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians. It is a growth of anti Israeli sentiments, nothing to do with anti-Semitism at all.

Norman Finkelsein recently gave a speech on “the new anti-Semitism” to the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. For a short synopsis of what was said, see THIS report from Mondoweiss.It is worth your while to watch the following in its entirety ….

Israel Could Reduce Anti-Semitic Violence by Not Calling Itself the Jewish State, Finkelstein Says



Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States rose by 21 percent in 2014, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s annual audit of anti-Semitism.

During the war last summer between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, anti-Semitic incidents more than doubled compared to the same period in 2013. The ADL said it does not count criticism of Israel or Zionism as anti-Semitic except when it crosses the line “from legitimate criticism to anti-Semitism by invoking classic anti-Jewish stereotypes or inappropriate Nazi imagery and/or analogies.”


Anti-Semitic Incidents Rise by 21%, ADL Says

‘Particularly Violent’ Year as Israel Controversies Rage


Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States rose by 21 percent in 2014, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s annual audit of anti-Semitism.

The organization counted 912 anti-Semitic incidents last year, up from 751 in 2013, with the period surrounding last summer’s Gaza war seeing a surge of incidents. The tally included 36 cases of assault or other violence, 363 incidents of vandalism, and 513 cases of harassment, threats and events.

“2014 was a particularly violent year for Jews both overseas and in the United States,” Abraham Foxman, ADL’s national director, said in a statement. “Lethal anti-Semitism continues to pose a threat to American Jews and larger society as well.”

The count includes a wide variety of incidents, ranging from the shooting spree last April at a pair of Jewish institutions in Kansas that left three people dead to swastika graffiti, vandalized menorahs, personal spats involving anti-Semitic rants, offensive postings on social media and anti-Semitic letters to the editor.

“Anti-Jewish sentiment is increasing globally because of the oppressive behavior of Jews in power and their crimes against humanity,” read one letter printed in the Riverdale Press in New York that was included in the ADL audit.

In the annual tally, which is compiled using information provided by victims, law enforcement and community leaders, the states with the most anti-Semitic incidents correlated, as usual, with the states with the largest Jewish populations. New York led with 231 incidents, followed by California (184 incidents), New Jersey (107), Florida (70) and Pennsylvania (48). Massachusetts, which placed sixth, counted 47 incidents, one more than in 2013.

“Every act of anti-Semitism is one too many,” Evan Bernstein, ADL’s New York regional director, said in a statement. “We need to raise awareness of this troubling phenomenon, which is happening right here in our neighborhoods across the city and state.”

Despite the year-over-year rise, the number of U.S. anti-Semitic incidents in 2014 was still one of the lowest totals recorded since the ADL began keeping records of them in 1979, the organization said. Certain kinds of attacks, however, are on the rise – notably attacks by hackers on community and synagogue websites.

During the war last summer between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, anti-Semitic incidents more than doubled compared to the same period in 2013. The ADL said it does not count criticism of Israel or Zionism as anti-Semitic except when it crosses the line “from legitimate criticism to anti-Semitism by invoking classic anti-Jewish stereotypes or inappropriate Nazi imagery and/or analogies.”

Among the incidents that fell into that category was the defacing of a Lowell, Mass., synagogue with the slogans “Free Palestine” and “God Bless Gaza”; the scrawling of “Jews=Killers” and “Jews are Killing Innocent Children” near the entrance to a Jewish summer camp in Malibu, Calif.; and a conversation between a doctor and a Jewish patient in Boca Raton, Fla., in which the doctor said that the Jews killed Jesus and that current events were attributable to that crime.


Netanyahu ‘apologised’ to the ‘Arabs’ in Israel for the racist remarks he made on Election Day.

He was worried that the ‘Arabs were voting in droves’ to unseat him. The following two videos might explain why they wanted him unseated … 

Where is the apology to these children?

This video was shot during a night raid on ten homes in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. B’Tselem does not say who shot the video, but typically the videos it releases are made by Palestinians.

Children terrorized

Masked soldiers enter Palestinian homes in Hebron in dead of night, order residents to wake their children, and photograph the children.

Late at night on 23 Feb. 2015 Israeli troops entered 10 neighbouring apartments in Hebron. They demanded that the children be awakened, asked their names and photographed them. B’Tselem volunteers who live there filmed the incident. The military cannot treat civilians–and certainly not children–as potential criminals. Not only is this policy of entering Palestinian homes by night unjust and terrifying. It illustrates how casually and arbitrarily the lives of Palestinians under occupation are disrupted and their rights violated. B’Tselem calls on the military to discontinue this policy without delay.


Read Ali Abunimah’s full report HERE


In his ‘public apology’ to Susan Rice he claims that the ad was criticized by Jewish organizations, which said that we had attacked you personally.

In reality, it was not criticized, it was condemned. There is a difference.

Idiot boy added insult to injury by defending his position publicly …

His tune has changed, probably to insure that his personal income is not affected.

Again I say, Pathetic if you ask me!

Now, the ‘apology’ which appears in the Washington Post

I didn’t mean to make it personal. But try to see Netanyahu with more empathy.


Dear Ms. Rice,

Now that passions on both sides of Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress have cooled, I write today in keeping with the Jewish admonition that he who has caused offense in public must apologize in public, too.

Last week our organization took out a full-page ad in the New York Times that accused you of having a blind spot to genocide. The ad focused on the Rwandan genocide and quoted from Ambassador Samantha Power, your successor at the UN, who wrote, in a 2001 article called “Bystanders to Genocide,” that as a member of the National Security Council in 1994, you had resisted using the word genocide to describe the murder of 800,000 Rwandans because it might hurt Democrats in the midterms.

The ad was criticized by Jewish organizations, which said that we had attacked you personally. That was not our intent. We hoped to focus on policy, and we failed. I apologize fully and hope you will forgive me. It is the job of a communicator to communicate. Effectively. And having come up short, I will try again.

When you told Charlie Rose that the Israeli prime minister’s speech would be “destructive” to the US-Israel relationship, I was in Amsterdam interviewing Jacqueline van Maarsen, Anne Frank’s childhood best friend. The occasion was the 70th anniversary of the teen’s murder. I had just addressed the Jewish community of Amsterdam which lost 80 percent of its number in the Holocaust. Recently, Jews have been murdered inToulouse, Brussels, Paris, and Copenhagen. I asked my Jewish audience how many felt unsafe in Europe and wished to leave; nearly all the hands went up.

Genocide, unfortunately, is the defining characteristic of my people.

We wish it were not so. We wish we could be known for the light we have brought the nations rather than the darkness that engulfed us in the Holocaust. We wish we would be championed for the Ten Commandments rather than for surviving the decimation of the Crusades. We wish we were celebrated for giving the world the Sabbath rather than pitied for enduring the disembowelments of the Khmelnytsky pogroms. And we wish Israel were acclaimed for its democracy and innovation rather than for its steadfastness in the face of terrorism and rocket attacks.

Now, we face another — potentially genocidal — danger from Iran, which has repeatedly threatened the Jews with a second Holocaust when one was quite enough. I have no doubt that you, President Obama, and the administration are devoted to preventing that cataclysmic outcome. And I greatly appreciate your personal defense of Israel and vetoes exercised in its protection at the United Nations. Not only am I not a foe of the administration, but I vigorously defended Power during her Senate confirmation hearings in July 2013, when she was strongly opposed by other Jewish groups, and was attacked for it. And I did so because of her unwavering commitment to fighting genocide.

But all of that would pale into insignificance if Iran obtained a nuclear weapon with which it could harm Israel or the American people, even if that was never anyone’s intent.

You say that you’re working to prevent that. I believe you. But I have to passionately disagree with your point that Israel’s prime minister threatens to destroy the U.S.-Israel bond simply because he asked Congress to oppose what millions of us believe is a catastrophic deal that puts Israel in great peril. America does not condemn the leader of a threatened nation – especially a great ally – for simply doing his duty and raising the alarm. Can you see how these allegations of Netanyahu’s entreaty being “destructive” could deeply offend?

A Jewish leader’s first job is to prevent the possibility of another Jewish genocide, and that is what Netanyahu is doing. The Atlantic’s reference to you and other Clinton Administration officials as “bystanders to genocide” is, in truth, an indictment of each and every one of us. After all, the world has permitted the Armenian, Cambodian, Rwandan, Bosnian, Kosovaran, Darfuri and other genocides. Our own government shamefully refuses even to acknowledge the Armenian genocide, whose 100th anniversary is next month.

But breaking from this indifference, you laudably vowed to bring change. After refusing to use the word “genocide” to describe the 800,000 dead of Rwanda, you made a beautiful promise: “I swore to myself that if I ever faced such a crisis again, I would come down on the side of dramatic action, going down in flames if that was required.” Can we not agree that dramatic action in this case means first demanding that Iran publicly repudiate its own vow to destroy Israel and increasing sanctions until it does?

The Munich agreement of 1938 was outrageous not only because it appeased Hitler’s aggression but because Czechoslovakia was not even party to the negotiations held by Britain, France, and Germany about its future. In the same way, it is unthinkable that Israel be left out of the negotiations with Iran.

The 10,000 Jews who were being gassed every day in Europe merited scant mention in the American press at the time. A courageous Jewish leader named Peter Bergson decided to change that by taking out provocative ads in the New York Times and other publications highlighting the plight of Europe’s Jews. He was widely condemned by the American Jewish establishment, who believed he was stoking anti-Semitism. But his tactics succeeded in helping to wake America from its torpor and, together with other efforts, helped to inspire the creation of the War Refugee Board, which rescued as many as 200,000 Jews. For millions of others, the silence of American Jewry was deadly.

This World: The Value Network, the organization I founded, has vowed to never again be Jews of silence. In our own ads, Elie Wiesel alerted the world to the dangers of a nuclear Iran. They also highlighted the murder of gay men in Iran and called out the world for insufficient action against thebrutality of ISIS and Hamas.

I was honored that Rwandan President Paul Kagame asked me to deliver a keynote address at the 20th Anniversary Commemoration of the Genocide at Kigali’s National Stadium. In it, I referenced the slaughter at Ntarama Church, where I gagged when I saw a row of skulls from the victims. We used that image in our latest ad. It is a shocking and jarring image, as are all images of genocide. But I sincerely regret that the use of the image — not immediately recognizable to people unfamiliar with the Rwandan genocide — lent itself to being misinterpreted as something deliberately disrespectful and macabre.

God has given you significant influence. I ask you to please use that power to protect the Jewish people, Arab children in Syria, Muslim students in Pakistan, Christians in Darfur, women in Nigeria, and the people of the Central African Republic. Criticizing Netanyahu’s right to address Congress, or allowing Iran a robust nuclear program amid their protestations of peace, falls short of that goal.


Rabbi Shmuley Boteach


I have one question, why was this letter not also signed by Elie Weisel?

See THIS post if you missed it…



Today, synagogues throughout the world commemorated Shabbat Zachor (Sabbath of Remembrance). On this day the first known enemy of the Hebrews, Amalek, is remembered. On this day as well the combined Hate Lists of the ADL and the Wiesenthal Centre are dug out to confirm that Amalek still lives today.
Yes, Amalek still lives. There is no doubt in my mind about that, BUT NOT ON THOSE LISTS. Amalek lives right here in Israel. He is remembered every day of the year by Palestinians, but especially this week, the 21st anniversary of the massacre in Hebron by a crazed American zionist.
The week a mosque was torched in the Occupied West Bank and a Christian Seminary torched right here in Jerusalem. Both incidents the work of crazed settlers.
thumb hebron
He is remembered every day that a Palestinian child is lowered into the grave, yet another victim of Israeli terrorism.
He is remembered when a family in Gaza visits the graves of loved ones killed by Israeli soldiers.

gaza graves

How quickly zionism forgets the war crimes committed daily against the Palestinians. How quickly the Western World forgets them as well, mostly due to media blackouts in the zionist controlled press in those countries.
The fate of those who resist the above atrocities is also remembered …
Yes, we remember those crimes every day of the year. And yes, we will never forget them or forgive those that committed them.




Has the New York Times finally joined the human race?


But better late than never. I feel like I’m reading a normal report in a normal newspaper. We salute Kershner.

Now let’s brace for the backlash. This is the kind of thing that will get hasbara worked up, and the full-scale counterattack on the Times is probably already under way. I cannot recall ever reading a news article in the Times that is so clear about Israeli human rights violations.

Surprise– ‘NYT’ publishes straightforward report on Israeli human rights violations in Gaza

James North FOR

In today’s New York Times, reporter Isabel Kershner devotes a substantial article to a new report from B’Tselem, the Israeli human rights organization, saying that Israel likely committed war crimes in its attack on Gaza last summer.

An Israeli human rights group said Israel’s attacks on residential buildings in Gaza during the 50-day war against Hamas last summer appeared in at least some instances to violate the provisions of international law and raised grave legal concerns in others, according to a report to be published on Wednesday…

[B’Tselem] investigated 70 cases in which more than 600 Palestinians were killed inside homes, a majority of them — children, women and men over the age of 60 — considered unlikely to have been involved in the fighting.

Simple as that. How much clearer can you be?  A few paragraphs down, we get the denial from Israeli authorities. But then it goes back to the charges. The bulk of the story is what B’Tselem says in its 49-page report, which is titled “Black Flag: The legal and moral implications of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the Gaza Strip, summer 2014.” There’s even an interview with B’Tselem director Hagai El-Ad. And a paragraph that begins, “The B’Tselem report contains wrenching testimonies from the survivors of 13 houses that were hit.”

Of course the Times should have been doing this all along. As I reported last summer, the Times’s failure to quote B’Tselem’s reports has been a serious omission in its coverage.

In the past two years, B’Tselem has been mentioned only 20 times — and 9 of those appearances were in “The Lede,” a blog by Robert Mackey that is not part of the printed newspaper.

But better late than never. I feel like I’m reading a normal report in a normal newspaper. We salute Kershner.

Now let’s brace for the backlash. This is the kind of thing that will get hasbara worked up, and the full-scale counterattack on the Times is probably already under way. I cannot recall ever reading a news article in the Times that is so clear about Israeli human rights violations.


Boteach's 'Gay Poster Child'

Boteach’s ‘Gay Poster Child’

I expect to be attacked from two camps this week. The first, as usual, is the Israel haters who follow my trail on the internet like dogs in heat.The second is people who love Israel but who think homosexuality is Judaism’s greatest sin.

When he’s right he’s right ….. but normally he’s wrong!

Here’ the ‘good rabbi’ in action just a week ago ….

So, it’s been established that the man is 100% against Palestine and Palestinian Rights in particular …. but isn’t it odd that this same person is now super concerned about Gay Rights …. something is questionable about his agenda. Not really if it fits his sick barbaric Hasbaric viewpoints.

Pinkwashing has become #1 issue in his pro Israel stance as can be seen by his add in the New York Times (paid for by Sheldon Adelson)

Here’s the add followed by its justification in the Jerusalem Post …

HAMAS, ISIS and Iran
kill gays like me.

My name is Rennick Remley. I’m a gay American. And I support Israel.If I lived in Gaza or Israel’s neighboring states, I would be thrown in jail, mutilated or killed.

Though I am not Jewish, Israel is the only country in the Middle East where I can live without fear. I am free to adopt children, serve openly in the military, advocate for my community’s rights and be accepted as a human being.

I visited Israel and marched with thousands of people from around the globe in Jerusalem’s Gay Pride parade, and all were treated with dignity. The freedom I experienced made me feel at home.

That’s why I’m appalled that so many in the Western world – including the media, Hollywood, and self-proclaimed human rights activists – fail to hold terrorist organizations like Hamas and autocratic governments like Iran accountable for their persecution of LGBT communities.

Have you no decency?

Hamas calls homosexuals subhuman, accusing us of engaging in a “filthy practice” that is punishable by death.

It’s not an empty threat. Gay Palestinians have been tortured and killed. That’s why many gay Palestinian men risk their lives to cross the border and seek refuge in Israel.

If I lived in Iran, or under Hamas’ ideological cousin ISIS, chances are you’d be seeing my picture.

Not in this ad, but hanging from a crane in a public square. That’s a regular practice against gay men by the Iranian regime.

The only way for gays to avoid persecution in Iran is to undergo a forced sex change operation.

To those who scapegoat Israel while pretending to care about human rights yet remain silent about the oppression and violence Hamas, Iran and other Middle East countries inflict on the gay community:

Shame on you. You are letting them murder us, literally.

Your misguided actions ensure that LGBT people in the Middle East continue to live in hiding under constant threat of violent death.

It’s time to hold oppressive dictators and religious fanatics accountable for their homophobia and violence against LGBT communities.

As a nation that respects the rights and humanity of every citizen, Israel is a model for the rest of the region. Speak up for Israel. You don’t have to be Jewish to love the only democracy in the Middle East.

Join the fight for justice and human rights in the Middle East at shmuley.com, thisworld.com and StandWithUs.com.

In Israel, I am free.

HERE’S the background of the add from the Jerusalem Post

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