What is happening under our very eyes should shame us all, it is the unresolved question that should never be separated from the Holocaust and that the “Jewish state” again and again as a license for their crimes against human rights and international law, robbery, raids and use Zionist propaganda.

Image by Carlos Latuff

Capital of the Occupation and Oppression 

Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


Imagine that Jews all over the world are celebrating their highest holidays, such as Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) or Rosh Hashanah (New Year), and they would be prevented from praying. Surely there would be a media excitement around the globe! In contrast, millions of Muslims around the globe are celebrating the Eid-al-Adha sacrifice and helplessly witnessing their Palestinian peers seeking to pray on the Haram al-Sharif and the Al-Aqsa Mosque , Zionist occupation forces and Jewish settlers, members of the extremist “Temple Mountain groups, have attempted to storm the holy mosque. After the Jewish extremists and occupation troops had injured the Muslim believers with rubber bullets, thugs and tear gas, at least 61 injured were to be lamented. Among them also Awqaf officials of the Jordanian authority, which administers the Haram al-Sharif. Jordan protested, as so often before.

Israel is allowed everything

The far-right Israeli Minister of Public Security, Gilad Erdan, known for his racist failures, revealed his stupidity and instinctlessness and allowed some 1,700 extremist Jews to enter Haram al-Sharif. The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately condemned this brazen provocation, which causes only anger and frustration, especially on the first day of the Sacrifice. They also called on the international community to intervene for Israel to stop this behavior. What do these threats mean to the Netanyahu regime? Also, the call of the Palestinian “Vichy Abbas” PA to Arab and Islamic states to “take action” against the international community and Israel to stop the aggression against worshipers, only a helpless attempt remained without effect. The demand for a special session of the UN Security Council was also ineffective. This shows once again clearly: Israel is allowed to do everything and does everything that contributes to the consolidation of the occupation and Judaisierung.

The al-Aqsa mosque is the third most important mosque in Islam and is for Palestinians the symbol and memory of occupation and oppression of their homeland. Year after year, extremist Jewish politicians try to conquer the “Temple Mount” and hoist the symbol of the Israeli occupation there, the Star of David flag. They want to complete the final solution of the Judaization with the temple mountain appropriation. It could threaten to fulfill this desire after US President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the “eternal Jewish capital,” as Netanyahu demanded.

The community of states reveals its alleged “values” when it comes to Israeli crimes, and looks on cowardly and makes the Israeli injustice against the Palestinian people happen year after year. Racism is certainly at stake, because it is “only” about Muslims and Palestinians, who are also denied any right to non-violent resistance if they dare to defend themselves against illegal occupation and Israeli land grabbing. Nevertheless, tens of thousands of Muslims came to pray, millions should be !!!!!!

Less and less willing to support Israel’s fascist repression policy

Time and again attempts are being made to postpone the status quo, especially when Israeli politicians like Netanyahu shake it up and try more and more provocations because they are so terribly sure they will win again and again.

There is a small glimmer of hope because more and more democratic US Jews, especially more and more young Jewish US citizens, are turning their backs on the “Jewish state” and are no longer willing to support its fascist oppressive policies against the Palestinian people.

When will we finally experience such changes in Germany? As long as Jews continue to support this “Jewish state” and its criminal occupation policy without criticism, they should not be surprised if they are held responsible for these crimes. While the corporate media in Germany criticize criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism, the real existing Islam hatred is downplayed – as well as the problem with the right-wing extremists, which we have for decades and never really dealt with, to grab it at the root. This began after the end of the war, when old Nazis returned to high posts and emigrants were denied integration. You have always been busy with a left-wing hunt, while you are blind in the right eye. The constant media brainwashing has internalized the majority of Germans so that it will be difficult to change. Therefore, the AfD and other right-wing populist parties have an easier time gaining a foothold, as they are especially mentally attached to the “Jewish state” when it comes to fighting Islam and Muslims. As long as German people’s representatives meanwhile denigrate Jewish Israel critics and court “Israel friends” and replace anti-Semitism with philosemitism, it will look bleak in Germany.

Berlin wall divided a city, the Zionist apartheid wall all Palestine

On August 13, the building of the Berlin Wall was commemorated 58 years ago in Berlin. While the 155-kilometer structure “only” shared a city and this division ended on November 9, 1989, with the fall of the wall, the Zionist apartheid wall divides the whole of Palestine and runs across illegally occupied Palestinian land. This 15-year-old disastrous Apartheid Wall is 760 kilometers long, over 9 meters high, and Israel violates international law with its construction, according to a report commissioned by the UN General Assembly. But that does not seem to get either the “Auschwitz Minister” or the international community to rethink, and that should shame us ALL! As a native of Berlin, I know exactly what I am writing about. While the wall dead (140/327?) Is thought, one forgets.

We have just seen how German politicians, headed by the “Auschwitz Minister” Maas, asked forgiveness in Poland for the German Nazi crimes and felt ashamed and then praised the German resistance and the attempted and failed Hitler assassination. More than lying! After all, most of the assassins had previously been enthusiastic supporters of the Nazis and even as “resisters” no Democrats. If the “Auschwitz Minister” were serious about a “never again”, it would be long overdue that he would be ashamed of the untenable conditions in Palestine and would have to persuade him to think and think. Similarly, when Maas left for New York on 12 August to speak to the United Nations Security Council at the invitation of Poland as part of its security presidency, in a 70th anniversary debate, the four Geneva Conventions. Before departure, he had announced full-bodied that Germany wants to urge for the strengthening of international humanitarian law. “Seventy years after the adoption of the Geneva Conventions, protected persons are victims of atrocities and arbitrariness every day. The international community must take action so that the breach of taboos does not become permanent “. Have not we had this “steady state” for 71 years in Palestine, and was not it precisely Maas who repeatedly points out that he went into politics because of Auschwitz? Does not he have to see Auschwitz as a man for human rights crimes, inextricably linked to Palestine and the founding of the “Jewish state”? But he is so (a) hypocritical and self-righteous, yet another reason to be ashamed of German foreign policy.

Holocaust: Israel’s charter for crimes against human rights

What is happening under our very eyes should shame us all, it is the unresolved question that should never be separated from the Holocaust and that the “Jewish state” again and again as a license for their crimes against human rights and international law, robbery, raids and use Zionist propaganda.

This ongoing resistance to the Zionist theft of their homeland and the attempt to destroy the collective cultural memory is to be seen in the context of the Zionist project of Judaizing Palestine and demonizing the Palestinians while the Jews and Zionism are being heroized. The “Jewish state” is hanging on the drip of the United States and is considered the Western model for stabilizing US rule in the Middle East. A prime example of colonial oppression on stolen land.

Therefore, the Palestinian cause, like the BDS movement, is a national and international liberation movement, free from ideological precepts. Thus, the historical and sacred significance of Haram-al-Sharif must not be ignored for all Muslims around the world. But much more focus on the importance of the liberation of Palestine is a question of national pride and territorial integrity, which is systematically, consistently and with international support from the Zionist colonial project from the founding of the state to the present day injured.

Only when Muslims, Palestinians can pray and live freely again in a free Palestine, we will be able to celebrate happily. But with a heavy heart, we are united in solidarity with the Palestinians, who are increasingly oppressed by the Zionist state terror regime.

All parties in the Bundestag henchman of the Zionist occupation regime

That there are also courageous Germans, showed the former German ambassador in Iraq and Iran, Bernd Ebel, who had given a very open and interesting interview to an Internet portal. Thereafter, he was released to the media launch and after a Bild-Schmutzkampagne renounced this exception diplomat on the Instex post. Note: never say anything critical against Israel, or you will be burned for the public. As Spiegel already told us, here it was again confirmed that the media “cancer ulcer” of the German media landscape has taken over the interpretation sovereignty over our dealings with Israel, and let the spinalless German politicians in particular be guided by it. How else can it be that this outstanding diplomat and, above all, well-known connoisseur of the region was abandoned by his “boss” AA Maas? (1)

The case of Ebel is now symptomatic of Germany, where all parties, especially the AfD, excel as henchmen of the Zionist occupation regime, in the commitment to the “Jewish state” and in the demonization of Muslims and immigrants. That so many central media take part in this scare should give us food for thought.

Jerusalem, the capital of oppression, should remind us to fight for the freedom of Palestine and the fall of the apartheid wall. I wish to pray to all Muslim friends and Palestinians next year in a free Jerusalem.

A blessed Eid Mubarak to the sacrificial festival!





Originally posted AT


















Heartbreaking. “Get out of my house!” Palestinian woman after being expelled from her home by Israeli settlers in the Old City in occupied Jerusalem.


Roger Waters releases ‘Supremacy’ in protest of US Jerusalem move
Waters reads out poem by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish to music composed by Palestinian group Le Trio Joubran; ‘On the surface, it narrates the last speech of The Native American to The White Man, but it speaks also to Darwish’s beloved Palestine, and its indigenous people, in fact to all victims of settler colonialism everywhere, always,’ Waters says.


Same struggle in Canada …



It remains a remarkable era that we live in and it is getting more “interesting” every day. Take for example the poke in the eye that the Zionists did through their vassal president Donald Trump in deciding that the date to move the US Embassy to occupied Jerusalem will be May 15.

Will he or won’t he? (Image: Carlos Latuff)

We see hope in their eyes

by Mazin Qumsiyeh


This is very significant because that date is Nakba Commemoration day when against the wishes of the vast majority of inhabitants, a Jewish apartheid state was created by force of arms. Before and after that date, the largest post-WWII ethnic cleansing happened. Most of the native people of Palestine (of various religions) were pushed out and 530 towns and villages were depopulated. Today 7.5 million are refugees or displaced people. 6.3 million live under direct Israeli racist rule. None have sovereignty over their lands. Immigrant Ashkenazi White European elites rule the apartheid state. The 1.6 million Palestinians who had lived under martial law until

1966 and then given some citizenship “rights” but are subjected to further ethnic cleansing, home demolitions, colonial settlement expansion just as much as the Palestinians in the Gaza and the West Bank. There is a meticulous and vicious program of slow genocide in Gaza. In Jerusalem (West Bank), there are more and more pressures to Judaicize the city by programs of denial of residency and recently the escalation of pressure on Christian and Muslims to strip them of Church and Mosque property by overtaxing them to bankruptcy in order to take their church and mosque property.

This week the Christian Churches including the Church of the Sepulcher closed their doors in protest. To my knowledge, this has never happened before (in 2000 years!). The world politicians are silent and the Palestinian authority (representatives) issue feeble sounds of pleading for the world community to implement International law and also to protect the Palestinian people. Yet, they all continue their failed policies and do not admit they made any mistakes. As any rational reader of history knows, rights are never begged for from your oppressor. Oppressors must be forced to give up their powers. Resistance must be built up in ALL its forms sanctioned by International law (also see 4th Geneva Convention). Mahmoud Abbas whose term expired years ago and whose health is deteriorating (wish him to finally retire!) gave a speech at the UN Security Council in which he admitted that his authority basically works for the Israeli occupiers.

Thus, the first and main obstacle now to liberation, return of refugees, and self-determination in Palestine is the Vichy government in Ramallah. It is long past time to end the charade of Oslo and create a real “Palestine Liberation Organization”. To be clear: PALESTINE is all of Palestine not to “disputed” (per Israeli language) 22% of it (WB & Gaza) for which they have been “negotiating” endlessly. LIBERATION as in Liberty not accepting apartheid or the racist notions of a “Jewish state” (this also includes right of native Palestinians to return to their homes and lands).

ORGANIZATION as people organizing to capturing the amazing energy of the 12.5 million Palestinians around the world. That requires participatory democracy not a clique of comprador elites (term limits of 6-8 years are good idea for all leaders).

Watch this video by ProMosaik about a poem by Mazin Qumsiyeh.



I know, as many others do, that Trump‘s folly won’t be innocuous or harmless. It is already radicalizing the wider Palestinian street and putting the advocates of peace on the defensive.
Image by Carlos Latuff
Trump‘s gargantuan blunder
By Khalid Amayreh
In order to endear himself to organized Jewry and especially to Israel Firsters among evangelical Christian Zionists on the American arena, President Trump issued earlier in December a formal executive decree, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The decision has been widely considered a drastic departure from long-standing American policy regarding the town which Israel seized from Jordan in 1967. Moreover, the audacious feat is considered a gigantic insult and brazen defiance and provocation to the sensibilities of hundreds of millions of Muslims and, although to a lesser extent. Christians around the world. More to the pointy, the fateful decision seems to underscore many facts, including  the President’s over-reliance on a group of mostly ignorant advisors who had apparently convinced him that the Palestinians would eventually come to terms with the decision, a view whish I am sure is grossly inaccurate.
The truth of the matter is that Jerusalem is and will always remain  paramount for Palestinians as the vast majority of them would rather keep the cause of the holy city alive, even without a state,  than having a state, even on the entirety of the remainder of the West Bank, but without Jerusalem.
Another bad advice that Trump received from his ignorant advisors had ostensibly swayed him into thinking that if the US administration  exerted  some bullying and arm-twisting with Palestinian Authority Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, he should be able, at least in the long run,  to pacify his people and get them to accept the fait accompli. This is also a misleading notion.  In fact, a people who defied history by surviving as a people, despite the immense Savagery of the Nazi-like onslaught of the Zionist movement are unlikely to be cajoled or coaxed into agreeing to liquidate their national cause (heart and soul) just to please the proverbial monkey of the Israeli organ grinder, aka the United States of America. We Palestinians are not and won’t ever be a herd of two legged human-sheep that our current or future leaders can conduct us as they wish. I can even dare say that any Palestinian leader who might venture to play the collaborationist game with our enduring cause wouldn’t live to regret the utter foolishness of his folly. In short, Trump ought to eject from his mind, if he still has one, the illusion that the Palestinian people will one day backtrack on Jerusalem.  I also say to Trump if he is willing to listen, don’t listen to the bigot named Netanyahu. He has the tongue of a liar and the mindset of a dishonest person. Lying is his policy and dishonesty is his shield.
I know, as many others do, that Trump‘s folly won’t be innocuous or harmless. It is already radicalizing the wider Palestinian street and putting the advocates of peace on the defensive. It is also expected to give a new life and vigor to violent groups as it will enable them to claim that they are fighting for the honor of Islam and standing in the face of neo-Crusades, hell­ bent on harming Islam and usurping its holy places such as the Aqsa Mosque. But the most enduring impact   of the millenarian stupidity coming from the White House will undoubtedly manifest itself in prolonging or even perpetuating the conflict and causing more suffering, bloodshed and violence.
Two weeks ago, the elderly Israeli journalist Uri Avnery wrote an article  in which he pointed out that within mandatory Palestine (between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean) now live 7.8 million Israeli Jews and 8.2 million Palestinians, whose numbers  (the Palestinians) are expected to reach 25 million in less than three  decades. These people will not just accept the status of children of a lesser God. They won’t settle for a life of water carriers and wood hewers. The writing is on the wall, and denial won’t help either the fool of Washington or fool of Jerusalem!
  I also know the fool of Jerusalem is having morbid dreams these days about possible ways and means to expel us or the bulk of our people from our ancestral homeland, probably using an updated version of what Zionist thugs did to us in 1948. But we have learned the lesson rather well, and we won’t male the same mistakes again!


All very informative


To exist we must resist!



Here is a partial list of ‘Who’s Who’ on Trumps Christmas List

Honduras reportedly next in line after Guatemala announces relocation of mission; Togo, Paraguay, Romania and Slovakia also floated


Israel says 10 more countries in talks about moving embassies to Jerusalem

Following Guatemala’s announcement Monday that it would move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, at least 10 other countries are in talks to move their own missions, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said.

In an interview with Israel Radio, she declined to say which states Israel was speaking with, but Channel 10 reported that the next country likely to announce an embassy move was Honduras.

Israel and Honduras, which borders Guatemala, have enjoyed very close ties over the past few years, and in 2016 signed an agreement under which Israel agreed to enhance the the Central American country’s armed forces in an unprecedented way, in order to fight organized crime.

Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez was reelected earlier this month in a hotly disputed election. He is a graduate of MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, and spent time in Israel.

Along with Guatemala, Honduras was one of nine nations that voted “no” last week with the United States when the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a non-binding resolution denouncing US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Unlike Guatemala, whose embassy was in Jerusalem from the 1950s until 1980, Honduras never had its embassy in Israel’s capital.

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein announced at a Likud party event Monday that the parliamentary heads of two other countries had spoken to him about moving their embassies from Tel Aviv. The Walla news site reported that representatives from Romania and Slovakia had expressed support for such a move and were working in their respective countries to effect it.

Other countries also reportedly in talks to move their embassies are South America’s Paraguay and the west African nation of Togo.

Guatemala was the first nation to pledge to move its mission to Jerusalem after US Trump on December 6 recognized the city as Israel’s capital and instructed the State Department to prepare to move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv. The Czech republic has also since recognized West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Russia recognized West Jerusalem in April.

In a December 6 address from the White House, Trump defied worldwide warnings and insisted that after repeated failures to achieve peace a new approach was long overdue, describing his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the seat of Israel’s government as merely based on reality.

The move was hailed by Netanyahu and by leaders across much of the Israeli political spectrum, but condemned by most of the international community. Trump stressed that he was not specifying the boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in the city, and called for no change in the status quo at the city’s holy sites.

Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales said on his official Facebook account on Sunday that after talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he decided to instruct his foreign ministry to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“We spoke about the excellent relations that we have had as nations since Guatemala supported the creation of the state of Israel,” Morales wrote. “One of the most important topics [of the conversation] was the return of the embassy of Guatemala to Jerusalem. So I inform you that I have instructed the chancellor to initiate the respective coordination so that it may happen.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday hailed Guatemala’s decision, predicting that other countries would soon follow suit.

“God bless you, my friend, President Jimmy Morales. God bless both our countries, Israel and Guatemala,” he said at the weekly Likud faction meeting in the Knesset.

“I told you recently there would be other countries that will recognize Jerusalem and move their embassies,” Netanyahu said, after reading out Morales’s official announcement to Likud MKs and reporters. “I repeat: There will be more, this is just the beginning.”


Images by Latuff
Days after UN General Assembly defies Trump by voting on resolution declaring his Jerusalem decision ‘null and void’, Ambassador Nikki Haley releases statement delivering on threats that world body would feel financial pinch, announcing decision to cut 2018-2019 budget by $250M; ‘We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.’
Delivering on threats, Trump slashes funds for UN
Full report HERE

Christmas came early for Palestine this year


Grinch of the year


UN General Assembly votes 128-9 to declare US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital “null and void”

Image by Carlos Latuff



With the full cooperation of Israel of course ….

US Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday warned countries that she will report back to President Donald Trump with the names of those who support a draft resolution rejecting the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Trump threatens to slash aid to countries backing UN Jerusalem vote

‘Let them vote against us. We’ll save a lot,’ says US president ahead of Thursday’s General Assembly session

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday cautioned he could slash funding to countries that support a UN General Assembly resolution on Thursday that seeks to annul the United States’ recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

(Full report HERE)



This image reminds me of the genocide in Gaza during the last offensive war by the Netanyahu Regime against the defenceless Palestinian population, and which killed hundreds of innocent Palestinian children. What more needs to happen so that German and European politicians react to support the Palestinian people, living under occupation for decades?  

Advent, Advent, Burning Palestine!

by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, English Translation by Milena Rampoldi
This image reminds me of the genocide in Gaza during the last offensive war by the Netanyahu Regime against the defenceless Palestinian population, and which killed hundreds of innocent Palestinian children. What more needs to happen so that German and European politicians react to support the Palestinian people, living under occupation for decades?  (1)–146449683.html
Despite the decades-long illegal occupation, Netanyahu is apparently welcome as guest in Brussels for breakfast with the EU foreign ministers. However, 56 members of the European Parliament presented the representative of the occupiers‘ regime a bill for 1,2 million Euros to compensate for humanitarian projects financed by the EU and destroyed by the Israeli occupation army in Palestine. This bill is a joke i considering  that since Netanyahu’s coming to office in 2009, almost 400 buildings of all kinds were destroyed; settlements have massively expanded; almost every day there are new construction notifications; and Palestinians and Bedouins are dispossessed and expelled from their land.
While the German and European tax payers continue to finance Israeli crimes against international law and the violation of human rights, the EU is still hesitant to finally draw consequences from this crying injustice and to adopt BDS measures. It would be an ideal opportunity to put wood behind the arrow and to act after this incredible Jerusalem provocation declared by Trump. While Federica Mogherini clearly stressed that for the EU only a “two-states-solution” should be supported – even if she does absolutely nothing to support it – some Eastern European countries stepped out of line. Even the right-wing Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, who is a personal friend of Netanyahu, toys with the idea of moving his embassy to Jerusalem. Also the Czech Republic, Poland, and other Eastern European countries could move this direction. Netanyahu saw his chance and impudently urged all EU states to recognise Jerusalem as capital of the “Jewish State.” At the moment, this step appears inconceivable for the EU, but after such a pressure, and the lack of a common position between Eastern and Western EU, unanimity is over. So there is a reason to fear that the more Eastern European countries are taken over by right-wing governments, the easier the game will be for Netanyahu and his politics.
Following the triumph Netanyahu felt after Trump’s speech about Jerusalem as the eternal and united capital of the “Jewish State,” the peace talks and the two-state solution died. While the Arab League offered a very poor condemnation, the Turkish President Erdogan — who called the “Jewish State” by its name when he said that it is a terrorist state, killing children — wants to oppose to the recognition of Jerusalem as capital of the “Jewish State” with all means. Germany and the EU should decide to support him!
We see the erosion of international law when we look at German politicians who get more upset over the burning of Star of David flags of the Occupiers’ state than for the decade-long illegal Israeli occupation and deprivation of rights of the Palestinian population and Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as capital of the “Jewish State.” When the German minister of interior de Maiziere gets upset because Star of David flags are burnt because they stand for the illegal Jewish occupation and oppression of Palestine, then something is completely wrong because  this has absolutely nothing to do with “Anti-Semitism.”
The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany directly asked to nip things in the bud and to generally stop “anti-Semitic” rallies. However, by supporting the illegal occupation of Palestine, he clearly violates the law. He does not like slogans like “baby killer Israel” and accuses critics of Israel of anti-Semitism, even though that slogan is absolutely true, considering the genocide in Gaza. Again: Rallies against the occupation are legitimate and have nothing to do with Anti-Semitism. (2),0,1448745492.html
It is time that Germany and its political representatives started putting the connection with Jewish citizens and the “Jewish State” to a normal level, away from a philo-Semite transfiguration, overlooking Jewish injustice, and unjustly reinterpreting legitimate Palestinian resistance. De Maiziere condemns criticism against the State of Israel – not against the Jews! And foreign minister Gabriel promptly follows him. It is simply shameful that German politicians do not condemn the real cause of evil, the anger over the incredible decision and in particular over the decade-long occupation, but support it. Palestinians were shamefully offended and overrun by Trump’s decision. German politicians have the duty to support Palestinian citizens in Germany. And burning this Star of David flag, the symbol of the illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine, is more than obvious!
Furthermore, according to the police, burning these flags is not a violation against penal law, as long as they did not hang on public buildings before. It is also part of the freedom of opinion and assembly that also emotions like the burning of these hated symbols must be tolerated. It was an important sign, that in Berlin more than 2500 people assembled to protest against the decision of a unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as capital of a “Jewish State.” When the governing mayor Müller declared that he will not tolerate any anti-Semitism and racism during rallies, I asked myself why he remains silent when it is about the racism and the occupation of the “Jewish State” violating international law which is the real cause of these rallies?
Why do German politicians say nothing about what happens in the Jewish Apartheid State, about the illegal blockade of Gaza and the inhuman occupation crimes, like the constant land grabbing, the dispossession, the razzias, tortures, desecration of mosques, discrimination, harvest and water theft, and so forth. Has the red line not been crossed since long a go? What has still to happen?
The olive-green politician Özdemir condemns anti-Semitism at the Anne Will Talk Show. However, he cowardly remains silent about racism in the “Jewish State.” And he is as unreliable as the majority of our politicians of all orientations, which all produce the same inedible philo-Semite mash.
Also the AJC (American Jewish Committee) asked for a prompt political reaction against these rallies, by remaining silent about Trump’s affront and its consequences. The Central Council of Jews did not comment on Trump’s declaration: Its former president Knobloch made a remark about the “gallows” sentence about Merkel, without saying one word about Trump.
All condemn the burning of the hated Star of David flag as symbol of the occupation, but when Palestine burns, they only see the so called “right for self-defence” of Jews.
What about the constant effort to silence us all, by defaming all criticism against the “Jewish State” as anti-Semitism and Jewish hatred, while the crimes of the “Jewish State” are legitimised as self-defence.
In any case, with this deal opposing to international law, the USA and Trump have definitively disqualified themselves as “peace mediators”!
Now even the Israel war minister screams “do not buy from Arabs” by repeating Goebbels’ slogan against Jews. And by “Arabs” he meant the Palestinian citizens in Northern Israel who had dared to demonstrate against Trump after his Jerusalem decision. He accused them of being “unwanted persons” who have no connection with the “Jewish State.”
Lieberman has already passed the red line. An Israeli minister dealing with wars and weapons and make such racist declarations should make us and our politicians all upset.
The helpless anger of young Palestinians is absolutely understandable. They grew up under occupation, without any freedom, always experienced harassment, abuse, fear, and Jewish occupiers’ despotism. The only weapon against the illegal Jewish occupation which now also wants to take their capital Jerusalem from them are stones and knifes. Who wants to mind them if they defend their rights by the exercise of legitimate violence? They are left alone in their struggle, instead of being supported. We should never forget them in their resistance struggle and never leave them alone, but express our deep solidarity with them as the victims of a brutal occupation.
In this context, resistance is a duty, when occupation becomes the law.
In fact, the Israeli army, armed to the teeth, and co-financed by the USA and Germany, has nothing to fear from resistance by Palestinian who have neither an army nor weapons. It is not the burning of Star of David flags that should be condemned, but the burning of the Palestinian population, left alone by the so-called community of “values.”
Palestine should become a free homeland for all ethnic groups and religions, instead of being the start of the Zionist objective of “Eretz Israel” by violating the local Palestinian population.
We have to join the violence-free BDS campaign until the “Jewish State” stops the violations its of international law; ends the occupation and colonisation of Palestine; demolishes the Apartheid wall; and recognises the total equality of basic rights of the Palestinian citizens in Israel and the legal rights of Palestinian refugees in their homeland Palestine according to the UN resolution 194. The BDS movement opposes the occupier state Israel and has absolutely nothing to do with the slogan “do not buy from Jews.”
It is not our campaign which is racist, but the “Jewish State” with its racism!
Advent, Advent, burning Palestine!


Then, to all of you, a pleasant Advent Season.
Originally published AT


One man’s vision is blinding the world!


In Palestine the people are literally dying to be free


Image by Carlos Latuff

Ibrahim Abu Thorayya was disabled double amputee, and a wheelchair bound. But Israel shot him in the head. Rest in Peace, Ibrahim. We will continue the struggle until Palestine is free and justice is served.


This disabled Palestinian was shot dead today by Israeli forces while protesting Trump’s Jerusalem declaration

More here …. Click on links.

Reported IDF Killing of Palestinian Amputee Provokes Uproar on Twitter


4 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in clashes over Trump decision on Jerusalem


Ibrahim ‘the half bodied,’ an icon of Gaza skirmishes, loses his other half for Jerusalem


The Trump government’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem is the latest attempt of the imperialists and Zionists to destroy the Palestinian resistance.
Hands off Jerusalem!
Victory to the Palestinian people!
Sanctions on Israel!


Despite Trump’s declaration, State Dep not recognizing Jerusalem

The State Department has long refused to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on their government documents and they are still refusing to do so even after President Trump’s Jerusalem announcement on Wednesday.

Premature rejoicing?

State Department Continues to Not Recognize Jerusalem As Capital of Israel On Government Documents

The State Department has long refused to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on their government documents and they are still refusing to do so even after President Trump’s Jerusalem announcement on Wednesday.

The Associated Press reports that the State Department will continue its policy of not listing Jerusalem-born American citizens as being born in Israel on passports. However, the policy does recognize Palestine as the birthplace of those who were born in Jerusalem before the establishment of Israel in 1948.

“At this time, there are no changes to our current practices regarding place of birth on Consular Reports of Birth Abroad and U.S. Passports,” the State Department told the AP.

Additionally, the department won’t redraw their maps, but they will use some sort of marker to demarcate the city as Israel’s capital.

“The specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem are subject to final status negotiations,” the State Department told the AP. “The United States is not taking a position on boundaries or borders.”

The State Department also has yet to be specify if other documents will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The AP report does highlight how the State Department could be a potential roadblock toward Trump establishing an embassy in Jerusalem. The department is already stating that it could take at least “three to four years” to make the move, even though the mayor of Jerusalem has stated it could theoretically only take a couple of minutes by turning the U.S. consulate into an embassy.

Additionally, the State Department under Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has repeatedly pointed the finger at Israel as the culprit for Palestinian terrorism and has previously denied that Israel has any claim on the city.

There have been prior reports of tension between Trump and Tillerson, although Tillerson has denied such reports and Trump hasn’t publicly stated that Tillerson’s job is in danger.

Another report below ….. click on link

Despite Trump’s declaration, State Dep not recognizing Jerusalem


And of course, most of the dead will be Palestinians. Most Israelis don’t know any and hence can’t think of them as anything but a stereotype, as one of those human-shaped targets in IDF gun ranges.

Dead Palestinians Don’t Matter to Mainstream Media


The only certainty regarding Trump’s Jerusalem declaration is that people will die


“Defenceless under the night
Our world in stupor lies
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic point of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.”

–W. H. Auden, September 1, 1939

I think, first and foremost, of Najmi. I haven’t seen her in months, We used to work for Yesh Din. She’s shy, soft-spoken, with a keen, sharp mind. She lives in East Jerusalem. Will she be alive in two days? How about Muhaned, fierce and unbowed?

Dammit, will I? I already dodged two suicide attacks. And for all the jokes about the Petah Tikva being the equivalent of Nebraska in its non-existence, several attacks took place here. Are we back to 2001-2002?

As these words are written, I have no idea just what sort of proclamation Trump will issue today regarding Jerusalem. But the signs are not good. He is likely to proclaim Jerusalem to be Israel’s capital, making no distinction between the West and East cities, not knowing that you can easily discern them: the streets without pavements are those where the Palestinians live.

But I do know the State Department issued warning to its embassies in the Middle East, and I know the IDF is on high alert. And I know the police confidently said there are no reports of planned violence. And I remember that the 30th anniversary of the First Intifada is in three days.

There was no warning then, either. Nor was there one when the Second Intifada broke out. Our secret police prides itself on its penetration and fragmentation of Palestinian society; but while it may be good at identifying any formimg Palestinian attack squads (one reason we see so many solitary attackers – it is simply too dangerous to form a cell), it has a particularly lousy record when it comes to predicting events.

So, I don’t know what will happen tomorrow and the day after that. But, frankly, I’m afraid. Perhaps it’s the traumatic legacy of the Second Intifada: of the years of endless terror, when you went to work silently calculating the odds that this bus ride will be it, that it may be time for you ticket to be punched; when you prayed in the morning for the sun to set, and at night for it to rise again. (And yes, I know: Palestinians had it much, much worse; but while I can know and understand it, even relate to it, I didn’t feel it.)

We can do the whole megillah of the tormented history of modern Jerusalem, of the 1947 resolution which is still in force which sees the city as corpus separatum. We can mention the mystic numbers 181 and 242 and mumble them as an incantation; when all is said and done, whatever Trump says tonight, there will be blood. Innocent people will die. Some are walking among us, still not knowing that there’s already a bullet (or a bomb fragment, or an artillery round) with their names on it. And oh, our gunmen are so much better at killing people when given an excuse.

My government is about to be given a surprise gift by Trump, and it does not care that dozens are likely to die. One does not conquer the mountain, goes the old Irgun song, unless there’s a grave dug downhill. They think those stones and a presidential proclamation is worth it. There’s actually no discussion. The myth of the “united Jerusalem” is so strong, even the opposition supports Trump’s move. Precious few dare to say that between ancient stones and human lives, you should choose life.

And of course, most of the dead will be Palestinians. Most Israelis don’t know any and hence can’t think of them as anything but a stereotype, as one of those human-shaped targets in IDF gun ranges. I do know. I think of Najmi and I am afraid.


It’s ALL of Palestine, Gaza in particular as can be seen in the following ….

By Carlos Latuff

One artist and one bull artist


The music I refer to …

The Jewish-Arab Peace Song

How the music died …


How Latuff views the situation …

Mother Palestine teaching a lesson to Trump about Jerusalem






No commentary necessary


How zion views the occupation ……

Events to celebrate the quinquagenary of Jerusalem’s reunification kicked off on Sunday night at an event attended by the president and prime minister. The official semicentennial takes place on Jerusalem Day, observed this year on May 24.

At a ceremony held on the backdrop of the Old City, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked: “Fifty years ago we returned to the heart of our capital and our country, and 50 years ago we did not conquer—we liberated.”

Drones spell out ’50’ above Jerusalem (Photo: Mizmor Productions)


Drones spell out ‘Jerusalem’ above the capital (Photo: Mizmor Productions)


Drones form a Star of David above Jerusalem (Photo: Mizmor Productions)


The Old City (Photo: Mizmor Productions)


(Photo: Mizmor Productions)

Thank you America for making the occupation a reality!


To ‘celebrate’ 50 years of Jerusalem’s illegal occupation, the following was prepared for Trump’s upcoming visit to the area tomorrow …..

Jerusalem Light and Sound Show

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