Fifty six years ago, on a day as hot as possible, Washington DC witnessed a demonstration which became known simply as ‘The March’. After months of organising the day finally came, August 28th, 1963. The day Martin Luther King shook the world with his speech ‘I Have A Dream’. The day we all shared that dream with him, millions of us, Black, White, Hispanic, Jew, Muslim, Christian…. EVERYONE was represented. EVERYONE was full of hope.

The end of the speech are the words that are best remembered….
And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

BUT those hands are still not joined and we are far from being free. King spoke of peace, we have witnessed war after war, he spoke of Civil Rights, we have seen them disappearing one by one. No, we are not singing today, but we ARE still hoping for that ‘change’….. the time is long overdo. The ‘Dream’ has turned into a nightmare, but we cling to that hope.


It was a Friday evening, 66 years ago today, that I sat in my bedroom waiting for the lights to dim.

June 19, 1953

For Robert and Michael ….

Then …

Robert and Michael Rosenberg sons of Julius and Ethel

Now …


Sketches of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg presented to their sons by the artist Pablo Picasso

Looking back at the day ..
By Steve Amsel
It was a Friday evening, 66 years ago today, that I sat in my bedroom waiting for the lights to dim. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were about to be electrocuted in Sing Sing Prison and I imagined the powerful surge of power causing a brown out in our own home. When that didn’t happen, I thought to myself that perhaps there was a stay of execution …. but I was wrong. Despite the protests, despite the appeals from world leaders, the couple was put to death just one minute before the Sabbath entered, as not to violate the sanctity of the day. It was a reminder of Christ’s execution, also rushed as not to violate the Sabbath.
Many of us were told that they were innocent of the charges of espionage. We were told that they were the ‘first victims of American fascism’. We were told decades later that this might not have been the case.
They left behind two young sons, Michael and Robert. Michael was a year older than me and Robert was three years younger. I could not imagine what these two were going through and could not comprehend how the government rendered them orphans with the flick of a switch.
A small part of me died with the flick of that switch, but worse yet, a big part of America’s integrity died as well.
The last four days of Ethel and Julius …
Published on June 15, 2015
First of four videos depicting the last four days of the lives of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, as told through the letters they wrote to their two young sons on those dates. Featuring Angela Davis, Cotter Smith (as Julius), Eve Ensler (as Ethel), and Rosenberg sons Michael and Robert Meeropol.
Second of four videos depicting the last four days of the lives of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, as told through the letters they wrote to their two young sons on those dates. Featuring Angela Davis, Cotter Smith (as Julius), Eve Ensler (as Ethel), and Rosenberg sons Michael and Robert Meeropol.
Third of four videos depicting the last four days of the lives of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, as told through the letters they wrote to their two young sons on those dates. Featuring Angela Davis, Cotter Smith (as Julius), Eve Ensler (as Ethel), and Rosenberg sons Michael and Robert Meeropol.

Last of four videos depicting the last four days of the lives of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, as told through the letters they wrote to their two young sons on those dates. Featuring Angela Davis, Cotter Smith (as Julius), Eve Ensler (as Ethel), and Rosenberg sons Michael and Robert Meeropol.


The above videos were created and sent to me by the Rosenberg Fund for Children

The Rosenberg Fund for Children was started by Robert Meeropol, who was orphaned at age six when his parents, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, were executed at the height of the McCarthy Era.

In 1990 Robert figured out how he could repay the progressive community that helped him survive.  He founded the RFC to help children of targeted activists in the U.S. today- children who are experiencing the same nightmare he and his brother endured as youngsters.  In September 2013, Robert’s daughter, Jennifer Meeropol, took over for him as the RFC’s executive director.

Since its start, the RFC has awarded more than $5.6 million to benefit close to a thousand children in the U.S. whose parents have been targeted because of their involvement in progressive movements including the struggles to preserve civil liberties, wage peace, safeguard the environment, combat racism and homophobia, and organize on behalf of workers, prisoners, immigrants and others whose human rights are under threat.


Some thoughts for Mother’s Day in Poetry …..

First, one I wrote many years ago, dedicated to my mother. I read it at her funeral. Although she is long gone, I still honour her daily, not just on this so-called Mother’s Day.

Here’s a photo of my Mom keeping up with world events through the pages of The Daily Worker.


Nine months of discomfort and some pain,

Nine months of wondering, hoping…

Are there regrets?

Hope not.

Years of commitment,

Years of unselfishly giving,

Was there more to give?

If only you could.

So much to teach,

So much to share,

How can one be expected to do it all?

But it was done.

Out of the holocaust there came a commitment,

We shall remain and flourish,

Can it be done?

Hope so.

So much to tell the world,

So many wrongs to right,

Will there be help?

There must be strength.

Now you must rest,

Your work is done,

Are there regrets?

Hope not.

This one was written by an unknown poet …

She is the one that carried me in her womb for nine months.
She is the one that nursed me with nutrition from her own body.
She is the one that stood over me and protected me from all harm.
She is the one that loved me no matter what I did.
She was my mother, that’s what they do….
You are who you are today because of your mother, never forget that.
She loved you every day of your life, never forget that either.


… Most significant considering the election results …
Jewish mothers used to go into a cleaning frenzie a week or so before the Festival of Passover. All traces of leaven (chametz) had to be removed from the home before the onset of the holiday.
Modern folk have determined that dust is not chametz, so there is less madness involved in the cleaning process, but Israel has added a new dimension to the situation; Arabs must be removed as well as the leaven.
Following this report dealing with the realities of Apartheid you will find a post from the archives that I reblog every Passover eve…
Just  one of many attempts to cleanse the land of Arabs ….
Here is how Palestinians ‘celebrate’ the holiday … it’s Bibi’s Two State Solution, with one behind locked gates.
                                                      (Click on link)

West Bank closure goes into effect for Passover 

These 'enemies' must be locked out!

These ‘enemies’ must be locked out!



My maternal grandmother was a simple Shtetel Jew. She came from a place not much different than the small town portrayed in Fiddler on The Roof.
Traditionally the womenfolk from those areas were uneducated in matters of anything other than home making and child raising, while the menfolk studied their Holy Books for hours on end. Life was simple for them, and they themselves were basically a very simple folk.
I remember my grandmother going through the frenzie of cleaning the house this time of year…. the traditional Passover cleaning. All traces of leaven had to be removed from the home before the start of the Holiday. To her, that process included the removal of any trace of dust or smears on the window panes. The house sparkled when she was finished. Most of our non Jewish neighbours were going through the same process, but simply called it ’spring cleaning’, ridding the house of all unwanted matter, including broken furniture and junk.
I remember asking my grandmother why she was going through such a frenzie…. her answer was simple and to the point…. “If a Jew eats bread during Passover he will die!” That was what she was taught, that’s what she taught us….
In Israel today, things are not much different than life in the Shtetel when it comes to Passover preparations. But today there is a growing number of non observant Jews as well as a growing number of non Jews. This is a threat to the lifestyle of the self imposed Shtetel Jew living here today.
Christian Pilgrims from abroad, as well as local Christians are denied access to their Holy Sites. Where is the uproar against this?
Where is the uproar against the Neanderthal rabbis that have recently called for the expulsion or the genocide of the Palestinians? WHERE??? As in previous years, the Palestinians living on the ‘other side’ of the great wall of apartheid will be sealed in for the duration of the Holiday (8 days), literally making the State of Israel Arabrein for that period of time. Where is the uproar against this? WHERE???
Israel does need a cleansing… a good one; not only of bread during the Holiday season but also of hatred. Both are violations of the Holy Teachings.


Angry arguments broke out in the West Virginia statehouse on Friday after the state Republican Party allegedly set up an anti-Muslim display in the rotunda linking the 9/11 terror attacks to a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota.

Why stop at the 9 11 attacks?

Why not blame her for the Holocaust as well?

Why not blame her for the REAL upsurge of anti Semitic incidents taking place throughout the world today?

Why not blame her for all of the mass shootings in the United States?

Perhaps it’s because she is not to blame for any of the above! 

GOP’s anti-Muslim display likening Rep. Omar to a terrorist rocks W. Virginia capitol

“We have allowed national level politics to become a cancer on our state,” the House speaker said.
By Dareh Gregorian For NBC NEWS

Angry arguments broke out in the West Virginia statehouse on Friday after the state Republican Party allegedly set up an anti-Muslim display in the rotunda linking the 9/11 terror attacks to a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota.

One staff member was physically injured during the morning’s confrontations, and another official resigned after being accused of making anti-Muslim comments.

The display featured a picture of the World Trade Center in New York City as a fireball exploded from the one of the Twin Towers, set above a picture of Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, who is Muslim.

“‘Never forget’ – you said. . .” read a caption on the first picture. “I am the proof – you have forgotten,” read the caption under the picture of Omar, who is wearing a hijab.

Omar tweeted about the incident later on Friday.

“No wonder why I am on the ‘Hitlist’ of a domestic terrorist and ‘Assassinate Ilhan Omar’ is written on my local gas stations,” she wrote.

The display was set up as part of “WV GOP Day,” which the party advertised on Facebook as a day when “Republicans Take the Rotunda.”

Several Democrats objected to the display, and reportedly got into an argument with the House’s sergeant at arms, Anne Lieberman, after she allegedly made an anti-Muslim remark.

Del. Mike Angelucci, D-Marion, charged Lieberman had said “all Muslims are terrorists.”

He said that was “hate speech.”

“Muslims are not terrorists. Christians have killed people. That doesn’t mean Christians are terrorists. I am a Christian. I am a proud Christian. I am not a terrorist,” he said, according to WSAZ.

“I am furious, and I don’t want to see her representing the people of this great state in the House again,” Angelucci said of Lieberman, who became the state’s first female sergeant at arms last year. Speaking to West Virginia Public Broadcasting, Lieberman denied she’d made the comment. By the end of the day she had submitted her resignation “effective immediately,” officials said.

The outrage continued on the House floor, where Del. Mike Pushkin, a Democrat, took aim at the display.

“It’s ugly, it’s hateful and there’s absolutely no place for it in American politics,” Pushkin said, according to WVNews. “Not in the country that I love. Not in the state that I love. We all give up our time during this time of year to come up here and serve our constituents because we love this state. Well, I love everybody in the state no matter what they look like, who they pray to, who they love. I’m tired of it. It disgusts me.”

Pushkin, who’s Jewish, added, “I’m proud to live in a country that somebody can come into this country with absolutely nothing and wind up in the halls of Congress representing the state of Minnesota.”

House Speaker Roger Hanshaw issued a statement saying his office is investigating what happened.

“As we began today’s floor session, we had a series of incidents occur in and outside of our Chamber that absolutely do not reflect the character and civility the people of this state demand of their public servants. Leadership of the House of Delegates is currently working to investigate these incidents to learn firsthand the factual basis of what occurred, and will respond with appropriate action,” the statement said.

“The West Virginia House of Delegates unequivocally rejects hate in all of its forms.”

The House is made up of 59 Republicans and 41 Democrats.

In later remarks on the floor, Hanshaw said an unidentified staffer had been injured during the confrontations, but gave no other details. “I bluntly struggle with what even to say,” he said. “We have allowed national level politics to become a cancer on our state . . to invade our chamber in a way that makes me ashamed.”

“We can do better,” he added.

Another Republican delegate, Eric Porterfield, was hit with calls to resign last month after he called LGBTQ groups “the closest thing to political terrorism in America” and “a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan.”

“Let me (be) very clear with my statement,” Porterfield told NBC News then. “The LGBTQ — not homosexuals — are the modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan.”


As far as Ilhan Omer’s original Tweet goes, she apologised for it, although she was correct! 

Best the West Virginia GOP watch the following video to see where AIPAC’s dollars are going…..


Upon arrival …

Three friends from Colombia visited me this week. Upon their arrival at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv they were completely body searched. It seems that it is assumed by many that all Colombians are smuggling drugs into whatever country they are visiting.

After about a two hour search and interrogation (and not finding any non existent drugs) they were finally allowed to leave the airport….


Some Background on the three

One of them spent a few years here earlier. The other two were visiting for the first time. They wanted to see as much of Israel as possible in their short (1 week) visit. They also wanted to visit Bethlehem and Nazareth. Being Christians, it seemed natural to visit the birthplace and home of their Lord.

This apparently is one big NO NO as far as the Israeli Authorities are concerned.

Leaving for home …

Not as easy as you might think! When they presented their passports to the Airport Security people they were immediately taken out of line and sent to what is commonly called ‘the bad room’.

The following questions and answers …

Security …. Do you have any Palestinian friends?

Answer … We have Palestinian friends and Jewish friends.

Big Brother is following you on your visit

Security …. We saw on your FaceBook Page and in other places (Click on link) photos of you visiting Palestine, is this a fact?

Answer … Yes it is a fact. We went to visit the Church of Nativity where Jesus was born. We also visited Nazareth where He spent most of His short life.

Security … Did any of your Palestinian friends give you gifts or put anything in your baggage?

Answer … No

At this point they were all forced to strip and full body scans were performed. Everything in their baggage was removed and checked carefully. Nothing suspicious was found as there wasn’t anything to find.

The procedure, except for the body scan, was repeated by other personnel two more times taking three hours in total.

One of the three had a laptop with him. Security confiscated it as well as his Smartphone. They told him it would be sent to his home in Colombia within a few days.

They were finally allowed to leave the room and head towards the gate to catch their plane (which they almost missed).

So why all the fuss?

So, suddenly there IS a Palestine. Go figure!

Bottom line is … if you visit Israel with the intention of visiting Palestine as well, DO NOT POST ANYTHING ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA SITE UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE COUNTRY.

Hassles such as the above can be prevented.



Rambling down Memory Lane…….

July 1st has always been a special day for me. Fifty one years ago today I left the United States and applied for Landed Immigrant Status in Canada. My wife and I picked this date as it was a National Holiday and we figured there would be less security at the Toronto Airport…. and less questions. It was a special day in Canada, it was the 100th anniversary of Confederation.
My suspicions proved correct…. there was only a handful of security personnel on duty and I was asked only two questions…
“How long do you plan on staying in Canada?”…. to which I responded “Forever!”
The second question was “Are you a subversive?”…. to which I responded quite naively “What does that mean?”
“Do you consider yourself a threat to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second or any one of her heirs?” (pronounced ‘hairs’ when I verbalise this story)…. to which I responded “Definitely not!”
“Welcome to Canada! Here is your Landed Immigrant Status Card!” (Let it be known that in no way did I consider the Royal Family ‘Divine’ in any way, but I did not feel I was a threat to their existence.)

Little did that Immigration Officer know, but in the United States I WAS considered a subversive…. in fact, I carried with me a ten page document of allegations against me from Army ‘Intelligence’ which ended with the words “Your entrance into any branch of the Armed Forces at any time would be detrimental to the security of our nation.” How much more of a ‘subversive’ can one hope to be?
It would be ‘safe’ to say that I owe my life to the FBI. The document I mentioned above was full of information provided by them. Their ‘planted’ informants knew the exact date and time that I joined the Communist Party of the United States. They knew every move I made during all my years of activity.
On my 18th birthday I registered with the Draft Board. We had to do that by law in those days. A few years later I received my order to report for my physical examination. I will never forget the short, burly man in charge that day…. Sgt. Randazzo. His face and voice haunts me to this day. The day I had to report was like a mini High School Reunion. Almost every male in my graduation class was present that day. We were lined up and were asked if we were interested in volunteering for the Marines. As this was a sure way to be sent to Viet Nam, there wasn’t a single volunteer. Randazzo then proceeded to pick every third person in line to serve in the Marines. But…… immediately before that an announcement was made…. “Anyone that was ever arrested, please go to Room 101.” Off I went….. which meant that poor Michael, who was standing next to me, was picked to be a Marine…. it should have been me, but I was being interrogated instead. Needless to say, Michael does not speak to me to this day.
If you move the ‘timer’ to 7:50 on the following video, you will get a pretty good idea what that interrogation was like….
A few months later I received my 4F. At first I was given ten days to deny the allegations in the document I received…. non compliance earned me my 4F. The rest is history…..
Moving on…. here we were in a new country, a country with totally different values and definitions than the one we had just left. But, I felt that we were still not ‘home free’…. our new government might discover our past and deport us, so we prepared for this by purchasing a framed photograph of Her Majesty and hanging it in the hallway of our new apartment. If the Royal Mounted Police ever came to ‘visit’ it would be the first thing they saw. We had two new statuses that we did not want to lose…. Landed Immigrant and NON Subversive!
My political activities continued throughout my years in Canada, including running in elections for both the Federal Parliament and the Province of Ontario…. on the ticket of the Communist Party of Canada. This Party was/is legal, so my status of Non Subversive did not change.
Fifty one years later there is once again hope that Canada will become the Free North Proud and Free that it once was. The Tories’ reign of terror has finally ended. Let us hope we never see a repeat of it. Never say never!
Proud to be a Canadian ….. except for this …


Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation

Visions of hope and peace surround us today from both sides of the wall in the Holy Land. Sunset will usher in the Hebrew Month of Sivan on one side whilst the Holy Month of Ramadan starts on the other.

Despite efforts of the forces of evil to increase the divisions and hatred between both of our peoples, this is the season that brings us hope that all will end well …. let us truly welcome The Age of Aquarius! Let the sun shine in!

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Oh, let it shine, c’mon
Now everybody just sing along
Let the sun shine in
Open up your heart and let it shine on in
When you are lonely, let it shine on
Got to open up your heart and let it shine on in
And when you feel like you’ve been mistreated
And your friends turn away
Just open your heart, and shine it on in
To our Muslim readers, family and friends …..
Ramadan Kareem!
And to our Jewish readers, family and friends …..
Chodesh Sivan Tov!


I always found this strange ….
Any movie you watch that might have an animal in it has a disclaimer that ‘no animal was harmed during the production of this film’.
Meanwhile, humans were shot to death, mangled or tortured in the same film ….. where is the disclaimer for them?

Image may contain: text


In the summer of 1978 I visited the Soviet Union. I visited the city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), the scene of the fiercest battle against the nazis during WW2.

We were taken to a hill where thousands of soldiers and civilians lie buried. At the top of the hill stood the most magnificent statue I ever saw in my life. (See THIS related post)

The Motherland calls

Last Thursday night I was presented with a foot high duplicate of this beautiful statue from a close friend that lives in Moscow.

International Women’s Day came early to my home this year. To me, this statue represents the strength and beauty of all women throughout the world. 

To the Motherland!


Be sure to click on links …

In the ‘nest of Peace‘ that I call home, a new development is in the making ….When I went to the local shopping plaza this afternoon a new shoppe was in the process of opening …. A BBQ and Shwarma eatery. This will be a most welcome addition to our community …


It won’t be classified as ‘Kosher‘. It will be governed by Sharia Law making it ‘Halal’.

Undoubtedly this will upset the handful of right-wingers living in our community (to the point that hopefully they will move). Thank goodness, the majority of our locals make this area a special one.

I’ll be sure to keep you updated on opening day.

Hopefully this will NOT be the case

THIS is what the case should be



Rambling down Memory Lane…….

July 1st has always been a special day for me. Fifty years ago today I left the United States and applied for Landed Immigrant Status in Canada. My wife and I picked this date as it was a National Holiday and we figured there would be less security at the Toronto Airport…. and less questions. It was a special day in Canada, it was the 100th anniversary of Confederation.
My suspicions proved correct…. there was only a handful of security personnel on duty and I was asked only two questions…
“How long do you plan on staying in Canada?”…. to which I responded “Forever!”*
The second question was “Are you a subversive?”…. to which I responded quite naively “What does that mean?”
“Do you consider yourself a threat to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second or any one of her heirs?” (pronounced ‘hairs’ when I verbalise this story)…. to which I responded “Definitely not!”
“Welcome to Canada! Here is your Landed Immigrant Status Card!” (Let it be known that in no way did I consider the Royal Family ‘Divine’ in any way, but I did not feel I was a threat to their existence.)

Little did that Immigration Officer know, but in the United States I WAS considered a subversive…. in fact, I carried with me a ten page document of allegations against me from Army ‘Intelligence’ which ended with the words “Your entrance into any branch of the Armed Forces at any time would be detrimental to the security of our nation.” How much more of a ‘subversive’ can one hope to be?
It would be ‘safe’ to say that I owe my life to the FBI. The document I mentioned above was full of information provided by them. Their ‘planted’ informants knew the exact date and time that I joined the Communist Party of the United States. They knew every move I made during all my years of activity.
On my 18th birthday I registered with the Draft Board. We had to do that by law in those days. A few years later I received my order to report for my physical examination. I will never forget the short, burly man in charge that day…. Sgt. Randazzo. His face and voice haunts me to this day. The day I had to report was like a mini High School Reunion. Almost every male in my graduation class was present that day. We were lined up and were asked if we were interested in volunteering for the Marines. As this was a sure way to be sent to Viet Nam, there wasn’t a single volunteer. Randazzo then proceeded to pick every third person in line to serve in the Marines. But…… immediately before that an announcement was made…. “Anyone that was ever arrested, please go to Room 101.” Off I went….. which meant that poor Michael, who was standing next to me, was picked to be a Marine…. it should have been me, but I was being interrogated instead. Needless to say, Michael does not speak to me to this day.
If you move the ‘timer’ to 7:50 on the following video, you will get a pretty good idea what that interrogation was like….
A few months later I received my 4F. At first I was given ten days to deny the allegations in the document I received…. non compliance earned me my 4F. The rest is history…..
Moving on…. here we were in a new country, a country with totally different values and definitions than the one we had just left. But, I felt that we were still not ‘home free’…. our new government might discover our past and deport us, so we prepared for this by purchasing a framed photograph of Her Majesty and hanging it in the hallway of our new apartment. If the Royal Mounted Police ever came to ‘visit’ it would be the first thing they saw. We had two new statuses that we did not want to lose…. Landed Immigrant and NON Subversive!
My political activities continued throughout my years in Canada, including running in elections for both the Federal Parliament and the Province of Ontario…. on the ticket of the Communist Party of Canada. This Party was/is legal, so my status of Non Subversive did not change.
Fifty years later there is once again hope that Canada will become the Free North Proud and Free that it once was. The Tories’ reign of terror has finally ended. Let us hope we never see a repeat of it. Never say never!


 To all of my Muslim readers, Family and Friends..

Eid al-Fitre Mubarak!

The Glorious Holy Month of Ramadan will be coming to an end tonight at sundown … ushering in the wonderful feast days of Eid-al-Fitr. A time for joyous celebrations with families, a time to feel completely renewed and refreshed.
That’s how it’s spelled out in the books…
Unfortunately in Palestine the book is written differently… families are divided, family members are denied entry to join in the celebrations, families are mourning their loved ones killed by Israeli forces.
It’s time for all to celebrate! It’s time for all families to be together!
Damn those that won’t let this be!!
Let us hope that soon the situation will be different and we can all be together… secure in our own Homeland…. secure with a Right of Return… and THE RIGHT TO STAY!
In the meantime…. AL-EID-MUBARAK!!! Make the best of it and try to enjoy.
Never give up the dream and hope that all will be good one day...


First read this to see what was ….. (Click on link)


Now read this to see what is ….. ‘How the dark side dims the light’

‘Death to Arabs’ spray-painted on Jerusalem cars

Multiple cars vandalized in French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem

Police are investigating a possible “price-tag” incident in the capital Monday morning, after a number of cars were vandalized.

The vandals targeted cars in the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem, spray-painting messages in green paint including “Death to Arabs”.

French Hill, a predominantly Jewish neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem, is in close proximity to the Arab neighborhoods of Issawiya and Shuafat.

The area is also home to a large number of students and faculty from the nearby Hebrew University campus on Mount Scopus.

Authorities are investigating the possibility that the vandalism was targeted at the area’s Arab residents or students. Police units have been deployed to the scene and are searching the area for those responsible.


 Israel was in for a big surprise on it’s 69th birthday….. no one was in ‘celebration mode’… or mood. The failed ‘Peace Talks’, the economic situation, the recent scandals among high government officials could be part of the reason. The ongoing crisis between Israel and Palestine is probably the main factor, people on both sides of the wall are sick and tired of the needless killing.
In years gone by blue and white flags were visible everywhere…. on private cars, on windows and terraces….everywhere. I always thought of it as an ‘in your face’ demonstration against the people of Palestine that did NOT have a national day (or nation) to fly their flag. This year, hardly a flag is flying. Yesterday, while strolling through my neighbourhood, I counted three cars that had flags attached to their windows. In the past everyone that purchased an Israeli newspaper on Friday received a large Israeli flag as a gift, compliments of one of the major banks here….. this year this was not to be.
As we sped off to a family BBQ on the other side of town the roads were empty and we arrived at our destination in record time. There wasn’t the usual holiday traffic jam,  just another Sunday in the middle of the week. Certainly a good excuse to be with family, but not in celebration of any special holiday.
THIS article from the New York Times articulates a bit on the mood in Israel and the possible reasons for it. It is dated, but still valid. The attitude of many Jews living outside of Israel is “We will celebrate when Arab and Jew live as equals in a peaceful Middle East.” That quote is taken from a letter that appeared in The Guardian a few years ago.
Hopefully, very soon, the flags will once again fly, two of them side by side, as our two nations celebrate their independence TOGETHER.



To all of our true Christian readers, family and friends ….

A most joyous Easter Sunday.

May His message of love and peace drown out the sounds of the bombs we are hearing about daily.


‘Wanted Poster’ from before His murder

Image by Art Young

To this very day they continue to kill the family of Jesus ….

(Click on link)



Observant Jews in Israel craving a smoke during the week-long Passover holiday that starts at sundown on Monday can now enjoy a rabbi-approved puff.

‘Kosher Irony’


'Kosher for Passover'

‘Kosher for Passover’

Above is a photo I just took of a pack of Israeli cigarettes. The box at the bottom of the box is a warning from the Israeli Ministry of Health stating that ‘Smoking is hazardous to your health’ ….


The yellow pull tab at the top claims that these cigarettes are ‘Kosher for Passover’ ….

Suicide might be painless …. but cancer or heart disease isn’t! 

Death is NOT KOSHER …. apparently neither are some rabbis!


Related …. (Click on link)

Kosher cigarettes approved for Passover


So true in Israel today

So true in Israel today

The greatest threat to the extreme right in Israel is not terrorism, it is TRUTH.

After the conviction of the soldier terrorist Elor Azaria, the right launched a campaign to free him. The mouthpiece of the right, our local Psycho Gal has been the most vocal, which came as no surprise to anyone.

As stated above, the TRUTH is their greatest threat.

Not necessarily so in Israel

Not necessarily so in Israel

Here is the result of the anti-Truth campaign ….. FROM

Harassment and attacks against activist who filmed Hebron shooting continue

Israeli settlers attempted to break into the Hebron home of activist Imad Abu Shamsiyya and threw stones at the house Saturday evening, as he has continued to be the target of death threats and harassment after he filmed an Israeli soldier shoot a Palestinian to death last year.

In a rare move move, the soldier was convicted of manslaughter earlier this week, in large part due to the damning footage captured by Abu Shamsiyya, amid a backdrop of what critics have called a culture of impunity for Israeli soldiers who are not held accountable for similar cases of apparent “extrajudicial executions” of Palestinians.

On Wednesday, the day of conviction, Abu Shamsiyya said he “feared for his life.”

Since his footage went viral the day of the shooting back in March 2015, Abu Shamsiyya has been the target of violent settler incursions on his home and has received hundreds of death threats online.

Leading up to the announcement of the verdict, Abu Shamsiyya said that members of Elor Azarya’s family — the soldier who was ultimately convicted for the shooting — broke into his home and “asked me to go to court and change my testimony.” He said he had video footage proving the incursion took place.

Israel settlers returned to his home Saturday evening, he told Ma’an, and attempted to break into his home.

Abu Shamsiya told Ma’an that settlers gathered around his house, and when they failed to break in, they hurled stones, causing minor damages.

He highlighted that large numbers of Israeli forces were present when the settlers attacked the house and soldiers intervened and drove away the attackers.

Abu Shamsiyya added that in March he had asked the Israeli army to provide him protection from settlers, as death threats began pouring in on Facebook while others attempted to bribe him to change his witness testimony.

An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an they were looking into the reports of Saturday nights attack.

The United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner last month condemned the “daily violations” of human rights and international law faced by activists and human rights defenders in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A “worrying number of complaints” have been filed by human rights activists to the UN in recent months, which have highlighted in particular the Israeli government practice of arbitrarily detaining Palestinian activists “as a direct result of their important work in their communities.”

“The right of all those who are seeking hope and participation in concrete, nonviolent action must be protected, particularly as we are seeing the deepening entrenchment of the Israeli occupation and the accompanying human rights violations,” the report said.

Amnesty International released a statement Wednesday saying that the conviction of Elor Azarya “must pave the way for justice for unlawful killings.”

“Today’s conviction of a member of the Israeli forces is a rare occurrence in a country with a long record of using excessive and unwarranted force, and where soldiers who may have committed crimes under international law very seldom face prosecution. The verdict is a small step in the right direction and offers a glimmer of hope that soldiers who commit unlawful killings may no longer go unpunished,” said Philip Luther, Research and Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.

“Sadly, this case is just the tip of the iceberg. Time and again we have witnessed cases where Israeli forces appear to have carried out unlawful killings, displaying an appalling disregard for human life. The authorities’ repeated failure to hold anyone accountable for flagrant violations has fostered a culture in which unlawful killings have become acceptable,” said Philip Luther.

Amnesty international said that they sent a memorandum to Israeli authorities in Sep. 2016, citing at least 20 cases of apparently unlawful killings of Palestinians by Israeli forces, of which at least 15 of those killed were deliberately shot dead, despite posing no imminent threat to life.

The video that helped get the conviction ….


And the man behind the camera ….

 Imad Abu Shamsiyya

Imad Abu Shamsiyya


Now that the last check of the year sent by President Obama to Israel has been cashed, it’s easy for Netanyahu to mouth off against all who have supported him and his policies over the years.

Shameful indeed!

NOT the UN Resolution but the continued expansion of illegal settlements!!

Despite the outrage of the American zionist community, this resolution just might be what the civilized world has been waiting for.

Joy To The World!

Image by Carlos Latuff

So nice to watch Bibi squirm like a worm

"And then they said we have to stop stealing other people's land & obey international law. Waaaaaaaa!!!

“And then they said we have to stop stealing other people’s land & obey international law. Waaaaaaaa!!!


I was always considered to be the rebel in my family. Years of involvement in Leftwing causes resulted in many an argument with other close relatives…

But, my views were usually respected as I never took an extremist position on anything.



Things are different today as the nation is divided by the election tomorrow. Families as well are divided for the first time since the Civil War. It’s a pathetic thing to watch, especially from the other side of the pond.

Having left the US in 1967, I gave up my right to vote in their elections. For this I am thankful as is my son.

There is an irony to my living here on the other side of the pond, in Israel…I came here in 1984 to visit my cousins. They were ardent zionists at the time, which I wasn’t and still am not. They returned to the States soon after my visit as Israel just wasn’t what they thought it was. I decided to remain here as I saw it as a perfect opportunity to continue being a ‘rebel with a cause’ and advocate for the full rights of the Palestinian people. It made more sense to me to do that within the borders of Israel than elsewhere. If you are  regular reader of this Blog you will know that 33 years later I am still the same rebel I always was.

But, getting back to the election …. there too I am the rebel. My family, like millions of other families is divided. Some for Clinton, some for Trump. In Israel one hears “who is better for the Jews”? NOT who is better for America.

America needs a President for AMERICA …. NOT for Israel!

America needs a President that is NOT a criminal or an idiot.

SO … I endorse neither.

America needs a President that will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!

So … I endorse nether.

Watch these two videos (by my fellow rebel)before you vote ….


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